Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Route Planning (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/)
-   -   Trans-Labrador Highway to Trans-Taiga Road (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/trans-labrador-highway-trans-taiga-101714)

krtw 2 Mar 2021 00:59

Trans-Labrador Highway to Trans-Taiga Road
I have been trying to find a way to link these two roads so I don't have to back track. The idea here is to do the Labrador hiway to Labrador City - then find a way to transport the motorcycle and myself up to the end of the Taiga Road where I would be then heading west and south towards Ontario.

Anybody tried this before?

These roads are some of the most isolated roads on the planet, and I would LOVE to get them both done on my cross Canada voyage.


Grant Johnson 2 Mar 2021 04:25

Hasn't been done that I know of! The Trans Taiga is more an in-out road to Quebec Hydro dams in and around the James Bay area.
I suspect the only way to connect them is the long way round by regular road, OR fly your bike in a bush plane - which won't be cheap.
I'll be interested to see what ideas people come up with!

Grant Johnson 2 Mar 2021 04:36

Found this that might be helpful - sorta :(

Trans-Taiga Road - Past the end

krtw 3 Mar 2021 12:30

Yup - I found that article. Thank you. And I thought about the guy who motorcycled through the Darian Gap and said somebody should try it - but I KNOW what the country up there is like, and I don't feel like dying, so flying....

I've called Labrador city to see if there was a way to talk to a bush pilot or one of the Quebec Hydro planes that must fly around up there to hitch a ride - to no avail....yet.

But I have time and will keep trying.....after all what's an epic journey without some level of epic stupidity.

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