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LDM03 31 Oct 2007 09:24

Tunisia in a Landrover Defender December 07
Hi All - we are trying to plan a trip to Tunisia (from malta) for two weeks over Christmas/New Year and would be very grateful for any advice or tips on where to go, what to see and also the paperwork involved in taking out own car.

I have read a lot on the forum about the Carnet, but wondered if it's true that you can buy one on the border, or will that be a bad idea?

I am contacting the AA and RAC today, but would love to hear from anyone who has done this already, to tell me what I need and how to go about it! This is a first time trip for us so any thoughts would be gratefully received.

Thansk a lot,

Roel van Ulft 31 Oct 2007 13:01


you don't need carnet for Tunisia. Just on the ferry and you can drive off on the other side without any major hassle about paperwork. If you don't have insurance from your own insurer i'm sure you can organise third party insurance at the border/port of arrival.

Have fun. We will be there around that time as well, but first Sudan, Egypt and Libya...


LDM03 31 Oct 2007 14:31

Great - thanks for the advice. One more thing, do you know if it's safe/allowed to travel the intreior alone, or do you need a guide or more than one vehicle?

I'll take a look at your site...

Roel van Ulft 1 Nov 2007 12:44

I'm sure Tunisia is a very safe country. So, I wouldn't worry about anything. Can't give you too many tips as we haven't been there yet....


Runner 9 Nov 2007 22:08

Its completely safe and quite European. Excellent place. Go south to the desert - check out Tozeur. Very Landy-friendly, youll have a great time.

PM me with your email address and Ill forward on an article I wrote about it for a 4x4 mag

LDM03 12 Dec 2007 12:58

Hi - sorry only just saw this - my email is lydia@lydiagard.com I'm a travel writer so would be great to read your article! Thanks

Officialslacker 12 Dec 2007 13:04

I was in Tunisia this year, it's quite safe, I traveled around most of the country, Hammamet, Nabul, Cap Bon etc, even down into the Sahara to the Algeria border. The only problems I found is that they are VERY pushey salesmen! Once you are in their shop/stall you may find it hard to leave! Was on a beach in Hammamet & had people trying to sell me all sorts, even carpets!!!

Motera 17 Dec 2007 02:30

The riskiest thing in Tunisia is driving. It is a very safe country crime-wise, but they have a rate of auto accidents much higher than Europe or North America- so be careful when driving at all times. In the south, the desert, make sure you are well prepared for a breakdown, with lots of water and shelter if you should be stranded. Traffic can be very infrequent. It is a wonderful country, fantastic people, I hope you enjoy it!


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