Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   West East Europe Circular (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/west-east-europe-circular-1716)

Paul Hennessey 25 May 2002 04:56

West East Europe Circular
Hi All

I know it's a while off but...........

A group of us are planning a two week camping trip, Circular route in western and eastern europe 2004.

The route will basically be: Off the ferry at Rotterdam, via Alps towards Milan,Bologna, Vienna,Budapest,Krakow,Prague,Berlin,Amsterdam then back to Rotterdam just in time for the boat!

I would be very greatful for any relevant info anyone may be able to offer, in particular: camp sites and routes worth considering, especially a nice twisty route through the Alps on the way south from Holland to Italy, any potential 'problem' border crossings that may need to be considered (Poland?) and ideas on good quality (cheap) secure accomodation in eastern europe (feel it would be wiser to 'guest house' rather than camp in the east?)

Many thanks & be safe

TChallen 28 May 2002 22:49

>... routes worth considering, especially a nice twisty route through the Alps on the way south

I can help you out with the Alps section.
Take a look at my site at www.alpineroads.com

fireboomer 29 May 2002 05:29

Think I can help you finding a nice route out of Holland down the Belgian Ardennes followed by the Vosges all the way to Lausanne from where you enter the Alps.
But in how much days?

About the South of France:
A road absolutely great is the D994 between GAP and NYONS in the South West of the French Alps.

Paul Hennessey 29 May 2002 17:42

Thanks Tim... excellent and informative site! Should be able to pull a nice alpine route from there...

Fireboomer.... Expecting to take 2 days from Rotterdam to Milan...


mmaarten 30 May 2002 02:56

Hi Paul,

In two day's from Rotterdam to Milan... If you have the time, take a bit more of it.
Going from holland to Italy, through Belgium, france, (maybe) swiss... you'll find the best motorcycle-roads in the world.
Don't miss out of them by blasting through the highway's

Try a few famous passes (coll's) like the great sint Bernard. Take the road's along the vally's of Mont Blanc. Don't miss the french Alp's and the Ecrin

If I were you I would do this part in at least 5 day's and maybe even more.

Anyway... enjoy it.


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