Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   West or East Route Trans-Africa? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/route-planning/west-east-route-trans-africa-40804)

discoenduro 12 Feb 2009 12:36

West or East Route Trans-Africa?
Is the West best and the East least?

I'm leaving for Cape Town 12 April from England. I'd originally scheduled to leave July and go through the Middle East and down East Africa, giving myself plenty of time to obtain the Carnet, visas and IDP.

My fiancee startled me this week and said "We're pregnant!" :eek3:in Ross and Rachel fashion. I'm now leaving for Cape Town much earlier than anticipated. I haven't enough time to get the visas from Syria down to Kenya.

I have two routes in mind: West Africa or a shortened version of East Africa, i.e. ride to Amman, Jordan and fly to Nairobi, to ensure I don't get delayed waiting for the Sudan visa, which I understand takes 4-6 weeks from the Embassy in London (?).

So, given the choice between West Africa and the shortened E. African route, which would you choose based on your experience:confused1:


rabidog 12 Feb 2009 14:10

West coast. I haven't been on either but I've heard that the East coast route is hardly an adventure (mostly tar). At least on the West coast route you will see Africa as it is meant to be i.e Jungles, cannibles, muddy roads, missionaries in cooking pots etc.

TT-Kira 12 Feb 2009 14:15

If it's your first time to Africa, I'd make it easy on yourself & go East ... West is great fun (I do it on public transport) but there are more issues to deal with to some extent!

Have fun whatever!


Rebaseonu 12 Feb 2009 15:42

Despite main paved transit routes one can always drive on small back roads for more adventure and less tourists.

Remember this old saying: bad roads - good people, good roads - every kinds of people. ;)

edteamslr 12 Feb 2009 17:16

West Coast
Did the West Route Sep07 to Feb08. I loved the variety of West Africa especially that of the French speaking countries of West Africa. Really vibrant - wished I'd stayed longer now! The visas are more of a challenge as you get them on the way and that does force the route slightly but overall the food, culture and challenge are what makes it all worthwhile.

Ride Far 17 Feb 2009 09:33

Man, tough call! I'm in Namibia after a four-month ride from Morocco thru West and central Africa and will say the adventures and cultures and overall fun on the wide side were fantastic.

I've not done the east side but as everyone knows it is generally easier and faster, apart from that Sudan visa issue. Sounds like time may be an issue for you ... ? Good luck with your decision.


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