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SparkyVFR 6 Jan 2010 14:41

You're only 40 once......
So what are you doing for your 40th, having a bit of a party then?

Naw, I’m offski to Argentina for a month with my ‘bike and a tent! :scooter:

At this point, I get a million questions at once, including;

· What about the family? (they didn’t want to come, so I’ll miss them very much!)
· Are you going on your own? (you’re never on your own when you’re on the road)
· Are you a mental? (eh, yes!) :helpsmilie:

I’ve decided that I don’t want to have the usual bollocks for my 40th birthday (it’s on hogmanay); warm socks, fat bloke trousers and a “nice” going-out shirt. Or a party, I’m crap with surprises and never seem to look suitably appreciative!

I want to have an adventure. I confirmed Argentina as the destination after reading Dan Walsh’s book “these are the days that must happen to you” and have given myself a year to plan the entire trip (did I mention I was anal as well as a mental?)

In short, it’ll look like this;

· Prestwick to London
· London to Buenos Aires (bike sent ahead and hopefully through customs and in storage by the time I get there)
· BA to Mendoza
· Mendoza to Cordoba
· Cordoba to Tucuman
· Tucuman to Iguazu Falls
· Iguazu Falls back to BA.
· BA, via BA, to London
· London back home to Prestwick.

All in all, I reckon around 5 weeks, although I’ll plan an extra week in case of any “unforeseen” circumstances!

Between now and next February (I'll aim to leave on the 26th Feb 2011, returning on the 1st April 2011) I plan to;

1. buy and prepare the ‘bike (my current VFR may not be up for some of the poorer roads in the north),
2. learn to speak Spanish (Rosetta Stone is on her way thanks to amazon...)
3. and loose 5 stone in weight! I’m 18.5 stone, and really need to get fit, so what a great excuse to stop drinking, start exercising and drop a load of weight.

I’m after as much advice as possible, from shipping contacts to good guest houses or camp spots, from good ‘bikes for the trip to what kit to leave at home and from good roads to better wines!

All advice is appreciated. :thumbup1:

So if you’ve made a similar trip, or are planning a similar trip or want to meet up when I’m there, let me know and maybe we can share advice/stories.

GasUp 6 Jan 2010 16:28

Must be catching....
I did something a bit similar for my 40th last year, sorry the year before that one!!

Just me, the bike, the tent and a long road around Europe.....

Then some bright spark at work suggested the Charity thing, I was daft enough to have a go and before long my 'jaunt' had become a race against the clock. A descision I regret to this day.

Don't get me wrong, visiting 24 different countries in under 20 days, covering nearly 9K miles was a challenge, but not the sort of travel that I wanted.

Now I don't take motorways, A roads are avoided where posible and I enjoy every mile, wherever it is... I guess I did learn something after all.....

loubutler 17 Jan 2010 13:55

I turned 40 in dec '09, learnt to ride a motorbike in '08.............circumnavigating africa sept 10!!!

Mental yes (apparently)........dont see it personally
Having loads of fun - definitely
whats the alternative - antidepressants !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


'normal is a failure of potential'

kevinhancock750 19 Jan 2010 20:51

40 sooooon
i'm 40 this year in may and going down the stupid road also!:innocent:
trying to buy a c90 at the moment and going to ride it to the dragon rally in 3wks time.during may the month of my birthday i will ride the coast of britain on it 3500-4000 miles ish. hoping to sponsor this and do it in 2wks for a charity. then if all is well its up to nordcapp in july after the ripley meet en route! people are calling me mad but they're the one's without an adventerous bone in them!

rossi 19 Jan 2010 21:36

39 next month so yep, I'll be 40 next year. If I leave this page up on my screen long enough swmbo might see it and get the hint.

Seriously, go for it. I would offer to join you but am restricted to getting away in school holidays. Morocco at easter could probably be done though. A bit tight in a fortnight but if I took the Santander ferry...

SparkyVFR 19 Jan 2010 21:54


Originally Posted by kevinhancock750 (Post 272497)
i'm 40 this year in may and going down the stupid road also!:innocent:
trying to buy a c90 at the moment and going to ride it to the dragon rally in 3wks time.during may the month of my birthday i will ride the coast of britain on it 3500-4000 miles ish. hoping to sponsor this and do it in 2wks for a charity. then if all is well its up to nordcapp in july after the ripley meet en route! people are calling me mad but they're the one's without an adventerous bone in them!

The C90 was the fist bike that came into my head too. Most popular motor vehicle in the world, AND the very first PTW i ever rode (albeit in a field, with no fairing attached, no brakes and no clue as to what I was doing.

Some would say I haven't changed much!!

goodwoodweirdo 20 Jan 2010 11:26

6 Weeks: Belgium to Jordan... left 3 days after my 40th... mid life crises ? you bet... I've never felt so alive..

If you need a excuse / push to make it happen then I recon hitting 40 is the perfect excuse, it also helped argue the need for more holiday from work ..


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