Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Easy border: Chong Chom (Thailand) to O'Smach (Cambodia) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/se-asia/easy-border-chong-chom-thailand-93077)

Smokey 2 Oct 2017 08:58

Easy border: Chong Chom (Thailand) to O'Smach (Cambodia)
Hello all,

Had a very simple crossing from Chong Chom (Thailand) to O'Smach (Cambodia) on my Thai registered CB500 on the 30/09/17.

I am a UK citizen on a British passport with an existing Thai work visa that allows multiple entries back into Thailand. New visas may not be obtained on the way back into Thailand but I wouldn't know either way for sure.

All I needed before the border was my Passport and the motorcycle's Green Book (Thai vehicle registration document - in my own name). I'd also recommend an empty bladder and a full tank of fuel because there aren't many toilets or fuel stops in the immediate vicinity of the border, but the whole experience only took about 2 hours for me.

The process can be summarised as follows:
-Approach border post, park motorcycle.
-Stamp out of Thailand immigration (office on the left hand side as you face the checkpoint)
-Obtain vehicle document on the other side of the same building.
-Cross the road, use that document to obtain a 30 day temporary export certificate. They said they wanted me back in Thailand with the bike in 30 days or less and wanted me to cross at the same checkpoint.
-------That's the Thailand part done, nothing to pay so far----------
-Ride the bike 100m through the checkpoint and park next to Cambodia immigration building.
-Switching sides of the road to the right hand side now (!), I bought a 30 day single entry visa for 1400THB inc photograph. Filled in some paperwork, 15 mins sat in the office.
-With a visa in the passport, I moved 10m along to a window in the same building and got the visa stamped in, fingers scanned.
-Last thing to do was ride 200m down the road into Cambodia, there's roadside stores selling the usual crap, on the right hand side there's a small standalone office where you have the motorbike signed into Cambodia. It's exactly the same as signing into a meeting room - one line on a ledger. Nothing to pay, no paperwork to receive. There's a blank space left for your signature on the way back through. Not sure what happens if you were not planning to exit at the same border. I personally wouldn't be worried.
-----That's the Cambodia side done, from there I rode away with everything done in 2 hours------

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 18:57.
