Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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reuter01 1 Feb 2003 00:55

Xing the Bering Straight
Does anyone have information about crossing the Bering Straight from Alaska to Siberia? Is this possible? Do I need a certain visa? Anything will help. Thanks

Grant Johnson 1 Feb 2003 01:30

Search the HUBB on "Russia" and "Alaska" for lots of info.

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

jondoe 1 Feb 2003 05:23


I was asking the same question,but never got an proper answer.
There is a Magadan-Ancorage flight(Aeroflot)who will take the bike for a fortune of $5.5/kg,so is the word ob HUBB(search)

I'v been asking in chukotska,about it but no one seems to know is it possible.
I'ts very dificult to reach Bering in summer months,if not impossible!?Russian guy from Anadyr tells me that even tracked vehicles get stuck!

I think,if possible at all,would cost a lot of money,and some friends in high places in russia.
Problem is deep cold rivers,swamps and stuff.Fuel suply,etc...

The russian guy tells me,'maybee possible'if one is persistant,with a motocross bike,but how to cerry large amounts of fuel,food,inflatible boat to cross a river....with out helicopter suport.
And if you get there,crossing to USA is a problem to!

Alaska to Russia is near completly impossible due to birocratic problems!
I'v read in italian 'TUTTOMOTO' about a guy on vespa curicumnavigating the globe,that he couldn't take a plane from alaska to russia(magadan)as he originaly planed(he started in south america an on to north),cause birocrats in russia Couldn't alow that,it was only Moscow or St.Petersburg,so he ride it west to east,and not east to west as he first planed!


check out the full story on




PS: if you get eny more info on that,please post on HUBB

if you decide to give it a try,than you got yourself a partner.good luck!

[This message has been edited by jondoe (edited 01 February 2003).]

jondoe 1 Feb 2003 05:40


me again

saerch for "magadan" allso on HUBB



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