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The Stans and Mongolia to Vladivastock
Hello to all, I'm planning my round the world trip on my bike for 2009, the route will go through europe then into the stans via russia then mongolia and russia again and somehow on to Alaska hopefully there will be a service from Magadan by late 09. I'm checking this site on a regular basis but my question is what is the earliest time to ride through the stans and mongolia when are the tracks rideable on africa twin with good off road experience. I'd like to go as early as possible to take my time through spring and summer to get to Magadan or Vladivastok.
All info greatly appriaceted. Thanks Daz |
We did that route during the Northern Hemisphere summer of 2005. We went right through the guts of Kazakhstan into the Russian Altai through the guts of Mongolia via the southern ‘highway’ and out into Siberia across to Vladivostok over the newly constructed but unfinished Chita – Khabarovsk highway project which essentially eliminates the Zilov Gap. This in turn created a convoy of second hand Japanese cars travelling to Moscow. Be carefull of those as they are often pissed or tyred. My Mrs got hit by one pulling out of another car ending our trip.
You should have no trouble until you hit the road of bones, which as we all know is near unpassable during the spring because of the flood and melting waters. If there is a dry summer you should be alright though. We met some Polish bikers in Chita I think that just rode it from Magadan. We used their discarded tires that were the best find ever. That will be your biggest challenge I reckon. I’ve travelled Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan on another backpacking trip and you should have no problem there either. Definitely get a multiples entry visa for Russia beforehand. We had no off road experience before we left. |
I´m thinking about doing about the same trip at the same time, I have a 3AJ Ténéré though...
Do you want, or do you have company? Are you sure about leaving from Magadan to Alaska, not Vladivostok - Japan - North America? Good luck! |
Russia to NTH America
I think you will find no means of getting to NTH America from Magadan but apparently there is a service from Vlad to Anchorage now, check out the transport page.
Thanks guys
HI, Thanks for reply's, i'm traveling with a friend but maybe we could meet up along the way, i'm not sure about crossing from magadan as i've read on this site that air magadan no longer operates, so the route may be vlad japan or south korea to alaska.
thanks again Darren |
Vlad to Anchorage flights
I'm planning the same route more or less, but starting in Anchorage, across Canada, then to Europe, etc. winding up in Vlad. So I was pretty thrilled to read this... Newsroom | Press releases
Will be interesting to see if it actually goes. I guess you could always ask what the status is... Vladivostok Avia |
That sounds very promising, i'll watch with interest.
Thanks again darren |
RTW via europe mongolia usa
Hi any body done this RTW tripp can give tips routes funds neaded etc.
i would be very graitfull, planning this mid to late summer, any web sites worth a visit ie. cheers |
Hello Triumph man, I'm in the same boat myself and i think everythink you need is on this site if you search hard enough, also worth getting a copy of the adventure motorcycle handbook by chris scott. what bike are you taking on your adventure?
Cheers darren |
Watching with interest
I've just got back from a UK 2 Capetown and already have my eye on a UK to Vlad/Magadan next year. I'll be watching this space for info so keep it coming!:mchappy:Ed:mchappy:
Your future route will be far less challenging than you last route through Africa. Everybody in northern Asia is sucking up to Europe whether they like it or not. Georgia is even trying to join much to the dislike of Russia. So getting tyres will be the biggest problem. Other than that, make sure you have you're visa's sorted out. Some you can get close to the border others you have to get in you home country. There're not too many routes east either than haven't been well travelled, and the with the Zilov gap gone, it's a breeze.
Not considering Kazakhstan off course. But that's well documented with both the Long way guys and the Terra Circa guys. There are stories in Russian of hold ups, but we only saw one truck getting held up. But do keep your eyes about. |
Planning the same route for 2009, and originally planned to aim to hit ROB middle of June. You say, and as every one knows, you cant do the R.O.B in spring, and refer to a dry summer, so when exactly is the optimum time to do ROB? June, July, or as late as August, or even maybe early September???? :confused1: what experiences have people had? Cheers Char |
What - or where - is that? If you - or perhaps some newbie - want info on this site about ROB - is that what you'd type in the search box? Or something else? Hate it when they use them abbreviations on an "international" travellers site. :ban: |
Cracked the code
Different hemisphere Quastdog, and you're right, it is not always easy to crack the codes that folk use. :rolleyes2: So, if anyone does do a search for the road of bones, then this thread should spring out. |
eeeek :eek3:
sorry, didnt mean to frustrate! :oops2:Thought it was a commonly used abbreviation, but hey maybe just in my little world. Wont happen again, I promise.... :innocent: but any info would be appreciated on the best time to cross the road of bones. cheers Char |
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