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NewAdventurerLee 19 May 2009 18:57


Originally Posted by Bertrand (Post 242399)
Beautiful place in France :thumbup1:, cheese, pate de fois gras, sauternes etc etc a gourmet's paradise and visit the church of the Black Madonna, the underground rivers by wee boat or sling your fishing line in above!

It certainly looks very nice, but my daily mileage ratio requires me to get further south on that stage of my trip, so it looks like Cahors for me.


Toyark 19 May 2009 19:14

Needs must if the devil drives - I often have (and still do at times) ride past some amazing places just because of the time/schedules- so I try to slow it down and re-arrange my planning as not to miss places like that that really need to be experienced. It's too easy to sit and throttle by ...and miss it.
But if Cahors it must be then Cahors it is!
In the 13th century, Cahors became renowned as the birthplace of Pope Jean XXII. He did a lot of good work for the town, including the construction of a University. Between the river and the Boulevard Gambetta, stroll through the streets to enjoy this beautiful architecture http://www.visit-midi-pyrenees.com/pics/blanc.gif With the 100 years war, the town was fortified, and some trace of this remains (la tour des Pendues, la Barbacane – both on the northern side of town). Above all, the Valentré bridge on the west of town, known as the devil’s bridge because it really was devilishly hard to build. They even engraved a devil on the central tower, and some say that this protected it from attack by the English. It’s a daunting bridge with its three square towers each over 40m tall. Six gothic arches span the Lot river.
Fishing anyone?

Electra 23 May 2009 23:20

"Very nice but a little too fussy" sums up the restaurant very well.

NigelPGrace 24 May 2009 18:19

Hi there and back again
Well I did it - France, Spain, Andorra and back through France - XRV750 - chugged along and did not skip a beat - the camp sites were good to excellent and the one B & B was great. And for the record I passed through all the borders without even being stopped !!

I can recommend the B&B at Refuge-pour-Motards at Laponouse de Severac www.refuge-pour-motards.de/english and the camp site Camping Moto at St aubin de Narirat Dodorgne www.motocamp.com . The trip was great - lots of open roads and great country side - over the Bridge at Millau and over the Pyrenees too - there is still snow up there... nearly forgot the Camp site in Andorra Xixerella in La Massana. I was the only one there until the arrival of two German chaps both on XRV 750s like mine - never got to chat to them as they parked themselves 200m away and did want to mix !! How odd....

1800 miles and a sore bum - where next ---- Lithuania sounds fun !!!!


NewAdventurerLee 25 May 2009 17:15

Nigel, glad your trip was a great success, it certainly sounds enjoyable.

How was the Portsmouth - Caen overnight ferry? , did you have a reclining seat or a cabin?



NewAdventurerLee 25 May 2009 17:18

Hi Bertrand,

There is a hotel in Cahors, which is near the Valentre Bridge. Is this area worth riding into or would I better staying on the oustskirts and just wandering in to town in the evening by foot.

It may sound a stupid question, but the least hassle in parking / finding hotels etc the smoother the overall trip would go.


NewAdventurerLee 25 May 2009 17:20


Originally Posted by Electra (Post 243115)
"Very nice but a little too fussy" sums up the restaurant very well.

I can probably manage slightly fussy, but is there anywhere else close by to get a nice meal. I may even walk down into the town, so can you recommend anywhere in particular to look out for.


NigelPGrace 26 May 2009 19:07

The boat from Portsmouth to Caen
Hi - Thanks for the question - if you are travelling during the day then the reclining seats are fine and the Lounge is reasonably quite - I did this on the return leg.

On the way out I booked a reclining seat on the night boat - most people appeared to has done this before and all produced sleeping bags and mats and slept on the floor !! and why not. You pay the £5 for the quiet of the Longe...

If I was to do it again I think I would upgrade to a cabin for the night boat !!

Electra 31 May 2009 15:00

Dear Lee,
The hotel at Loches is just off the main road, it was easy to find, but perhaps 2km out of and above the town. Don't bother to walk. Sorry don't know any places in town. I think the hotel locality did not have any other services nearby. I suggest you might put up with the fancy meal, or ride into town for a snack or takeaway.

Caminando 31 May 2009 16:02


Originally Posted by NewAdventurerLee (Post 239919)
.................................................. ...and stop somewhere like Peniscola for the night ................


This sounds like a strange place, Lee. You be careful there!!!!:oops2:

NewAdventurerLee 31 May 2009 22:18

Hi caminando,

Yes, Peniscola does sound strange doesnt it, but I know from past experience that its not as odd as its name suggests........but i will be careful all the same !!

With regard to the border crossings, I think Nigel was mainly referring to Andorra as i had been told that it cane be a nightmare to pass through there.


NewAdventurerLee 31 May 2009 22:21

put up with the fancy meal, quote]

that sounds like a plan, fussy food it is then...

I am sure I can manage one night of semi-gourmet nosh.

Thanks for your help.


NewAdventurerLee 16 Aug 2009 19:52

My Big Trip, extensively planned, ferry booked, hotels booked etc etc. Due on the Portsmouth - Caen ferry on Wednesday July 15th at 11.30 PM .......

At 9.30 AM on Monday 13th July I pulled my back in work and knew instantly that i would not be riding. I refused to admit to myself that i could not go and waited until midday on the wednesday before cancelling everything. I could not put my own socks on let alone ride the bike..

To say that I was disappointed is a vast understatement and all that i can do is re-plan for another time. I managed to get on a plane the following week and have a holiday with the family in Spain but I kept looking at the garage that i had booked for my bike and crying into my beer.

Never mind, EH, theres always another time.


Thefastone 4 Jan 2010 19:20

Borders Andorra
Crossed through this border about 20 times and never even slowed down, if its misty you might even miss it.

Originally Posted by NewAdventurerLee (Post 241144)
Thanks for your interest Rob / Nigel.

I am altering the route regularly, so i think i need to stop doing that soon and pick definite stops,

I am currently, Caen to Loches (near Tours) then Lochs to Cahors but I will certainly look at the place Rob suggested near Cahors.

With regard to Andorra, my cousin tells me its a nightmare to get through the border customs and it will take a lot of time.. what do you think Guys.?

I am limited to the eastern side of the Pyrenees as my cousin lives near perpignan.

I have bought some large Michelin maps of France and Spain and the possibilities seem absolutely endless, my only definite restriction is getting to Calpe in time to hire the car (pre booked) and then getting to the airport in time to collect my wife and family.!! best not be late for that one !


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