Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   The planning starts here...... (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/the-planning-starts-here-37709)

m25jambuster 10 Sep 2008 21:21

The planning starts here......
Well the provisional plan is now coming together. The plan is that I want to be at or around the Nordkapp area for the longest day, i.e. June 21st. To make the trip memorable I aim to ride from home to Dover get a ferry to Calais and then make my way up to Nordkapp. To make the return journey interesting, the plan is to go down to Moscow and then back across Europe to Calais to catch a ferry back to Dover and then to home.
So that is the skeleton of the plan, now I need to put some meat on the bones so to speak. The obvious question is has anyone done this sort of route before and if so how was it. Also, how long would you give to do the journey considering it is probably going to be in the region of 5 - 6 thousand miles of travel. If anyone has any comment then please, I would like to hear it whether it be good, bad or otherwise.

m25jambuster 13 Sep 2008 10:49

Having looked at some routes, I am now thinking of travelling through Finland and Sweden to get to Nordkapp rather than spending all my time in Norway. Has anyone travelled up this way and if so - what was it like, and speed limets etc.
Comments please??!!

Thanks in advance.

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