Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   uk to vladivostok no plan / hows the road? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/uk-vladivostok-no-plan-hows-68597)

robadob 30 Jan 2013 07:09

uk to vladivostok no plan / hows the road?
vaguely thinking about it but i have a very short attention span.

is it possible to just start heading east with a well serviced bike (XTR660) and a credit card and see how far i get?

can it be done in 20 - 30 days. is the road relatively navigable nowadays?

stephen.stallebrass 30 Jan 2013 10:15

Presumably your thinking 30 days visa from entry? Yeah, deffo doable. The roads are good, less than 1% is unpaved, its usually being maintained so unpaved sections are hard compacted dirt ready for Tarmac. Download the latest free OSM maps, that's all I needed. Didn't use my russian road atlas. 20-30 days is doable but it depends on your riding style. Get a bad bout of weather and poor roads and you'll be pushing it in 30 days especially if you have problems along the way and have to organise shipping in Vlad. Deffo take a puncture kit. Not always hotels so wild camp, free and easy. Lots of petrol stations along transiberian highway. Cash machines in bigger towns. Be warned, it's a long boring road but does get prettier the further east you get. I would get a longer visa or pre-organise shipping and haul ass. Do stop and meet peeps though.

Bon voyage :scooter:

robadob 30 Jan 2013 14:26

hi steven

thanks for the tips. yes 30 days for the russia bit with fortune on my side.

had a quick look at your web site. ill give that a read later.

good to know the road is viable.



RoadTrekker 30 Jan 2013 15:40

Check the weather
Check the weather before you go we are expierencing some extreme weather changes at the moment. 2 days ago it was -21C at night and today it is +13C with all the snow melting high risk of flooding now. This can change just as quickly and the snow can return typicaly our cold weather runs into the end of March mid April.

Good luck.:wave:

PS I live in Prague!

stephen.stallebrass 30 Jan 2013 17:01

Yeah good point on the weather. I'm assuming you're planning on riding it in the summer not the winter. It's not a place you want to be in the winter. Even in the alleged summer it can be bloody cold and wet. Make sure your battery is good and or take jump leads. Stopped at a cafe in the depths of siberia and after 2 hot cups of tea and some nose bag the bike was dead. Luckily I had wired in a Bike Start socket so I could get a jump from trucker.

Topmodel 31 Jan 2013 08:52

We are in 2 (two ) with 2(two ) Motorcycles ,
We will start on 24 April 2013 .....this is my planning !!!!!!!
01 Reggio Emilia - Trieste 400 km
02 Trieste - Balaton Lake ( Budapest ) 450 km
03 Balaton lake - Mukaceve - ( Leopoli ? ) 600 km
04 Mukaceve - strada x kiev ( Motel ) 350km
05 Strada x Kiev - Kiev - Hluhiv 670 km
06 Hluhiv - frontiera Russa - Kursk 180km
07 Kursk ----------

08 Kursk - ci fermiamo 200km da Penza 550 km
09 Penza - stop a 70 km da Togliatti grad 460km
10 Togliatti grad - stop a 50 km da Ufa - 540 km
11 Ufa - Kurgan 690 km
12 Kurgan - Omsk 660 km
13 Omsk ----------
14 Omsk - Kargat 470 km
15 Kargat - Novosibirsk - Tomsk 430 km
16 Tomsk -----------

17 Tomsk - Mariinsk - Krasnojarsk 600 km
18 Krasnojarsk - Kansk - Niznedinsk 640 km
19 Niznedinsk - Irkutsk 500 km
20 Irkutsk -----------
21 Irkutsk - Listvianka village - Ulan Ude 600 km
22 Ulan Ude ----------
23 Ulan Ude - Chita 600 km
24 Chita ----------
25 Chita - Mogocia 580 km
26 Mogocia - Taldan 440 km
27 Taldan - Blagoveschenk 560 km
28 Blagovesescensk - ---------
29 Blagovescenk - KHabarovsk 650km
30 Habarovsk - Vladivostock 860 km
31 Vladivostock

Shipping Motorcycle from Vladivostok to Europe

I am planning my Trip from Italy to Vladivostok for next April/ May2013 ......
In tha and of May I would like to delivery our N.2 motorcycles from Vladivostok to Europe by container .......I find on the web
Mr Yuri Melnikov
Links, Ltd.
89 Svetlanskaya str., office 312,
690078, Vladivostok, Russia.
Tel/fax: +7(423)222-15-78
Tel: +7(423)222-08-87
Mobile: +7 902 5243447
mail to: ymelnik [AATT] links-ltd <<DDOTT>> com

He told me that is possible to ship a containers from Vladivostok to Italy ,
but is very expensive ....4500$ ........for only 2 motrcycles !!!

we are in two guy ( NOT sponsor ) : Helpsmilie: with 2 ( two ) motorbikes ........
the motorbikes are old and cheap bue we are loyal and we would like to bring them at home !!!I

SO I need to find in the end of May 2013 other travelers who wont to send their cars or motorcycles to divide the COSTS of Transport !!!!
IS possible to organize the shipping in Europe ......not necessary in Italy .
I wait all suggestions or news
Best Regards

uk_vette 31 Jan 2013 09:02


Originally Posted by robadob (Post 409825)
vaguely thinking about it but i have a very short attention span.

is it possible to just start heading east with a well serviced bike (XTR660) and a credit card and see how far i get?

can it be done in 20 - 30 days. is the road relatively navigable nowadays?

UK to Vladivostock will take yo the best part of 26 days to get there.

Roads are paved 100% of the way.
The quality of the paving has so much variation, some times you might as well be riding on gravel.

Keep us posted.


motoreiter 31 Jan 2013 09:44

Topmodel, you should build in some time in your plan for bad weather. You'll be hitting Siberia in early May, which is rather early in the year, and there could still be snow there. Have you looked into the weather along your route during that period?

geordie_e 1 Feb 2013 11:54

I rode thru Russia starting in June and ending mid August having stopped off in Mongolia for a month.

The roads are paved but do vary !! sometimes they would dig up 10 miles of road and that left you riding in gravel/rocks/mud !

Hope this helps

Geordie aka Will

johnfromireland 3 Feb 2013 00:29

Hi Definitely stash some cash on the bike. Quite often cash machines will not work or reject cards. Rubles dollars and Euros all usually OK. The further east the less likely that small garages etc. will accept credit cards or foreign currency.
Have a great ride. John

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