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jenros 7 Apr 2010 23:18

trip through spain
hi everyone,
looking for some advise,a group of four will be travelling from santandar,at present travelling clockwise around spain in early september,taking in as much as we can in about 10/14 days.
can anyone point me in the direction of some bike hostels around spain or biker friendly digs?we have got some of the southern areas sorted as i have been there a few times before,but no experiance or eastern or western spain.
Any advise will be greatly accepted,take care and be safe!!
thanks jenros.

jenros 11 Apr 2010 10:30


*Touring Ted* 11 Apr 2010 15:33


Originally Posted by jenros (Post 284697)

You're very welcome ! :thumbup1:

Btw, if you use the search function, there are about 1003434,000000 threads on Spain. People arn't ignoring your thread, they've just posted on that subject so many times they get sick of it...

I used a lonely planet guide book of Spain and it was perfect and ideal for what you want. It had loads of hot spots, hostels and hotels and things to do in the area. I thougth I lost mine so bought another so now I have 2.

If you want a brand new one for £10 (half price) , send me a PM

Ride safe amigo !!

jenros 11 Apr 2010 23:46

hi ted,thanks for your reply,as you can guess im quite crap on any gadget n gizmos,but i will have a look now,.
Had a look on your web site---absolutly brill,unfortunatly unable to do the same as you,wife,kid,buisness,2 bikes,,,,,,,,but fair play to you!
I see your on your way down to wales next week,where are you going?
I also see that your a wirral boy!!!,quite some years ago i worked in bebington,on a new nursing home,on quarry road east,stayed in digs in new chester road,opposite the crosville bus station,,,ha ha,.one of my most memorable and enjoyable jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if your in this neck of the woods ,let me know.

*Touring Ted* 12 Apr 2010 10:21


Originally Posted by jenros (Post 284754)
hi ted,thanks for your reply,as you can guess im quite crap on any gadget n gizmos,but i will have a look now,.
Had a look on your web site---absolutly brill,unfortunatly unable to do the same as you,wife,kid,buisness,2 bikes,,,,,,,,but fair play to you!
I see your on your way down to wales next week,where are you going?
I also see that your a wirral boy!!!,quite some years ago i worked in bebington,on a new nursing home,on quarry road east,stayed in digs in new chester road,opposite the crosville bus station,,,ha ha,.one of my most memorable and enjoyable jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if your in this neck of the woods ,let me know.

I know the place well.. lol !! Opposite the bus depot is a rough old part of town but definately interesting.. Glad you enjoyed it !! heh heh

Not sure where i'll be in Wales. Probably around Abersoch and Snowdonia !

btw, the Northwest hills of Spain are meant to be beautiful. Very green and lush !

Thefastone 14 Apr 2010 20:54

Hi Jenros,

There are a lot of thrreads on here but the best bit of advice is, prebook nothing and stay at the trucker stops, dont be put off usually good rooms, food n beer great and cheap and most will let you look the bikes round the back secure even hadsomr supply hot soap n water to wash them, but its best to follow the best high sqiggles on the map.

Originally Posted by jenros (Post 284273)
hi everyone,
looking for some advise,a group of four will be travelling from santandar,at present travelling clockwise around spain in early september,taking in as much as we can in about 10/14 days.
can anyone point me in the direction of some bike hostels around spain or biker friendly digs?we have got some of the southern areas sorted as i have been there a few times before,but no experiance or eastern or western spain.
Any advise will be greatly accepted,take care and be safe!!
thanks jenros.

jenros 18 Apr 2010 18:32

thanks for your replys,we seem to have agreed that we would head in a particular area,if on the way we find something intresting we will stay a little,then move on.We have also thought that on the pre booking accommodation way is also a good adea,but the down side is we have to stick to a per planned route,also if one of us has a break down on the way we will be playing catch up the rest of the time.
I quite like the just ride it way,trips are always more enjoyable when you do things on the spur of the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks jenros.

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