Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Ferry Service from Indonesia to Malaysia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/se-asia/ferry-service-from-indonesia-malaysia-83952)

Channey 1 Apr 2016 06:50

Mr Lim is back in action
I managed to contact Mr Lim. His boat is back in action. It leaves every Wednesday from Penang to Belawan.

His cost is now RM 803. Mr Adnan charges 1.6 million rupees from the Indonesia side.

herman.fogknottle 9 Apr 2016 12:57

Tennants Motel about 10 min straight up the main road from Port Klang ferry terminal, on the left. If you go past the McDonalds on the left you've gone too far. Good spot for a night or 2 before or after ferry crossing.

Sent from my SM-T330 using Tapatalk

mvantuch 5 May 2016 15:07

We've just loaded our two bikes onto the "Onion boat" for the journey from Malaysia to Indonesia yesterday. For some reason we got charget 783 per bike - we were told something about us not leaving the bikes and bringing them to the pier ourselves. Not sure how it worked for anybody else. We got really delayed though and loaded our bikes around 10 P.M. to the sides of the boat - looked rather safe.

Anyway, just make sure you make it to his office any Tuesday, loading happens on Wednesday, then they leave the port on Friday arriving to Indonesia on Sunday, making the bikes available for pick up on Monday.

Kiwi-videos 12 May 2016 13:29

1 Attachment(s)
Great , Mr Lim is back in operation. yahoo

Hope it stays that way.

I missed out on so much adventure , flew my bike home from Malaysia.
With 300km of getting back home I had to replace a head gasket that was bubbling oil and dropping it all over my left hand boot, gear neutral switch that I had to by pass to start the bike and then a bearing broke in the gearbox when noises got really bad.
All things that would have made my planned time in Indonesia so much more adventurous.

Bearing Job was a US$100 repair somewhere else that lasted about 5000km then cost US$700

Jealous man, Indonesia I found for myself to be the most friendly South East Asian country.

thedurrieking 18 Jun 2016 05:22

The New Onion Boat
I just made the crossing from Belawan, Indonesia to Butterworth, Malaysia on the new onion boat. Turns out Mr Lim's last ship, that was impounded, was destroyed by customs for apparently carrying illegal cargo to Indonesia. The new boat makes one crossing every week on the same days (schedule for Indonesia below)

Shipping costs were 1.6 million IDR to Mr Adnan (I thought this was pretty steep but Mr Lim said that Adnan is actually just a clerk at customs in Belawan, not the shipping agent, and needs to pay a few people off to get the bikes on the onion boat without a fuss). It was easy enough on the Indonesian side, Adnan takes care of everything and you just sit around like a bored child. He bought me a bottle a coke to keep me entertained. Unfortunately it took about 4 hours in customs due to Ramadan and a department meeting.

The actual shipping agent in Belawan was a dingy, little office opposite the port. The girls at the office spoke very good English, but I'm not sure you would be able to bypass Adnan to organise it. Mr Lim said it would be too hard. The details regardless:




TEL/FAX : 6945045

Shipping costs were 803 MYR to Mr Lim. Lim was fantastic to deal with, real nice guy. Sorted out customs quickly and whisked you around the port on his little scooter.


Weekly Schedule
Monday: Meet with Adnan at around 11am in Belawan, sort out paperwork, drop bike off at warehouse, receive Bill of Lading from the Indonesian shipping agents
Tuesday: Bike is loaded on to the new onion boat, the Golden Lestari, and sets off for Malaysia
Wednesday: Bike arrives at Butterworth Wharves in Malaysia, gets unloaded
Thursday: Meet Mr Lim at his office in Penang at 10am, do the Malaysian customs runaround with Lim, took about an hour to get my bike

Mr Lim:
+60 (0) 124 709 717

2nd Floor, 187 Lebuh Pantai, Penang

Mr Adnan:
+62 (0) 813 7098 0743

No office, he just takes you to a warung to organise paperwork before heading to customs

doomi 27 Sep 2017 08:12

I just sent an email to Lim. I wonder if he is still in business, I'm on the way to Australia and currently stuck in Malaysia.

if anybody is nearby and want to share a container from Timor to Darwin at the end of November, let me know!

Bento 10 Oct 2017 22:36

Keep us updated, would love to know if this is still possible.

kentbiker 11 Oct 2017 03:25


Originally Posted by Bento (Post 572078)
Keep us updated, would love to know if this is still possible.

Yep,me too. I'll be looking for a way across from Indo to Malaysia sometime in mid December. I don't really care where from or to.


doomi 12 Oct 2017 06:13

Lim is still in business. I will ship end of October.
here's his response:

You need a carnet for the bike to enter Indonesia.
Normally loading will be done on Wednesday, boat sails on Saturday, arrives
Belawan on Sunday, you can pick up on Monday.
Freight and charges in Penang are RM 803.52 rm, Belawan charges is about
950,000 Rp per bike.
If you are interested, please send me the carnet and passport for paper
works a week before the shipment.

Agent in Belawan(Principal)
TEL: 6944491, 6944487,0062614145792
PERSON TO CONTACT : MR. AHAN 00628994974477
Here are the coordinates:

Balawan Customs




187, 2nd Floor, Lebuh Pantai (Beach Street)
10300 Georgetown, Penang.
My mobile No. 0124709717

doomi 16 Nov 2017 10:46

I just shipped my bike a few days ago with Mr. Lim.
Everything went fine, except the costs on the Indonesian side were higher than expected.

His office (N3.770236,E98.67989, 2nd floor) is in the tourist part of George Town on Penang, so there are a lot of accommodations nearby (I stayed in a hostel).
He is reachable by phone or WhatsApp (+60 124709717) and he said I should come to his office at 9:30am. I payed the 803 MYR (about 190 USD) and he wrote a receipt. Later I saw him hand over 600 MYR to the boat owner (Mr Lim is only an agent).
I followed him to the ferry (he was driving a scooter), which brought us to the Butterworth harbour. We went to the customs to stamp out the carnet (make sure you get the stamp when entering Malaysia!). After that we went to a restaurant nearby because we needed to wait for the boat to arrive. He payed me toast and tea :)
After about an hour we went into the harbour, where the boat just arrived and I left my bike there. It takes about half a day to unload the boat first, so I was not able to see how they loaded my bike. I guess it's by crane, because there's no ramp or something to push the bike on it.
Then Mr Lim drove me back to my hostel on the scooter, again with the ferry. I was back at about 1pm.
The day after he sent me the bill of lading per email.

This was on a Wednesday. After loading, the boat will stay in the Penang harbour, leaves on Saturday and arrives in Belawan/Sumatra on Sunday morning. You can get the bike on monday morning at 10am.

I took a plane from Penang to Medan on Sunday and stayed in a (shitty but cheap) hostel. The Belawan harbour is about one hour drive away from the airport and 45min from Medan. So you may also take an early flight on Monday morning instead of Sunday.

The office in Belawan is very hard to find, as it does not look like an office building! you have to go inside the middle garage, then left and through an unmarked door. I haven't seen the company name anywhere there!

fortunately there's a guy helping out: Mr Anwar +62 81370692310. Use WhatsApp, as he does not speak English, but he uses Google translate. He picked me up at the hostel in Medan, brought me to the office (N3.770236, E98.67989), then to the customs (N03.78548,E098.69131), then to the warehouse (with the customs officer to check the bike), back to the customs and back again to the warehouse again (N03.782008,E098.68152).
He knows the procedure as he already did this many times. his service costs 300'000 IDR (about 22 USD). unfortunately it seems to get more expensive. as of Mr Lim, the last customer paid only 250'000 IDR.

also at the office I had to pay 1512000 IDR (about 110 USD), instead of 950000 IDR as advertised.

the customs officer was really nice. he checked the chassis and motor numbers, made photos with the bike, asked if I have drugs in the bike and let me open the panniers. but he didn't really look into them. just made photos to prove that he did his job. and he said they are good officers and don't take bribes! and I also should not give bribe money to the warehouse security and other guys there!
when I finally got my bike and packed my stuff, they indeed approached me and asked for money! I just said that I already paid everything, finished packing and left.

so basically everything went pretty smooth. no damage on the bike or stolen stuff (I left two big bags on the bike without locks).

the boat is going weekly. but it will be out of service for two weeks in December because of maintenance!

hsinclai 9 Mar 2018 14:31

I just went from Belawan to Butterworth, and Mr Lim asked me to update this thread with the current costs. It was 941,000 rupiah in Belawan (although this seems it's subject to change, and is not entirely in Mr. Lim's control), and 856 MYR in Butterworth for one bike.

The procedure has changed a bit too. I mailed Mr. Lim first (cakrashipping at gmail.com), who gave me contact numbers for Mr. Ahan and Mr. John. I Whatsapp messaged Mr Ahan who told me the steps. It seems he does not do as much directly anymore. On Monday I took the bike to the customs office myself and stamped out the carnet. (Easy to do without help, they speak sufficient English and are familiar with the procedure). Then you go meet with a Ms. Umi in an office on Jl tenggiri no 7A with a photocopy of the carnet and your passport. Her office is the side door of the white building on the street corner. She does some paperwork, then escorts you to a nearby office where you pay the fees and get a receipt. She then escorts you to the dock where you just leave the bike. I left my soft bags unlocked on the bike with less valuable stuff on it, and locked my helmet to the handlebars.

If you're staying in Medan (which I recommend, Belawan is boring), directly across the street from the warehouse you can flag down a number 32 Angkot bus which takes you straight to medan via Jl. KL Yos Sudarso
and Jl Gatot Subroto, for 5,000 rupiah. Just shout when you want it to stop and let you off and pay then.

In Butterworth on Wednesday I met with Mr. Lim at 9:30 at his office in Georgetown, pay the fees, hop on his scooter to the ferry to Butterworth, he pre-stamps the carnet, then you wait in the canteen for the boat to arrive. When the boat gets there, you head to port security, surrender your passport for a security badge, then head to the dock. They let me get on the boat, see the bike, and then watch it get unloaded, which was pretty fun (it seems doing it the other way you don't get to do this). Then it's get your passport back, a quick customs inspection, and then Mr. Lim escorted me back to my hotel.

brennan 17 Apr 2018 06:27

Southern Ferry Routes Back from Sumatra to Malaysia
Hello Everyone!!!

Amazing info on here for Mr. Lim, great dude.

I'm looking for an alternate route back to Malaysia. Eventually I need to fly my bike to Australia and I'd like to avoid back tracking to KL if possible but it may be unavoidable. Has anyone found other routes either back to Malaysia, besides Penang-Medan?

Thanks again!!!

Bento 26 Sep 2018 09:45

Some guy on Facebook said Mr. Lim ceased operations. Anyone know anything about that?

Need to ship from Malaysia to Indonesia in a few months.

mjod 3 Oct 2018 03:14

Hello Bento.
I used Mr Lim about 2 months ago, so he was still running then.
He is great and makes it all so easy.
His email is cakrashipping@gmail.com
Drop him a line.
Good luck

Bento 6 Oct 2018 09:36


Originally Posted by mjod (Post 590246)
Hello Bento.
I used Mr Lim about 2 months ago, so he was still running then.
He is great and makes it all so easy.
His email is cakrashipping@gmail.com
Drop him a line.
Good luck

Dear Sir,
Our vegetable boat has been stopped running since August, my advice is, contact agent in Port Klang.


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