Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Spain to Morocco (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/spain-to-morocco-1880)

AFrear 29 Jul 2003 16:29

Spain to Morocco
Hi there,

Any suggestions as to where I could buy michelin deserts in southern Spain, preferably in Almería.

Also could someone please tell how often the ferry crosses from Almería to Nador or Melilla.

Cheers, Aubrey.

[This message has been edited by AFrear (edited 29 July 2003).]

Stephen 21 Aug 2003 15:07

Check out the website for ferry times. I don't have the URL but a google search for ferries etc will get you there.



Originally posted by AFrear:
Hi there,

Any suggestions as to where I could buy michelin deserts in southern Spain, preferably in Almería.

Also could someone please tell how often the ferry crosses from Almería to Nador or Melilla.

Cheers, Aubrey.

[This message has been edited by AFrear (edited 29 July 2003).]

peterkik 21 Aug 2003 19:40


The ferries goes usually twice a day. by noon to Nador, by midnight to Melilla. And they switch the day and night every week.
Have a look at www.ferrymaroc.com and www.trasmediterranea.com/

In fact they sail to the same harbor in Mellila, which is Morocco on the southside and SPain on the northside.


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