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rich g650x 7 Feb 2011 15:23

Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, would you go?
On sound advice (for visa purposes) I’m trying to be more specific about my route toward Mongolia this spring.
So my question is; would the wild campers and lovers of the landscape choose the route: -
Turkmenistan to Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan
Turkmenistan to Uzbekistan to Tajikistan to Kyrgyzstan to Kazakhstan

I know there is a train or thought that the more countries the better but I’m already satisfied that I’m crossing ample borders. I’m a bit daunted by all the visa requirements and also on advice (from Tiffiny) will farm this task out. The fewer border crossing I have to be date specific about the more freedom I seem to have. Do people remember Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan as high points in their trip?


TurboCharger 7 Feb 2011 15:35

I haven't been but the route through Turkmenistan to Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan then Kazakhstan is definitely on my list or places to go. Tajikistan is only a nice to have.

You need to include Russia in the list as there is not border from Kazakhstan to Mongolia.

If in that area, I would almost hazard a trip to Kashgar even if it meant leaving the bike for a few days... just a thought

Sambor 7 Feb 2011 18:20

I have been many times in the area. Stay longer in Uzbekistan if you like hitorical monuments, old cities etc. Spend more time in Kazakstan if you like flat terrain and step. But if you like wild world you have to go to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Kyrgyzstan is the best for me. No. 1 absolutely. More colorfull, green, full of water, horses, yurts. Tajikistan, especially Pamir is more wild, kind of desert located over 4000 meters.
It depend what you mean writing spring. It can be a snow in Pamir...

rich g650x 7 Feb 2011 18:38


Originally Posted by Sambor (Post 323194)
I have been many times in the area. Stay longer in Uzbekistan if you like hitorical monuments, old cities etc. Spend more time in Kazakstan if you like flat terrain and step. But if you like wild world you have to go to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Kyrgyzstan is the best for me. No. 1 absolutely. More colorfull, green, full of water, horses, yurts. Tajikistan, especially Pamir is more wild, kind of desert located over 4000 meters.
It depend what you mean writing spring. It can be a snow in Pamir...

Well that’s pretty definitive, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan it is. The way it looks at the moment I should expect to get there at the beginning of May, but am still flexible on that. Any words on the weather?

todderz 7 Feb 2011 20:37

Oh yes, very very definitely don't miss Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan if you're going that way.

The Pamir highway is a fantastic experience. Do some searching around here and the wider web and you'll find loads of info. Kyrgyzstan is beautiful. A real highlight.

You will need to research weather conditions, though. The Pamir highway goes to over 15000 feet. There is snow at the top even in mid summer.

I'll never forget fixing my mates carb at the top of a mountain in Kyrgyzstan, on a dirt road equivalent of the Stelvio pass, and some of the most incredible views I've ever seen.

Wow. I wish I was back there!

rich g650x 7 Feb 2011 21:55

Thats cool, another definitive answer. And wishing you a speedy recovery todderz. Still if anyone has 1st hand experience of the weather in May that would be good. I'm expecting to be advised to leave it until June but chomping at the bit to get going.

Bobduro 8 Feb 2011 05:38

Definitely go with Turkmen, Uzbek, Kyrg & Taj!

Wasn't so blown away with Turkmenistan - just bloody hot, but nice people (outside of Ashgabat where they're all a bit more paramoid!)

Uzbekistan - has has been said above,amazing cities, if you want to feel like you've walked on to the set of an Indiana Jones movie, this is the place!

Tajikistan - the Pamirs - say no more

Kyrgyzstan - one of my favourite countries. Awesome countryside, friendly people.

PaulM 8 Feb 2011 09:39

Don't miss it...
Did Turkmen, Uzbek, Taj and Kry and Kaz in 2008. I still think about them today. Tajikistan was very poor but what incredible people. When the bike broke down on the Afghan border, people appeared from nowhere with food and drink for me. In one remote spot I was taken in by a family, given a bed (put under the trees by my bike) and fed. Don't miss Taj and Kyr whatever you do. Have fun!

Capo Sakke 8 Feb 2011 12:25

Just wondering when I have time to go back there. It's really fonderfull :thumbup1:



todderz 9 Feb 2011 19:22

Kyrgyzstan campsite


Kyrgyzstan road


Kyrgyzstan view

Doesn't even begin to do it justice.....

colebatch 9 Feb 2011 20:09

Kazakhstan is boring as hell.

Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are must sees

T.REX63 9 Feb 2011 20:13


Originally Posted by colebatch (Post 323500)
Kazakhstan is boring as hell.


Now that's inspiring...:confused1:

todderz 9 Feb 2011 20:34

Kazakhstan was pretty boring, until we found ourselves in the company of someone I suspected of being a drug baron, who entertained us with vodka, a chainsaw, an axe, a blowtorch, vodka, a dinghy with an outboard motor, more vodka, wheelies on a BMW HP2, a slave girl, vodka, a shisha pipe, vodka.

I'll never forget that slave girl! (I'll never forget that vodka-induced hangover...)

Kazakhstan? take it or leave it. The people we met? Legends.

rich g650x 9 Feb 2011 23:52

Thanks all, there are some pretty impressive websites featured above! I didn’t need much in the way of persuasion but am now confident Tajikistan to Kyrgyzstan is the way to go. Any words of wisdom on the weather?

Bobduro 10 Feb 2011 10:28

Yes, that did turn out to be a little one sided didn't it but makes your decision easier (and yes, Kazakhstan is people aside, pretty boring).

We were in Kyrg in late August early september and the weather was fine. It's mountainous, and many roads in the south are at altitude so there's obviously an element of luck, we had a mixture (including snow) but mostly hot sun.

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