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Roel van Ulft 10 Jun 2007 07:57

Sudan Visa/ Rain season Africa (??)
Hello all,

At the mo in Oz and shipping to SA very soon. Want to travel up the east coast (probably) but have heard many problems to get a Sudan Visa. Easy to get in Cairo but anywhere else big struggle. Is this correct?? What are your experiences??

Thought off going west coast, but rain season more severe over there (been told). When is the rain season exactly in Africa. By the way heard as well that Angola visa is a bit of a nightmare.

Hope to hear from you.

Roel and Lizzy

hook 10 Jun 2007 08:14

If you print out the following information and follow the directions, you should obtain a visa from Sudan in less than 24 hours (this refers to the Sudanese embassy in Addis Ababa):

Obtaining a visa for Sudan has become more difficult over the past few months. I just obtained mine today. I met a couple from Switzerland that were refused visas for Sudan, and just heard about a couple from Austria that were turned away this month. Both couples are heading to Djibouti to try and find a ferry to Port Said. Don't bother trying for a Sudanese visa in Nairobi, they don't issue them there. Cairo is said to be the easiest place to obtain a visa. I made a total of 6 trips to the embassy of Sudan here in Addis, I met a Korean fellow who needed 7 visits. Don't bother going to the embassy without the following:
1) A letter of introduction from your country's embassy. It must include your name and date of birth and CANNOT be a standard form letter without your name- ask me how I know that!
2) A photocopy of your passport (page with your picture).
3) A photocopy of your passport (page showing your visa for Egypt).
4) 2 passport photos.
5) Plenty of patience.
You cannot obtain an appliction until your letter of intro has been examined and signed by an official (in 1 of 2 offices on the left side of the embassy). Expect to wait from 1-2 hours at each step, there are 3 or 4 steps. After obtaining an application, fill it out. It reads right to left, like Arabic. Filling the form out from left to right will have you putting the wrong info in the boxes. Now it's time to put the docs together:
Page 1) Application.
Page 2) Letter of intoduction.
Page 3) Photocopy of passport (with your picture).
Page 4) Photocopy of passport (with Egypt visa).
Now put 1 of the passport photos on the top left corner of the documents. Put the other photo on the back of the docs, opposite the first pic, and staple the photos/docs together (when you turn the docs over you should be able to see your picture). There is a stapler available near the visa section. If you need a photocopy made, exit the embassy, cross the street and turn left, there is a shop some 100 meters up the road. The cost of the visa ranges from $50-150usd, depending on your nationality. If you follow these instructions, you'll save weeks of running around Addis. I met a couple who were told they didn't need an Egyptian visa to obtain their transit visa (valid for 7 days). The Korean fellow I met was told he had to have one- as was I. I would suggest you obtain one- you'll have to anyway. After giving your docs to the visa section, you can (hopefully) collect your passport/visa the next day after 1500- unless it is saturday! The embassy is open monday/wednesday/friday, 0800-1230. Though when I went there last friday morning I was told the staff were at a Mosque and wouldn't be working that day. Good luck! Hook.

5 Eyes 11 Jun 2007 15:09

Hey Hook

Great advice as ever.

havent got my Sudanese visa yet but as ever hopeful and now better informed :)

Flying down to Cape Town on the 1st July so hope to be on the road around the 4th.

Let me know where you are, it would be great to meet up


inyang 8 Aug 2007 16:46

Africa Rain Season
There is no single rain season for Africa.

The equator cuts across Central Africa and the seasons are reversed when you cross the equator.

Thought off going west coast, but rain season more severe over there (been told). When is the rain season exactly in Africa.

The rain does come down really hard in West Africa. I just came back from a ride (Abuja to Port Harcourt - 750km) and it rained so hard on the return trip that we were doing 40km/h for 200km. The road was covered in water and visibility goes down to like 5m ahead.

Have a look at Lonely Planet West Africa (or equivalent) as there are variations in seasons between countries. Some countries have a single rain season while others have a break in between.

Standard season in West Africa is : Rain-April to October, Dry- November to March.

Near the coast, it starts raining as early as February though

Dingo 29 Aug 2007 07:12

Why Sudan??
Hey Guys,

If Sudan is such a problem why not go up through Yemen, Oman etc? The visa for Yemen is easy to get and not so expensive. There is a new road along the coast as well so it's worth a ride. Just don't try in July / Aug too HOT!


Surfer 29 Aug 2007 08:36

I have an african excel weather chart with all the seasons which i will mail tonight.

mrg46 29 Aug 2007 13:21

And me please

Originally Posted by Surfer (Post 148733)
I have an african excel weather chart with all the seasons which i will mail tonight.


Would you by any chance be able to send this to me too pls (or post it here)

Thanks in advance

Surfer 29 Aug 2007 16:01

please send me your email so i can mail u the chart.

noel di pietro 29 Aug 2007 19:35

seasons and weather
I have a weather chart on my site, not only showing rainy seasons but other stuff to. check this link;

exploreafrica.web-log.nl: 31-handy (check) lists



mrg46 29 Aug 2007 19:36


Originally Posted by Surfer (Post 148772)
please send me your email so i can mail u the chart.

Arg, I need 8 posts before I can PM anyone. Here goes post 7

mrg46 29 Aug 2007 19:37

and post 8 :offtopic:

Surfer 30 Aug 2007 09:25

keep posting

mrg46 30 Aug 2007 10:09

aargh :helpsmilie:

outthere 1 Sep 2007 03:13

Hi Roel and Lizzy,
I have my bike in Joburg at the moment, fly out 1st Oct.to travel up the East coast to get to Dakar to see some of the Dakar Rally in Jan.08. I have some contacts in South Africa if u need/want.

all the best Brian Bayley:scooter:

Roel and Lizzy

noel di pietro 1 Sep 2007 14:42

East coast , Dakar
Brian, you travel up the east coast to see some of the Dakar in Jan 08 ????

How do you want to cross east too west ????


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