- A kindred soul for a swift trip across the states
- Uk to Hungary/Romania/Bulgaria July/Aug 2013
- Marinating in Chennai
- Heading to US from Costa Rica around 3/15
- Creel mexico/copper canyon/real de catorce
- Pittsburgh 2 Buenos Aires
- HU meet in brazil
- Offering Transport from Slovenia to Turkey
- North to Mexico
- Cross China, from Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan, Augost 2013
- Travel Companion for Malawi to Tanzania
- Norwich to Cape Town....June/ July 2013
- Iceland in June/July 2013
- In mexico, need riding buddies!!
- Road trip
- Cordoba, Argentina - > Bogota, Columbia. Who wanna join?
- UK to N.Africa March 13 - Classic bike
- Brazil to Columbia Via Surinames April 13
- Copan Honduras to Panama City
- Scotland 2013 - Travelling from the South
- Eastern Europe August 2013
- UK - Magadan/VLAD 2014/2015
- Sweden to Mongolia, June time.. Anyone up for it..
- 2013 Stella Alpina
- Budapest to UK. HUBB Meeting
- London to Nepal 2014
- Africa for beginners winter 13/14....
- 2 weeks raid in Ladakh, India (Himalaya)
- Southern Africa 2014
- Baja March 2013?
- Marocko Maj 2013
- Pokhara to Cornwall 2013
- Portugal May 2013.
- Whale watching Baja
- Oct. 2013: Seeking GB and/or Germans for China/Tibet entry & tour
- Gringo in Mexico seeking travel partner!
- [B]South america 2013 May!!![/B]
- London to Capetown Sept 2013
- Laredo TX to Panama
- Europe - Japan 2014
- Moved thread: Travelpartner for Trip to Asia in Spring 2014
- Biker needs help in Knoxville/ Tellico Plains, TN!
- UK - South America Trip 2013
- BMW event croatia 2013?
- Argentina: Accommodation and board offered in exchange for help
- Canada to Argentina very soon
- Ethiopia to North Kenya, Lake Turkana Road
- Riding in Northern Kenya, January 2014
- Entering Mexico February 2013
- Gambia/Senegal northbound to morocco leaving February 2013
- Romania, Ukraine and more for 3 weeks, 2013
- South america trip -2013 may
- South America Trip Nov 2013?
- South Africa to Europe leaving March or April 2013
- Mongolia- Nepal Aug 13
- Seeking riding buddy heading north from Ushuaia after
- Anyone in Goa
- Uzbekistan (places along the "Silk Road") - leaving end of April 2013
- anyone in angola just now?
- kyrgyzstan to Pakistan August-September 2013
- Seeking travel companion (West-Africa -> Europe)
- Charity Ride to Mohne Dam - May 2013
- Cartagena, Colombia...south!
- Tasmania. from the 26th January to the 3rd Feb
- Tasmania. from the 26th January to the 3rd Feb
- London to Cape Town - Leaving Aug/Sep 2013
- From Mongolia through China to Laos
- 2 container spots available for motorcycles - Buenos Aires to Kuala Lumpur - Feb 12
- Darwin to Perth
- south east Asia road trip... Someone interested?
- Pamir higtway
- Borneo - Mulu Caves by forest road and long boat
- Crossing the Nullarbor
- DR Congo (Lubumbashi) mid-Jan
- California - Venezuela April to June 2013
- Texas to Guatemala/Belize Feb 5
- Uk to Pakistan
- London to (Lake tele) in the Congo, Africa
- Glimt south
- Trans America- North to South-2013
- Western China (G219) to Nepal August/September 2013
- Avoiding Scotland's winter in S.E.Asia
- Europe Tour 2013
- North America - South America 2015
- Morocco in March
- dakar rally
- Ushuaia up!
- Anyone in Iran and want to cross Pakistan in a group?
- Heading to Ushauia from Santiago,Dec 26
- Seeking riding buddy from Santiago,Chile south
- London - Mongolia
- São Paulo To Mendoza (ARG)
- Mexico to Argentina Dec 2012 to ??
- Guatemala to Panama
- Going South
- Nepal/India Feb 2013
- Driving from canada to Mexico? Take my bike for $?
- India in March/April 2013
- 1 Malaysia Around The Globe
- Zurich, CH: riding east in Jul/Aug13, wanna join?
- Kenya Uganda on Motorbike January 2013
- Broken Down in Vientiane, Laos, Anyone for Beer with TravellingStrom?
- Rtw 2013-2014
- Morrocco to India
- Apr/May 2013 CA to FL loop
- Turkey 2013
- Heading to Tunis from Italy to do Libya Egypt and the East of Africa. Anyone around?
- Sri Lanka Soon
- No itinerary to Costa Rica JAN 2013
- Southern California
- Morocco ROAD trip - Jan/Feb 2013
- Western Turkey, 23Dec12 to 04Jan13
- Mexico to Costa Rica via Texas
- Anyone is travelling in North part of Italy next WE 24 25/11/2012
- HUBB UK > Mongolia and back...
- mexico DEC 1
- Africa North-South (west Coast).
- Nairobi to Egypt (Port Said)
- From Marocco to Angola
- 3 weeks around europe
- anybody heading to Pakistan from Iran around the end of November
- SF -> LA -> NM -> Mexico and Beyond - January 1
- beer in Quito
- South from San Diego in '13
- Who wants to ride the Trans Canada Adventure Trail?
- Mexico to Guatemala
- Without the boat: from Sudan to Egypt.
- Anyone sharing container: Egypt-Europe??
- 1 Week from Algarve, Portugal To...TBD
- Stuck in Luang Namtha, Laos - Anyone Want a Beer?
- 6 weeks riding in south of US - starts in Vegas Nov 18.
- San Miguel de Allende to Ushuaia
- Anyone in South West Thailand or Northern Malaysia at the moment
- Karakorum Highway 2014 by Landcruiser
- Looking for bikes to share a container to/from Europe next year
- From Buenos Aires to Tierra del Fuego starting november 2012
- From Seattle WA, to South America sept-dec 2013, Looking For Spanish Speakers ! CAR
- South Afrika
- Travel/Drinking buddies, Chile/Argentina
- Mexico - Nov. 22-24
- south america aug/ sep 2013
- West Africa Jan - May 2013?
- Dec/Jan begin in Guatemala head to Bolivia
- Bromley (London) to Morroco Leaving on the 31st Oct
- Driving from Salvador Brazil to SantaCruz Bol.
- Rider needed!!!
- Africa - East Coast - Travelling South Egypt, Sudan, Etc mid to end of Nov'12
- trip to MOROCCO feb / march 2013
- Spain and Morocco leaving 31st from UK anyone around?
- Namibia Botswana South Africa as of January 2013 – travel mates..
- December 2012
- Mexico Nov 15th
- motorbike trip to follow the Nile
- San Cristobal south
- Anyone in Madrid for Christmas eve/day?
- 1st Time Overlander Morocco to Sth Africa, West Coast, from October 24th 2012
- Uyuni/San Pedro/Calama ... any HUBB rider around?
- Cabo, Baja Mexico to San Francisco
- Cabo San Lucas to SF
- San Francisco to South America
- Day of The Dead: Ride to Baja from LA or San Diego last week oct to 2nd of november
- Pan America, South to North!
- Heading into Mexico and the end of the road
- UK to Australia 2013
- UK based riders for Elephant Rally 2013?
- Cracow, Poland to Idilevo, Bulgaria 22 and 29 October
- Anyone in Libreville, Gabon this week?
- Mexico in November
- Capetown,Namibia then east in Oct
- South america by boat from Europe 01/2013
- Welcome to America - RIDE FOR PEACE
- America 2013 (Jan-Mar 2013)
- south america 2013
- Argentina Oct 17th 2012
- Borneo Indonesia/Malaysia in Oktober
- London to Cape Town Jan 2013 via W. Coast (surfing!)
- London to Cape Town Jan 2013 by LC80
- Cameroon to Morocco Jan 2013
- anyone in Belize Oct 12-16
- Marocco - Senegal
- China - from Kyrgyzstan to Laos June 2013
- Cape Town to Nairobi this october
- Finally Headed to Mexico Tomorrow!!!
- Vladivostock back to western Europe in October
- Ushuaia to Prudhoe Bay - Dec '12 - Jul '13
- Cape town to europe by east February?
- Delhi to Leh Oct/Nov 2012
- Auschwitz march 2013
- Climb Mt Meru with me?
- Siberia summer 2013
- Morroco May/June 2013
- Morocco in November
- Hi Visiting Oktoberfest Munich, early October.
- Lake Turkana
- Southern Europe Winter 2012/13
- Any overlanders in Cambodia
- Colorado
- Miami to Nova Scotia to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
- Scotland 29th Sept 2012 - 6th Oct 2012
- European ride next few weeks
- Nouakchott to Dakar - October 2012
- Egypt and Sudan/South Sudan
- Currently near Puerto Vallarta heading south
- Anybody in Indonesia?
- EurAsia 2014
- being a cheapskate
- Western Sahara - Late December
- Who is In Laos now??
- From Dili (Indonesia) to Darwin (Australia)
- India Rajasthan to Goa NOW
- Morrocco (or however its spelt).
- Oaxaca
- 3 Vespas around the world
- Share container: Sydney to Indo, June 2013
- Currently in Rabat - Anyone heading to Mauritania?
- Nevada to Montana 2013
- Iceland 2013 anyone?
- UK guy in USA on a round the world trip
- Morocco November 2012
- UK-->Turkey-->St Peterburg-->UK April/May 2013
- Guadalajara
- A german lunatic who was riding in Brazil on a CG125..
- Vladivostok-Bangkok in 09/12 by ship
- Crossing from Panama to Colombia
- South bound to Latin America from Vancouver
- Pokhara west to Uttarkand
- Romania - Serbia
- Cuba in the NewYear
- Europe to Australia - August 2012
- Ayone near El Cocuy - Colombia?
- Tucson to Ushuaia - end of Aug
- Cuzco, Bolivia in 2 or so weeks? and Salkatay trail to Maccu Pichu independantly
- Anyone in Mendoza now, going north into Bolivia/Paraguay? Aug/Sept2012
- Europe France Switz. Italy Spain 7th sept - 22 sept
- scotland 25th Aug for the week?
- UK to South America Dakar 2013
- AUS to UK through China or vise versa - 2013
- Riding Partner/s Baja in October
- Amsterdam to Dakar nov 2012
- Who's in Bolivia right now?
- Nederlanders gezocht om door Tibet en China naar Laos te gaan
- Thailand and Beyond
- From London to Western France, Spain & Portugal - Aug 19 - Sep 7
- South America 2013
- melbourn to darwin to east timor
- Old Irish Police Kawasaki GT550 to Romania August 2012
- St Petersburg - Moscow - Kiev - Lviv
- Bolivia - Chile Lagunas Route in September/October
- Vladivostok to London Again. April/May 2013