Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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acejones 23 Feb 2008 16:16

To Veracruz
Short simple trip from McAllen to Veracruz. I'm planning on staying in Veracruz 2-3 nights before returning. I'm looking for hotel recommendations between McAllen and Veracruz.

acejones 1 Mar 2008 22:58

This is amazing ! No one on this site knows anything about getting to Veracruz.

bananaman 2 Mar 2008 00:56

I know exactly how to get to Veracruz!

Stay at the hotels I suggested, and you'll have a great time. The one in Tuxpan is a block away from a restaurant with happy hour from 6 to 10. The one in Veracruz is just plain awesome. There's tons of good food too so you'll be fine.

This forum is a little different from advrider. More hard-core. Fewer posseurs and wannabes. More international. More off-the-cuff. You're going to like it here very much.

But why stop in Veracruz? San Cristobal de las Casas is only a day's ride from Veracruz. Take the toll roads ($50!) and you'll make awesome time. Of all the cities I've seen in Mexico, San Cristobal de las Casas is way way way the coolest. You won't see many americans at all. You will see tiny indians and tall Mexican hippies

acejones 2 Mar 2008 03:13

Yeah Bananaman;
I appreciated your response over on AdvRider. I figured I'd look over here too, but it seems my trip is too mundane for these folks. As to why stop in Veracruz, I'm traveling with two other guys who have more restrictive job situations than I do. They are self employed (contactor & attorney), so "no workee, no payee". Plus, I'm taking the wife to France in June for a self guided canal cruise, so thats time that has to be accounted for as well. I already spent a week in Mexico in January, so I'm eating into my 5 weeks of vacation.
I will, however look into San Cristobal.

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