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ExpatinIstanbul 24 Mar 2011 15:55

Suggestions for Syria and Lebanon?
It looks as though I'll be going to a friend's stag party in Beirut in May, and rather than a boring flight I think I'll go on the bike as it'll be a good opportunity to see something of the region. I live in Istanbul and so will leave from here.

Does anyone have any suggestions of what to see in Syria and Lebanon, or good routes through either, bearing in mind I'll only have 4 or 5 days altogether in both countries?

MountainMan 24 Mar 2011 17:22

Hey Expat,

Hopefully the security situation in Syria is cooled down at that point. Since you are in Turkey already, I would suggest getting your visa ahead of time as one could imagine that the sometimes current practice of showing up at the border and getting your visa there might get more complicated if they start worrying about security in general.

Allepo is short ride from the border and an interesting city. Palmyra is not to be missed. I didn't go, but some friends swung by Crac de Chevalier and recommended it. Damascus is wonderful as well, but now that's a lot to see in a few days. Happy riding.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 24 Mar 2011 20:23

Turkish citizens need no visa to enter Syria and Lebanon.
Turkish citizens need no visa to enter Syria and Lebanon.
All other informations available by our club.

wish you all the best
mehmet z. avar

Türk Vatandaşlarının Tabi Olduğu Vize Uygulamaları / T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı

Lübnan: Diplomatik, Hususi, Hizmet ve Umuma Mahsus Pasaport hamili Türk vatandaşları, Lübnan'a yapcakları turizm amaçlı seyahatleri veya transit geçişlerinde, Lübnan'da toplam ikamet süresi, ilk giriş tarihinden itibaren geçerli olacak şekilde, altı ay içerisinde 90 günü geçmemek kaydıyla vizeden muaftır.

Suriye: Diplomatik, Hizmet, Hususi ve Umuma Mahsus Pasaport hamilleri her altı ay içinde ilk giriş tarihinden itibaren geçerli olacak şekilde doksan (90) gün ikametli seyahatlerinde vizeden muaftır.

Knight of the Holy Graal 24 Mar 2011 21:22


Originally Posted by MountainMan (Post 329564)
I didn't go, but some friends swung by Crac de Chevalier and recommended it.

I have been there in 2008 and I confirm that the Krak des Chevaliers is a must see: you will visit the entire castle in about one hour, and it's in the middle of a nice hilly area.
I enjoyed much Aleppo, Damascus, the roman theatre of Bosra (very close to the border with Jordan) and the nice ruins of Apamea.

But Palmyra is the highlight of Syria: if you arrive there at sunset, you'll see a real "postcard" you'll never forget.

ExpatinIstanbul 25 Mar 2011 08:30


Originally Posted by istanbul bisiklet motosiklet (Post 329579)
Turkish citizens need no visa to enter Syria and Lebanon.
All other informations available by our club.

wish you all the best
mehmet z. avar

Türk Vatandaşlarının Tabi Olduğu Vize Uygulamaları / T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı

Lübnan: Diplomatik, Hususi, Hizmet ve Umuma Mahsus Pasaport hamili Türk vatandaşları, Lübnan'a yapcakları turizm amaçlı seyahatleri veya transit geçişlerinde, Lübnan'da toplam ikamet süresi, ilk giriş tarihinden itibaren geçerli olacak şekilde, altı ay içerisinde 90 günü geçmemek kaydıyla vizeden muaftır.

Suriye: Diplomatik, Hizmet, Hususi ve Umuma Mahsus Pasaport hamilleri her altı ay içinde ilk giriş tarihinden itibaren geçerli olacak şekilde doksan (90) gün ikametli seyahatlerinde vizeden muaftır.

Hi Mehmet, I'm not Turkish so I'll need a visa. I think I met you when I helped Jurgen (from Belgium, on a KTM) with his bike.

The plan is to not wander too far from a line between Turkey and Beirut, unless I can convince my wife to allow me a few extra days.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 25 Mar 2011 11:17

''''Hi Mehmet, I'm not Turkish so I'll need a visa. I think I met you when I helped Jurgen (from Belgium, on a KTM) with his bike.''''

Nice to meet you here again.I remember you now.

His KTM is repaired in the club garage and Jurgen is back in Belgium after a lovely off-road we had together.We keep in touch with him.
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We always report customs crossing problems to our Presidential Authorities.
Now he is in Mid-African countries officially.We keep the files up todate
about customs formalities for Turkish riders going abroad and for foreigners visiting Turkey.

We do our best for riders free of charge.Because we believe the best way of adventure riding and travelling when you are at home is hosting riders, helping them and having talks about adventures.

Wish you all the best.

mehmet Z.Avar

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