Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   trans African trip (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/trans-african-trip-1715)

the Estradas 28 May 2002 01:45

trans African trip
We are planning a trip from England to South Africa. We are planning on leaving the USA on July 1st for London and there we hope to purchase a vehicle (Landcruiser or Rover) and outfit it. If anyone can offer any help on this, please do, as we need it. We are not sure how much time we will need in London to do all of the necessary work purchasing, repairing and outfitting the truck, plus getting all the necessary documents. If you have done this and can give us an approximate time allowance, that will make our planning easier. One thought crossed our mind today which is, how possible might it be to buy the vehicle here in the states and ship it to England. Do you know anyone who has done this or, do you know how difficult the restrictions are?
We especially need info on how to get safely across from West Africa to East Africa. Do you know anyone who is currently doing this? thanks for your time

Susan Johnson 29 May 2002 00:42

Hi. I notice you've had no response to your post, and I suspect it's in the wrong forum. The Planning Forum, as you can see from the description, is about 'Where to go, when, what are the interesting places to see.'

To increase your likelihood of getting a response to your questions, I would take a look at the other forums on this board, and post separately on them. For example, your question about 4WD preparation should go into the 4WD Travel Forum, which covers 'for NON-Sahara specific subjects, 4wd TRAVEL tidbits, technical discussions etc.' Your question about safety across West Africa should go into the Sahara Travel Forum.

I can tell you that it will likely be prohibitively expensive to ship a land rover across from the USA to UK. For reference, it costs about $1,000 US to ship a motorcycle.

Good luck with your trip!

Susan Johnson

"It matters not what goal you seek
Its secret here reposes:
You've got to dig from week to week
To get Results or Roses."
Edgar Guest

'One world, two wheels'

the Estradas 29 May 2002 19:12

thanks susan, good advice

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