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-   -   Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, would you go? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/tajikistan-kyrgyzstan-would-you-go-55379)

Wildman 10 Feb 2011 12:37

Good thread. What's the best advice for Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan; visas before you leave or visas en route? If en route, where did you get them and how long did it take. Thanks for your input.

rich g650x 10 Feb 2011 15:48

The advice I received was to sort out all the visas before I go. Hence having to be decisive about the route.
I also now have to be decisive about the dates, which dates and how long do I want to be in each country. How long does it take to cross each country especially as I aim to stay off the grey stuff as much as practical.
I would expect that riding through sunning scenery and riding on the more enjoyable dirt track type roads also means low daily mileage.
Also sound advice (again from Tiffany) to overlap visa dates by a couple of days to build in some flexibility.
My last concern (he says flippantly) is that if I leave to early I will be riding into bad weather. Does anyone have experience or even photos of Uzbekistan to Tajikistan to Kyrgyzstan in May?

sciii 11 Feb 2011 00:52

I plane do simmilary trip. My route will be Hungary - Ukraina-Rossia - Kazahstan- Uzbekistan - Kirgizia - Tajikistan. I will do mytrip in summer, jul - august because weather is the nice in that time. Maybe we meet on the way:clap::thumbup1:

Sambor 11 Feb 2011 07:59

I spent every year month or two in Central Asia so I will be there...

sciii 17 Feb 2011 03:15

Sambor, maybe we can travel together part off the way, I read your store from Wakhan, I like go there and make something for that children. We must help to them! i hope we meet which other, we have very similary thinking about this (wrong) world and I so glad to meet you man. Cheers:thumbup1:

colebatch 17 Feb 2011 16:16


Originally Posted by rich g650x (Post 323618)
My last concern (he says flippantly) is that if I leave to early I will be riding into bad weather. Does anyone have experience or even photos of Uzbekistan to Tajikistan to Kyrgyzstan in May?

I was there in a May... '09. Lots of pics here from that particular trip: Central Asia - Pure Photos (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan)

colebatch 17 Feb 2011 16:26


Originally Posted by T.REX63 (Post 323501)
Now that's inspiring...:confused1:

Yes, sorry mate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is just somewhere to go thru to and from far more interesting stans. I don't know why people get excited about the prospect of going to Kazakhstan, but I suspect its because Ewan McCharley made such a song and dance of shouting "we're in kazakhstan" several times. It is a pity that they didn't go to any, let alone all, of the three more interesting stans. Claudio would have gotten some awesome video.

Zimi 18 Feb 2011 17:20


I'm leaving Switzerland for a 6 month trip this april, will be in the stans from july to end f august, coming from Mongolia and leaving to Romania.

I planned all my visas before (still don't have them yet) with David from Stantours.

Maybe we will see us in one of those countries.

strimstrum 18 Feb 2011 18:45

We are hoping to get through the Stans on our westwards RTW which starts from the UK this April. We should be reaching Kazakhstan around August and would like to do at least Uzbek & Turkmen but possibly Tajik and/or Kryg. Does anyone have any info on transit visas - can we get these on the road or do we have to apply before we leave the UK?

Also, with transit visas it seems that you have to have either some form of air ticket or a visa for the country that you are exiting to. How do you get around this requirement or is it not actually enforced ?

Our problem is that to get a transit visa for Uzbek the embassy is saying that we will need a Turkmen visa and the Turkmen embassy say that to transit Turkmen into Azerbaijan (across the Caspian Sea) we will need an Azebaijan visa .... an so it goes on - any suggestions ? Sorry, by the way - not trying to hijack the thread just interested in going to the Stans but trying to get around the red tape and it may be useful to know others' experiences to help make up our minds which ones are easier to enter.

rich g650x 19 Feb 2011 13:50

After all the advise and reading a lot of travel blogs and website, especially ‘seberskyexstreem’, that’s some pretty strong voodoo. My route and the visa info for the route are below. I have to say that I’m still unsure about which direction to ride it in, whether to long haul it through Russia to Mongolia and zigzag home or the or zigzag to Mongolia and long haul home. The visas take 8 weeks at the prices below so had better make up my mind soon.

Hi, the visa information I’ve gathered from Travcour- TRAVCOUR (UK) Ltd and includes their fee.

Europe to Russia to Mongolia double entry £158.40
Multiple entry apx. £450
Mongolia to Russia one month visa £79.50
Russia to Kazakhstan one month triple entry
from UK embassy apx. £80
Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan one month multiple £99.00
Kyrgyzstan to Tajikistan £119.50
Tajikistan to Uzbekistan £89.50
Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan to Russia to Europe

My route means a 3rd entry to Russia for which I need a second passport and a second Russian visa or a multiple entry business vise, both cost around £450.
Or you can cross the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan.
I don’t know the cost of the ferry but the extra visas are
Azerbaijan £97.00
Georgia £64.00

Every blog I’ve read has the ferry crossing as an ordeal, I’m wimping out of this particular challenge on health grounds. Having MS meaning standing around for hours or days should to be avoided where possible.

dnicoletti 19 Feb 2011 14:57

hi there,
as for caspian ferry fee:
i've got through from baku to turkmenbashi on last july, spending 200$ in a double cabin. as there are not timetable you can only reach turkmenbashi harbour and ask there
as for georgian visa: you can get it at the border (like i did) for free.
as for kyrgyz you must to check situation between this country and uzbekistan. on last august the borders between the two countries were closed due to the riots in osh and jalal abad.
roads in tajikistan (along the pyandhz river up to dushanbe) are very very bad, plus, you should to consider the floods. i had to put the bike on a truck 'till khorog as for submerged road. in kyrgyz chinese are rebuilding a new wide and paved road from sary tash to osh; it should be ready for next summer. road through kyrgyz-tajik border takes a lot; in case of rain, you'll get the pain (mud...) pamir highway (from khorog to murgab is 90% paved. after that...

in case you need more info pm me


Wildman 19 Feb 2011 19:04

Interesting stuff, Rich. We're just pondering the same issues.

rich g650x 21 Feb 2011 16:03

darn it
The window of possibility for the multi entry russian visa slammed shut. Second passport route it has to be. (didn't mean to sound like yoda) By all accounts that seems to be a bit of a lottery, will let you know how I get on.

srace7 21 Feb 2011 17:22


Originally Posted by rich g650x (Post 325147)
The window of possibility for the multi entry russian visa slammed shut. Second passport route it has to be. (didn't mean to sound like yoda) By all accounts that seems to be a bit of a lottery, will let you know how I get on.

Not sure what you mean by "window slamming shut"... I've just obtained 2 Multi Entry 12 month Visas on Friday and have another for a friend in the pipeline...

No problems encountered getting them or the LOIs...

Organised everything myself without needing a UK agency. Got them in person in London within 24 hours of submitting applications...

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