Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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muddlifecrisis 19 Jul 2016 08:07

Bike Storage Laos or Cambodia - Any Experiences
Hello Everyone,

I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping you might be able to help with.

Firstly - does anyone know if there is anywhere in either Laos or Cambodia where we could store 2 bikes for about a month (Dec time). I heard there was an American fellow in Laos who had ridden the area extensively having moved there but I can't find any more information on him. Any experience gratefully received.

Secondly - Has anyone had any experience of leaving their bikes and flying out of the country? Both Laos and Cambodia are non-carnet countries so I wandered if there was any issue leaving a bike there and returning later such as has been rumoured to be the case in Turkey recently.

Thanks hugely.

StepThruPanAm 19 Jul 2016 14:05

We left both our bikes at Homeland Guesthouse in Phnom Penh. Bikes were kept out the back of their foyer (safe and covered) for 2 months, we paid them 1 USD per day for their trouble. Homeland is a great place to stay, awesome staff and they probably make the best food available in Cambodia. Cambodia makes no record of your vehicle when you enter the country so you can leave yours there as long as you like. I believe Laos gives you 30 days and a fine if it's left longer but that may be inaccurate.
We left our bikes in Cambo so we could do the Vietnam /Laos loop on some of their local bikes. It all worked out well for us.

daveandles 20 Jul 2016 07:24

Bike storage in Thailand

You could store your bikes at our place in Thailand for 1 month

Dave (from the UK)

www.plodd.net]Plodd - A Trip of a Lifetime[/url]

Snakeboy 21 Jul 2016 06:42

Laos only gives 30 days temporary mport - so max time there is 30 days. Thailand just started enforcing extremely strict rules about foreign vehicles in their country - that leaves you with Cambo. Seems that Stephthroupanam have found a good spot to store a bike there. Why dont you contact that guesthouse.

Remember also that the only border between Laos ans Cambo has been blocked for motofbikes for a while (havent checked lately however) so from Laos you will need to go through Thailand which is a real PITA nowadays with 30 days advance permit, authorizez letter via your embassy etc etc

muddlifecrisis 3 Aug 2016 15:49

Thank you for your replies everyone!

STPA - that's great gen and looks like the best option.

Daveandles - unfortunately the new rules for Thailand will make your offer a non-starter but I have your pin in the map and we'll definitely see you after Xmas!

Snake boy - Thanks for the info on Laos, was;t aware of the 30 day restriction although I was aware of the Thailand (and indeed now the Laos) permit situation. I was under the impression that with the permits the Laos/Cambo border was OK again but I will keep and eye on the situation.

daveandles 6 Aug 2016 07:38

A place to store your bike in Cambodia

I have just been incontact with the following to ask about storage in Cambodia and they have said no problem, so if you email the following they will tell you all about it, good luck and please let me know if it is what you need.

www.plodd.net]Plodd - A Trip of a Lifetime

icarus 22 Aug 2016 01:56

I can help with storing your bike(s) in Pursat. Pursat is a town located on HW5 about 105km from Batambang in the direction of Phnom Penh. PM me for more info.

ondoibili 3 Sep 2016 07:18

I have just left my motorbike in Dara Motorcycle in Phnom Penh; a shop mentioned in 'Recommend - Repair Shops' subforum.
For short periods 1$/day, for several months he promised a discount.

Suede 28 Nov 2016 13:18

Storing a bike in Laos
We have recently left our car in Laos, we had to get the car permit extended in Vientiane at the customs post near the Friendship bridge with Thailand. We had to have a reason for doing it and somewhere safe to leave the vehicle and they agreed we could leave it in Laos for 3 months. As we are flying out and back in twice we hope to get a visas on arrival each time. Our car is in a garage in Vientiane at present but we were told of a guest house in Luang Prabang which would store it for 1 or 2 dollars a day. Hope that helps

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