Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   traveling through Libya (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/traveling-through-libya-1700)

CanadianTransient 2 Apr 2002 21:59

traveling through Libya
I´m interested in visiting the Berbers, checking out Roman ruins et al. However, I don´t own a bike, and I *might* be travelling alone. I thought about visiting Petra and Amman and the Bedouins, should I give that up re: raising tension? So old pro´s, bit of advice for this here young traveller. Should I forget about it, etc.. I am transient in Spain as well, so getting visas, I assume, will be difficult. Thanks, all.

Susan Johnson 3 Apr 2002 04:12

Hello CT

Suggest you start with the following posts, then do a search on Libya on the HU Bulletin Board, there's quite a bit of info already. Come back with specific questions when you've digested it all.




The situation in Libya is changeable, and whether you can get a visa may depend on your nationality, and the particular embassy you apply through. Certainly will be easier without a vehicle, and it is worth persevering to see - check out our description of what we saw in 1997.

Good luck!

Susan Johnson

'One world, two wheels'

[This message has been edited by Susan (edited 02 April 2002).]

Werner Zwick 3 Apr 2002 16:58

Petra and Amman are Jordanian cities. You need to cross Egypt (carnet) to get from Lybia to Jordania. Although Egypt and Jordania do not border each other, there is a ferry between the two countries across the gulf of Aquaba (Red Sea). So you don´t have to go through Israel. But there were reports a few years ago, that this ferry does not take motorcycles.
With the tensions rising in Arabia, and George Bushs war speaches, I would not go there with an American bike. Canadian or (better)European plates should be okay.

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