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NAMSA 29 Jul 2005 02:41

Timing for Trans Africa trip?
Hi all

I am planning a London-Cape Town trip, but due to work commitments, I will only be able to set off in January 2007.

Now, I've read that the ideal time to set off from the UK is around October to avoid the rainy season in Central Africa.

Can somebody please advise me as to how difficult situations will be if I set off in January in terms of impossible road conditions, river crossings, heat etc. Basically, I just want to know if it is possible, or not!

My proposed route is Egypt-Sudan-Ethiopia-Kenya-Tanzania-Zambia and all the way south. I will be on a Honda Transalp 600.

Any scraps of advice will be most welcome(if somebody can throw in some advice on the Greece-Egypt crossing, it will be most helpfull!).


NAMSA 29 Jul 2005 02:45

I totally forgot to mention that I will be alone(any other nutters out there up for a trip?) and that it is my first trip.(I know how to handle a bike though, grew up on an African farm!)

Geoff van de Merwe 29 Jul 2005 04:40

I left in March '03 and had no worries.
Just NIKE it.

NAMSA 29 Jul 2005 11:35

Thank you fellow countryman!

NIKING it is very much my way of doing things! Obviously I have a fountain of other questions for you:

What was your route?
Were you alone?
What was your budget like?
How long was your trip?

Hope you don't mind!


Geoff van de Merwe 29 Jul 2005 18:34

Not at all,
you'll find most of the answers on my website:
You're not the bloke I passed yesterday heading from ROehampton to Wimbledon on an '02 Adventure are you?

NAMSA 1 Aug 2005 03:41

Nope, not me!

Will check out your site.

XT-Wolfi 10 Aug 2005 01:30

I plan to do start in October05 so wont be on your schedule. I will not take the ferry from Greek to Egypt. I will travel through Turkey, Syria, Jordania and take the speedboat at Aquaba.
Good trip!

NAMSA 10 Aug 2005 01:54

Thanks Wolfgang!
The ferry between Greece-Egypt is currently not in operation, so, I am looking at alternative routes. I will definitely consider the route you are taking now, but at the moment I am thinking about the France-Tunisia-Libya-Egypt route.
Let us know how you get on, and if you make it as far down as South Africa or Namibia and you are looking for sleeping space, let me know as I know the area quite well.
Have a fantastic trip!

Bossies 6 Sep 2005 20:05

Hi Namsa

Just thought I say howzit to a fellow Namibian. We are planning on riding down to CT at the end of 2007. Still early days yet but look forward to news on your progress.

Geoff...excellent site.


NAMSA 8 Sep 2005 03:43

Well howzit to you too Bossies!

As you said, it is still very early days, but I will keep you guys up to date.

Have you thought of a route yet?


Bossies 8 Sep 2005 19:16

Section 1: London, France, Spain, Morocco, Mauritania, Mali...

Section 2: ...Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zim, Zam, Nam, SA.

Now just to link the two sections depending on who is at war in that area in two years time.

Will do Bots, Moz and Angola once back home in SA.

Carrera12003 8 Sep 2005 22:29


I noticed you had travelled through Libya (great website, by the way). I'm planning a RTW for next year and I was told that I can't travel through Libya, maybe it's because I'm a US citizen. Is that the case?

gespey 8 Sep 2005 23:42

Hi all - I'm planning on doing the London to Cape Town thing on my 650 Dakar towards the end of next year/early 2007... A friend of mine who just did it (in 3 months... just a little fast for me) went the "Just Naai-ki it" when it came to planning on time of year. He basically said to avoid North Africa in the Summer (which makes sense)... So plan to avoid the worst - after that you might as well prepare for all conditions...

Another couple who took the western route were more cautious and aimed to hit central Africa in a 2 week dry period - around Xmas I believe... they went through some really tough muddy parts and were glad they were'nt caught up in the rain

Anyway - keep in touch guys...

[This message has been edited by gespey (edited 08 September 2005).]

Nicko 13 Oct 2005 19:02

Hi gespey

I have just had a seed planted in my head and am looking into the London - CT trip starting about August-October next year on my DR650.

I have found a south African in London who did the trip in 2003 so can pick his brain for some details.

Are you still lookingat doing it?

NAMSA 15 Oct 2005 17:38

Hi Gespey/Nicko/Bossies.

Couldn't help to notice that there are quite a few of us planning to do the UK-Africa trip around the same time.

Let me know if anyone is up for a "brainstorming" session over a few beers to swop notes.


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