Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   The Lebanon, Syria and Jordan (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/the-lebanon-syria-and-jordan-1962)

Marco K 7 Mar 2004 22:16

The Lebanon, Syria and Jordan
Planning a trip over there. Have no idea what to expect.
Please give me all the info you know (out of your own experience please)
Things I would like to know are

Borderproblems, visa, carnets, insurances?
Fuel and oil, is it easy to obtain?
Quality of the roads (I will stay on the good roads if possible)
Nice routes if any?
Things I really need to take with me because of shortage over there.

Thanks in advance



martheijnens 11 Mar 2004 23:33


I traveled through Syria, Libanon and Jordan in 2001 and will be there again within a fwe weeks. It is easy to do. For Syria, Libanon and Jordan you need a Carnet. Insurance you get at the border. There are no fuel problems. In Syria however fuel can be of low quality. So, take octanebooster with you. Being in Syria, you should visit Aleppo, Hama, Damascus (of course) and Palmyra. Baalbek in Libanon is an interesting place to be (stay a few days in the Palmyra hotel) and from there you can cross the Libanon mountains. In Jordan you may swim in the Dead Sea. Try to do a bit of waterwalking.

Have a good trip,


Marco K 15 Mar 2004 15:35


Do I need a larger tank on my Afrika Twin? 42ltrs instead of 22?

How about GPS? or is a good roadmap sufficient?

How long took it for you to drive from utrecht to Syria? and what route did you take?




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