Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   uk to aus 2011 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/uk-to-aus-2011-a-53284)

mr.hall 18 Oct 2010 21:10

uk to aus 2011
hi I am planning a trip uk to australia, could anyone tell me the best time to set off? I was thinking maybe june but I have been told that the rainy season in india is from june-september, here is my intended route:


would £10,000 be enough? I will be free camping as much as possible in europe and some of the expensive countries, I also need to know where I can ship the bike from india to thailand and prices? I have read that there might be air fraight in nepal and bangladesh??
is it possible to island hop through malaysia/indonesia to australia? and what would be the best rout/price? :confused1:

thanks for any advice


beddhist 19 Oct 2010 07:45

If you arrive in India about June-July then it will be monsoon. It's the only time you can visit Ladakh and Zanskar, where there is no monsoon. It's also the right time to visit the KKH in Pakistan and the surrounding areas.

You will find detailed info about flying between Ktm and Bkk in other posts and possibly in the shipping section of HU (not HUBB).

Yes, you can island hop to Oz. You will find lots of info and travel stories about that around this site (and on my humble web site). Cakra shipping take you from Penang to Belawan and Perkins from Dili to Darwin. There are lots of ferries in between and if you like Indo you can spend months there, just flying out every two months to get a new visa.

Can't help you with costs, it depends on how you travel, sleep and eat. But I doubt 10k would be enough.

TurboCharger 19 Oct 2010 12:57

If you are in India/Pakistan in June, the hotest month, be aware that temperatures can easily hit 45+ (degrees C). This makes for uncomfortable riding unless in the north of India & Pakistan.

If I was doing the trip again, I would travel through Pakistan and India April - May and mid May when the roads to Ladakh, Kashmir open, go north as it starts to get hot.

However you plan it, you will have to go through summer at some point, either in Europe when you leave or Asia.

If you travel quickly without any tourism and little sight-seeing you could probably get to Australia with 15-20,000 pounds but it depends on your travelling style once again.

CornishDaddy 20 Oct 2010 10:00

UK - Thailand expenses
Hi there ...

We travelled UK- OZ last year, and although we went by car, and flew from Thailand to Oz, we kept a very detailed list of expenses which you cna look at:

Jenny and Ollie's Big Trip

In all we spent 13k GBP over 9 months, but we did not scrimp or save particularly, although (especially at the beginning) we tried to camp as much as possible.

We also went via the 'Stans

Hope this helps


beddhist 20 Oct 2010 19:49


Originally Posted by TurboCharger (Post 309437)
If you are in India/Pakistan in June, the hotest month, be aware that temperatures can easily hit 45+ (degrees C). This makes for uncomfortable riding unless in the north of India & Pakistan.

That's right. When I left Pakistan in June 2007 it was 51C in Lahore. My friend reported 52C in Sukkur in May.


If I was doing the trip again, I would travel through Pakistan and India April - May and mid May when the roads to Ladakh, Kashmir open, go north as it starts to get hot.
April is too soon for N Pak, some passes won't be open. Neither will be the Baralacha La in India, forcing you to go through Kashmir.

mr.hall 20 Oct 2010 20:51

thanks for all the info, I think I'll set off july/aug maybe get to india at around october to miss the monsoon season, I'm still in the early stages of planning so it could change,

hey olli great website lots of useful info it will be going in my favorites :thumbup1:

ongediertebestrijder 2 Nov 2010 12:36


Me and my girlfriend are planning to go the same direction but starting from Lithuania ending up in Malaysia. We are planning to start in the beginning of September 2011 and ending the trip in the beginning of 2012.
The route we're planning to drive is as following:
Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, (flying to) Thailand, Cambodja, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia.
Right now we're trying to find out how to get the CDP with a Lithuanian vehicle (I'm not able to find any information about this, and it seems to be that not many Lithuanian have traveled with their own vehicle).
Anyway, there is still plenty of time to plan our trip!
Any advices would be more than welcome..
Mr. Hall.. It might be usefull to share some information about the route your planning to drive, visad, CDP etc.


farqhuar 2 Nov 2010 13:13


Originally Posted by TurboCharger (Post 309437)
If you are in India/Pakistan in June, the hotest month, be aware that temperatures can easily hit 45+ (degrees C).

...... and higher. I recall seeing a thermometer showing 58C in Lucknow in late April, when I rode through there in 1977.

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