Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Fritz 12 Feb 2003 18:06

When to go ?
When to go overland Turkey / Central Asia (‘stans) / Pakistan / India / Nepal ?

In about the next year we intend setting out on a 6 month trip as above. I would be very grateful for some practical advice from those who have been, or are currently travelling on our proposed route regarding the best time to do it.
I had initially thought October time, but then thought that’s not good for say northern India and the mountains, but fine for southern India / Pakistan.
Then I thought April time, and wondered about Eastern Turkey early in the journey, and the further east or southern India in August.
I appreciate it is all relative, and a balance between hot / cold / dry / wet will have to be made. I also appreciate there is info on monsoon timings and temperatures for each area / country, but what would be good would be some practical first hand knowledge. It certainly appears there are ‘peak’ times for many of the overland routes.
I failed in my searches for this info across the site – but I’m sure it’s been answered a few times, if anyone knows the link I’d be grateful ! I appreciate there is a wealth of info on the individual constituent countries on the site and in books that can be compiled, but first hand knowledge counts for a lot.
The security and stability issues can be overlooked at present ! Just weather rather than whether for now !
Thanking you in advance.

GS George 13 Feb 2003 22:09

Hi Fritz,

I did Turkey/Iran/Pakistan(inc.a bit of Afganistan)/India/Nepal last year, departing Florence May 8. Turkey was approx 15c and it rained occasionally. We entered Iran around May 25. Once in Iran no more rain and temperature climbed quickly to 40c, peaking at 53c in the Baluchistan Desert in SW Pakistan, which we entered June 4 (Pak-Indian border closing meant speeding up!). The temperature stayed at a fairly constant 40c throughout Pakistan and Northern India (down to about 30c in the Himalayas) during June and then dropped to about 30c in Nepal. I found a water resevoir with drinking hose essential. The Indian monsoon creeps south to north and I had it about 2 weeks behind me as I entered Nepal on August 4. Rode up to Pokhara where I had water up to my cylinders (GS1150) as monsoon had just started there big time. Stayed in Kathmandu for 2 weeks, where it rained nearly every day, not for more than an hour, but you don't see Himalaya panorama either -> Oct to Feb peak (!) time for that. Everest region was a bit muddy but still saw all the peaks at base camp. Re security and stability issues (Afghan war/Pak terrorists/Kashmir conflict/Nepal Maoists) let me just tell you that we experienced zero problems and everybody everywhere was wonderfully friendly. Mail me if I can help you further.



Fritz 25 Feb 2003 18:45

Thanks George, looking like leaving April 1st (which is amusing from a UK point of view - Aprils Fool Day !)due to work dates.
Thanks for your input. April - Sept, or May - Oct seems best with itinery planned to try and get the 'right' weather in the right places. Thanks again, Fritz

alois 2 Mar 2003 22:06

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fritz:
[B]When to go overland Turkey / Central Asia (‘stans) / Pakistan / India / Nepal ?

Hi, I think the best time to leave is summer, late summer (depending on how much time yo want to spend on the way to India / Nepal. The best time in India is during European winter, and if come to Iran / Pakistan in october, the climate is not that hot like in the months before. If you arrive in India before mid September, you will come into the monsoon time, heavy rainfalls almost every day. And if you intend to visit Nepal, with lots of clouds you can't see the mountains. Best time for Nepal is December until February.
Email me if you have further questions. Have a nice trip! I will be leaving late summer for the same route. See you!


Fritz 5 Mar 2003 18:37

Thanks Alois. I had originally thought that way, but work may be the deciding factor. I guess I'll plan where to go once away based on likely weather. Thanks for the info. Who know's, maybe our paths will cross !

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