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-   -   UK to Jordan (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/uk-to-jordan-2094)

NeilT 5 Oct 2004 22:53

UK to Jordan
Hi, can anyone recommend a good route from the UK to Jordan on my hornet 600. Will i need a carnet???? Just begining to plan it so any info now much appreciated!


PS I'm currently in marocco driving a knackered renault 19 places it really shouldn't go... too much fun!

omar mansour 6 Oct 2004 02:32

so you can go al the way to turkey,via bulgaria,or by ferry from italy ,or greece,to south of tureky,then you enter syria,but i believe you must have a carnet,
the route is realy great,you will have alot of fun,its cheap,so good luck

goodwoodweirdo 18 Oct 2004 18:40

Hi guys, Jordan sounds like a great trip, I’ve tried a couple of times to get to Jordan, just for a holiday – never manage to pull it off. Any idea of the KM’s if you go via Italy and a suitable time frame. I know It’s like saying how longs a bit of string, but I would like to do it during work holidays. 2-3 weeks max !! What’s the best months to go, spring / autumn I guess.

Steve Treloar 18 Oct 2004 19:08


Originally posted by goodwoodweirdo:
Hi guys, Jordan sounds like a great trip, I’ve tried a couple of times to get to Jordan, just for a holiday – never manage to pull it off. Any idea of the KM’s if you go via Italy and a suitable time frame. I know It’s like saying how longs a bit of string, but I would like to do it during work holidays. 2-3 weeks max !! What’s the best months to go, spring / autumn I guess.

Steve Treloar 18 Oct 2004 19:33

I'll try again,as you like to go places you shouldn't in the Renault.when in Syria try an adventurous trip to Palmyra.I did it back in the late 80's when i was working for a travel company. All the instructions I was given was to camp overnight at the Quatz Castle of Rassfah .approx.200k east of Aleppo.Up early the next day and get this, head south with alittle bit of west and you will get to Palmyra in 2daysAlot of the dirt tracks through Syrian desert run east -west. So basically you are riding on the pist. Within 1/2a day you will start to see a V in the mountain range in the distance, head for that to a pass through the range.
the Bedouins where very friendy .TADMOOR was the local lingo for Palmyra.once over the range you follow tracks .just ask the local for directions.We had a great 2 days in the middle of the Syrian Desert.Times have changed so check up to date onfo Though is a Hornet 600 a road bike?

Vaufi 19 Oct 2004 13:34


it might be tricky to get a ferry from Italy to Syria, otherwise via Egypt and through Sinai to Jordania. They won't let you in if you travel through Israel. :-(

Another possibility is to take a ferry from Italy to Cyprus and from there another ferry to Syria.

I guess the best (and most adventurous) way would be via Vienna, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, but time might be a problem.

As far as I know you do not need a carnet for any of these countries.

beddhist 19 Oct 2004 18:18


Originally posted by Vaufi:

Another possibility is to take a ferry from Italy to Cyprus and from there another ferry to Syria.
As far as I know there are NO ferries to the Middle East, except, possibly, to Israel. If you have info on any that DO run, please post the info here. Many of us are looking for that possibility.

Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


pietro.spera 20 Oct 2004 14:55

There is a regular ferry line Piraeus/Cyprus and - as some local agent told me - some ferry during summer between Cyprus and Beirut.

Vaufi 20 Oct 2004 20:51


try this link:

Unfortunately this is only general information. I read something similar in a motorcycle magazin some time ago, but cannot remember which ferry it was :-(


Marco K 23 Oct 2004 01:31

go to greece, take a ferry to Cyprus, take a ferry to Haifa (israel) don't let them stamp you passport, drive to Jerusalem (magnificent city) check out Jericho and suroundings, cross the Allenby/King Hussein bridge into Jordan. That is doable. If you want to go back trough or visit Syria then you have a problem. They will not allow you in. If you really want to go? flush your passport and apply for a new one en drive back through Syria and Turkey.

beddhist 23 Oct 2004 03:26


I think the clue is in the "some time ago". I haven't been able to find any site that gives you a 2004 or 2005 timetable, let alone let you make a booking. All I can find is "Service suspended".

However, if anybody finds out definite info then I'm very interested. Then again, hopping the Greek islands and crossing Turkey doesn't sound bad, either.

Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


Vaufi 24 Oct 2004 00:10


Marco is right. So is your "clue".

I found the article on ferries - it's from March 2001.

The ferry Marco mentioned is from Piraeus via Patmos, Rhodos, Limassol to Haifa. The shipping company is called Salamis Lines. Unfortunately there was no more info about the company.

Cheers from Southern Bavarian biker's paradise to Southern France biker's paradise ;-)


beddhist 25 Oct 2004 04:05

OK, let's put this Salamis affair to bed once and for all:

Salamis Lines

A one-boat company running between Haifa - Israel, Limassol - Cyprus, Rhodes, Patmos, Tinos, Piraeus. ( http://www.greekislandhopping.com/Li...s_ferrycos.htm )

Services have been suspended until further notice

Greece - Cyprus - Egypt
Will Be Published Soon ( http://www.ferries.gr/salamis/ )

I hazard the guess that the company has gone belly-up 2 or 3 years ago, but their website (hosted by someone else) refuses to die and continues to haunt us.

And the first site again:

Ferry Services Remain Suspended

"The well established Piraeus—Rhodes—Cyprus—Israel ferry route has all but been abandoned in the wake of the on-going problems in Israel and the Iraq War. Likewise cruise operations between Cyprus, Israel and Egypt have also been badly disrupted. It is unclear at the moment how things will pan out during the summer months, but it would be wise to plan on the assumption that neither routes will be in operation."

There is a link to a Lebanon ferry, but that, too, seems to have disappeared.

Oh, well, we won't need it until next season...

Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


fireboomer 16 Jan 2005 01:43

We made our mind up and wonna ride from Belgium to Jordan and back. Timing is May - June this year.

Al together this is the plan:
* Brussels - Dusseldorf station
* Take a overnight train with the bikes on the train to Italy (Venice or Ancona)
* Take a ferry to Patras in Greece. Pref a day ferry that we jump on after the night train
* race from Patras to Athens Greece and take a night ferry to Rhodos or Cyprus
* ferry to turkey
* ride to Syria
* take 2 weeks to ride around Syria an Jordan
* take a week to get back.

The ferry Italy Greece will decide when we take the train. Don't wonna spend a lost day in (expensive) Italy. Rather loose a day in Greece.

In total we would have a month.

Mayby the getting wont go as fluent as mentioned above. I am gonna start calling around tomorrow to get the schedule together.

Any thoughts are more then welcome.

For the rest:
* Syria no carnet needed
* Jordan, not clear: carnet or no carnet??? And if one is needed, where should I go to get one in Belgium?


beddhist 16 Jan 2005 03:35


I don't think going via Cyprus is possible, unless the Green Line is now open.

Get your carnet from the Belgian Automobile Club. Also, check out Carnet link on the left here.

Have a nice trip!


Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


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