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RasMan 29 Nov 2009 17:33

Touring Africa Costs
I'm planning to tour around Africa in 2011 with my bike. Those that have done touring through Africa, what is the average money you spent per day on food, fuel and shelter? Is the fuel a lot more expensive and did you wild camp a lot? What currency's is used in most of the countries and is it easy to exchange money in the countries? And then always the borders, how much do you generally spend for a visa for the country. I plan on going without a carnet (not visiting Egypt), will I only spend money at the border for the visa, or is there more expenses.

Sorry for asking these dumb questions, still new to adventure touring. But very excited about the trip.

Safe riding everyone


sciii 12 Dec 2009 02:02

Petrol is around 1 euro in west countries and you must pay for insurrance on border for motorcycle....

Ride Far 12 Dec 2009 16:01

Are you riding both east and west sides?

Visas on the west side are expensive … I would estimate $75 USD average. Few are available at the border, but must be obtained in a preceding country.

If you make a point of it, street food and lodging can be had fairly inexpensively. Missions often offer cheap lodging and it can be worth researching locations e.g. GPS waypoints. I’m not a big wild camper because I enjoy the atmosphere in a town or city at night but there are plenty of opportunities. Just size up the risk of animals, snakes, etc. Or if you’re in a small village someone will usually offer you a tent spot for a small sum, loads of fun but expect LOTS of attention…

How about water? Bottled water is widely available but not obviously not cheap. Alternative being a water filtering system and using tap water. Internet cafes can be found most anywhere but there is another cost. Shipping of parts from South Africa is another possible if not probable expense.

Money changing is rarely a problem. You’ll find money changers at many borders or in the next town. To get the best rate, let a crowd gather and watch the changers underbid each other. Your guidebook will outline the many currencies. At least for the west side, stashing about 70% Euros and 30% USD should work out OK.

Sciii mentioned that you must pay for insurance at borders … not true at all in my experience. I had zero insurance on the west side and was asked for it just once, in Senegal, which I bluffed my way thru. Some people do prefer to carry it, YMMV.

Take a good look into whether it’s a good idea to try to get around Africa without a carnet. Some have done it but requirements do change. Good luck ~~

houbie 17 Dec 2009 12:01

Im going to tour in 2010 but only southern africa. We worked out about ZAR150 per day for food and shelter. Try to use backpackers as much as possible

Did mozambique and Namibia with a 4x4 and found if you wild camp is it good to look for small tribes. If you ask the leader permission, he will show you were to camp and make sure none of the fellow tribe members touch your stuff. The going rate in 2008 was ZAR50 per night at tribes.

Countries like Namibia have lost of big farms and the locals are very friendly, and enjoys it if you camp on their farm. They will most propably invite you for dinner, that will bring down your food costs alot.

If you wild camp, just make sure about the game thay have their, In countries like Botswana and Zambia the game still walks around freely, and you dont what a elephant or lion joining your camp.If you have no choice just make sure you have a fire burning all night, that usealy keeps the animals away.

In smaller countries fuel will cost more. I would say your best bet is to go for American $. Just remember in countries like Malawi and northen parts of mozambique thay don't have card facilities, so you need to carry cash for fuel.

You can download Tracks for Africa from google maps. It has got lots of info on from fuel to camping etc. If you go to xt660.com there is a guy Mcthor who just completed a africa trip. On the forum he has a thread (ask mcthor) and he realy helped me with the planning of my trip.


RasMan 17 Dec 2009 16:53

Thanks for info, more plz
Hi everyone

Thanks for all your info so far. Here is some more info from me. I plan on doing the trip solo, on a 200cc dual-purpose bike. Going all the way around the African, up east and down west. List of countries: South Africa - Mosambiqua - Tanzania - Kenya - Ethiopia - Sudan - Libya - Algeria - Morocco - Mauritania - Senegal - Guinea - Ivory Coast - Ghana - Toga - Benin - Nigeria - Cameroon - Gabon - Congo - DRC - Angola - Namibia - South Africa. There will still be changes made, but this is the plan so far(Algeria to Morocco possible?).

For now my biggest concern is whether I will be able to afford it. Planning to start January 2011, quess the trip will take about 12 months?. If all goes well I will have about R100 000 saved up for the trip (bike will be ready and have all equiptment).

So, will I make it on a 200cc with R100 000 in the bank. :thumbup1: or :nono:



houbie 18 Dec 2009 07:58

Well Rass. The trip we are planning goes as follow: Sa, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and back to Sa. We are planning to take 6 weeks. 5 to ride and the 6th for incase someone breaks down or somthing.

We planned to do between 300-400km per day with full rest days every 5-6 days. We got that estimate from ( Adventure motercycling by Robert Wicks). Its a great book and I recomend it to you.Some days we will do more but you dont want to rush a great adventure like this. So rather take time to take the whole experience in than to race through Africa.

Somewhere in the hubb there is a guy who did Africa on a Vespa So think is will be possible to do it on a 200cc bike. What bike do you have?:scooter:

RasMan 18 Dec 2009 21:10

My Bike
I ride a Skygo GY6 200cc 2008 model. Don't think you will know how it looks. It's very similar to a Suzuki DR200, or a Honda 200cc. It rides very well for me and fully loaded I can still go about 100km/h. I do a lot of gravel trails and bush riding. Also did Baviaanskloof recently and going to the Hell (Gamkaskloof) this weekend. The bike is dead simple mechanicly and parts are also availible everywhere and cheap. Get 30km per litre.:thumbup1:

If I could afford a bigger/better bike I will get the KLR650. For now the 200cc will do and I'm in no rush. Still gonna make side panniers, rack for a duffelbag on top, bash plate, crash bars, handlebar protectors, and buy a GPS.

Good luck with your trip.


houbie 20 Dec 2009 08:04

You should take a look in the “equipping the bike-what’s the best gear” forum. There is a thread about homemade panniers with water tanks included. It may be helpful for when you build your panniers.
He uses the tanks for water but I will put extra fuel in. Though it might be useful for you as well, seeing that we finish and you start in the same country… Mozambique. From experience with a 4x4 I know in the northerly parts of Mozi there aint that much fuel going around, and If you ran out there you will be stuck for some time. So carrying extra 5l (150km) might be worth the effort building it into your panniers.
If you do your own design, please post your plans, I would like to see your idée. :mchappy:

JHMM 1 Jan 2010 20:58

300 - 400km per day is a very good suggestion especially on a smaller bike.

Your trip is going to be about 30 000kms! @ 300km per day thats 100 riding days.
You still need rest days, repair days, visa days, sightseeing days and so on and so on ...
So yeah a year sounds more than enough.

RasMan 10 Jan 2010 18:57

North Africa
I'm planning to go North Africa from east to west. How would you suggest I go Algeria to Morocco(bordors closed). Is it possible to take a ferry from Algeria to Spain and Spain to Morocco. Or will I have to skip Algeria altogether and go Sudan - Tunisia - ferry to Spain/Morocco - and continue down west.

All info are greatly appreciated

Safe riding

loubutler 17 Jan 2010 13:51

Thanks for the info !!

I'm planning on a circumnavigation myself, hopefully starting in Sept 10!

Leaving portsmouth and going via syria and jordan..........

I have a friend who has currently made it to J'burg, minus rear suspension and will hopefully get some more info from him !!

good luck to all and may see you on the african roads soon :clap:


if a scooter can do the dakar............

'normal is a failure of potential'

freeflyd 17 Jan 2010 15:08

Algeria is really hard to get into from anywhere. So plan Tunisia, Spain, Morocco..

Wow, your budgets are small! We are going in a 4x4 and visiting a lot of national parks, which I know makes it more expensive, but we will try to make it happen for R600 per day on average, driving around 2 000km a week as a max.

Outop 19 Jan 2010 14:21

Rassie, contact me in jo'burg via this site.
Can talk about my trip in 2008 RSA, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzam, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt
200cc Bike will do it.
I did with 250cc Vespa

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