Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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CTB 5 Oct 2006 18:10

Where to go?
This ones wide open but I’m curious as to what have been some of the best rides and why for those on this board. Reason I ask is that I have been bitten by the wanderlust bug and have a little bit of time ( two months) and money to go along with it. Currently I’m considering several options each with there own pro’s and con’s. Europe to Vladivostok via Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Northern India on an Enfield or a run through Chile and Argentina, the latter which I’d likely be able to pull off during a Canadian winter which would be a big plus. Africa is of interest but I did a ride through Kenya last year so I’m looking elsewhere. I realize preferences are base on a gazillion variables but let me know what worked for you and maybe it will help this indecisive Canuk make up his mind.


mollydog 5 Oct 2006 20:33

If you're ready to go NOW I'd get busy and do the Chile/Argentina thing.

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