View Full Version : Travellers Seeking Travellers

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  1. Searching Jazz and Oz from UK, met in Iceland 2008
  2. Córdoba, Argentina to Bariloche, Argentina on 15th May (in 2 weeks)
  3. Florida north to south and back
  4. Looking for email of "Stranger" Ukraine
  5. Dubai to wherever!!
  6. india: north, may 2009
  7. Who's in Panama City/ Casco Viejo right now?
  8. Tibet
  9. Leisurely European trip anyone??
  10. NZ to UK next year.
  11. Italy to Ladakh (Vıa Nepal) - Anyone ın Turkey or Iran?
  12. London to Australia
  13. Cocktails in Vancouver BC
  14. Overland Expo In Prescott, Arizona
  15. Motorcycle Adventure from Argentina to Colombia - May 2009
  16. Midwest to Guatemala and back... June/July 09
  17. Guayaquil-Lima someone next week?
  18. Britti Rally Finland in June
  19. Anyone in Nicaragua and heading south?
  20. Crossing Pakistan May 2009
  21. Kenya / East Africa Aug 09!
  22. Cambodia Route 66 from Siem Reap - end of the weekanyone?
  23. Phoenix AZ to East Coast and back
  24. West Africa - May 3rd
  25. Riding the outside for a while
  26. Cross Country USA - Sacramento CA to ?
  27. UK to Ghana September 2009
  28. Mexico/Guatemala in late June
  29. Colombia in May 2009
  30. Overland to Italy from India June 2009
  31. Germany, Regensburg to Russia, Wladiwostok
  32. Provence & Camargue
  33. Dublin to Normandy WW2 sights
  34. USA Round Trip (Almost) - Starting May!!
  35. Amsterdam May 15th-27th
  36. Canada to Argentina - en route now
  37. Driving to YAMAHA from Belgium to Japan 04/2010
  38. Karakoram Highway
  39. Nepal to Laos through China
  40. Nicaragua to El Salvador. Anyone?
  41. Brazil to Uruguay and Argentina NOW April 09
  42. UK meeting in June
  43. West Coast Africa to Cape Town - Leave April 5th from Dover
  44. Anyone in South-East Europe NOW? Croatia Serbia Romania etc
  45. Turkmenistan on the 23rd of May. Anyone around ?
  46. East coast US to Guatemala and back Jan 10'
  47. UK to Africa or Aus very late09 or early10?
  48. Trans Canada and the Pan American highway
  49. March 30 - San Pedro de Atacama heading north towards Cartagena
  50. Lanzarote - Agadir ?
  51. Southern Chili, heading north. Now. Anyone?
  52. Syria, Jordan, Israel.?
  53. Co. Cork to the HU meet in germany....
  54. Bottom to Top - South and Central America
  55. Across the US with short on $
  56. Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru
  57. Sicily,Italia--end of may...
  58. accross the usa
  59. cali popoyan - s agustin to ecuador next week
  60. eastern europe turkey
  61. California to Argentina Depart Aug~Sep, 09
  62. Old Biker
  63. Aust to berlin
  64. UK to Nordkapp via the fjords
  65. Brussels - Senegal and back April / May 2009
  66. Looking for 125cc Mates in Europe!
  67. Vladivostok to Europe - mid 2010 - seeking travel buddies :)
  68. Central America Northbound
  69. leaving uk june july..
  70. April in Peru-Bolivia
  71. Azerbaijan -> Turkmenistan -> Uzbekistan
  72. Zijuantenejo
  73. Going to Mexico via el paso or nuevo laredo
  74. Southeast Asia later in year or early '10
  75. Morocco in April
  76. UK to India & Beyond
  77. Morocco. May 09
  78. Cape York Ride as soon as the roads open
  79. Anyone for Mexico??
  80. Anyone in Bolivia and surroundings headed South to Ushuaia/TDF? Now
  81. Cusco, Peru...
  82. Argentina, Buenos Aires, heading north
  83. Roll Call - The Stans, Mongolia, Russia 09
  84. august 09 trip
  85. 4x4 Madrid to Benin
  86. Short bike trip in north vietnam mid march 09
  87. Want to join me and circumnavigate Africa?
  88. Seeking Travelers| Dec 2009 - Jan 2010 | India - Mumbai - ? - Chennai
  89. Heading North through Mexico in 1 week
  90. New to this... anyone up for meeting up for a beer?
  91. Pyrennees Oriental/Barcelona/Biarritz - 9 - 15 march anyone in the area for riding?
  92. Khartum - Gondar
  93. Buying a good GPS in UnitedStates
  94. Guatemala is Great - Capt Adventure looks for Panama to TDF riders
  95. Anyone in Istanbul, Turkey?
  96. Capt ADV Update -Santiago Pinatepa Nacional
  97. Texas to Panama jan and feb 2010
  98. afghanistan trip, travel partner also advice
  99. somebody near to la paz baja in mexico heading north?
  100. Mexico to Guatemala City-In Manzanillo Now
  101. Costa Rica to TDF etc......
  102. Is That A Problem ??
  103. Looking for riding buds in Colorado
  104. Vancouver to Argentina September 2009
  105. Nepal-China-Laos.. guide share June ish 2009
  106. Los Angeles to Argentina (with a sexy Russian)!
  107. BMW The kangaroo wanderer
  108. Morocco
  109. Mongolia Aug09
  110. China end of May 2009
  111. Looking for riders to entrer into China from Kirghizstan or Kazakhstan next june 09
  112. UK to Malta
  113. Capt ADV Update I am in Phoenix, Leaving for Puerto Vallarta 10 or 11 Feb
  114. about XT 660 TENERE ?
  115. Going to the Grand Cnayon in March???
  116. From Lima all around South America Jan-Feb 2010
  117. Australia to Europe in 2010
  118. Morocco Offroad 2 weeks ish - over Xmas
  119. Mexico Riding Buddy
  120. UK - Aus july 09
  121. Mexico right now
  122. Early May Minnesota to Venezuela, July/August Vene-Minne
  123. Kathmandu, Nepal
  124. North to south Americas
  125. Italy to ladakh - Anyone wants to come on board?
  126. Rtw Starting Next October
  127. UK-SA.....and beyond
  128. London to Cape-Town October'09
  129. Mexico - Baja & Copper Canyon
  130. crossing tecate in the am of Wed. the 21st
  131. Libia-share the costs
  132. YOUR motorcycle trip in North Thailand
  133. Mexico panama
  134. Germany - Rwanda
  135. Leaving Chaiten for Ushuaia Jan 20
  136. Looking for driving companion male / female Australie
  137. When to organize a meeting in Bolivia ?
  138. First timer in Maroc
  139. cairo-capetown 4x4 start june 2009
  140. europe-kenya in june 2009 by 4x4
  141. Santiago de Chile-Ushuaia 20th January anyone?
  142. Partner to Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia
  143. Rtw any route
  144. searching Transit Libya first week of March
  145. The world on two wheels (looking your assistance)
  146. Looking for a riding buddy through Central and/or South America - Spring 09
  147. Heading south from BsAs
  148. Central / S America - ASAP!!
  149. Cambodia/Laos/ Thailand to Krygistan June 2009
  150. Africa late 2009, Cairo – Dakar – ??? – Cape Town
  151. Anyone in or near Manila end of Jan onwards?
  152. Phoenix to Panama in early to mid February
  153. San diego to mexico.....
  154. UK to South Africa and beyond
  155. Thailand Riders
  156. Long shot , bike rider needed Spanish trip
  157. Canada to Argentina or UK to Australia Summer 2009
  158. Africa 2010
  159. Anyone fancy a couple of weeks in Europe? (June 09)
  160. Mexico to Costa Rica then ?
  161. In Mexico now heading to South America
  162. Anyone in Buenos Aires
  163. Seattle to Ushuaia
  164. Dec.21st Texas to Mexico to Costa Rica.
  165. Austin Tx. --> Tdf ***Fall '09
  166. Coroico, Bolivia
  167. south america 09
  168. South America Dec 09
  169. Feliz Navidad
  170. cape town-belgium www.afrikatour.be
  171. Hola from Buenos Aires
  172. mexico maybe farther around the 21 of december?!
  173. India- Rajesthan/ Gujurat
  174. Leaving San Diego for south 10th or 11th Dec
  175. Tires for a BMW 1150 in Ushuaia...
  176. UK - SA early 09 on roadbike
  177. Anyone in northern Chile?
  178. Victoria,BC to Buenos Aires- early 2009
  179. Lancashire to Ukraine june 09
  180. Trip Arround Mexico
  181. Heading out from Pushkar India on Enfield
  182. Stay with me in Dubai
  183. Guatemala heading south
  184. The world on two wheels
  185. Four Female Riders to Ride North Peru
  186. Bearings required in Buenos Aires
  187. Sub Saharan Africa for oldies
  188. Baja 21Dec to 09Jan 2008/9
  189. East Timor in June 2009
  190. Morocco 11th Dec to Jan 4th 2009
  191. Anyone around for a pint in SanTiago Chile?
  192. NY to Argentina April 2009
  193. In LaPaz, Mx now
  194. Wanting to Join 4WD from Wadi Halfa to Dongola or Khartoum in May/June 2009
  195. In Luanda, ANGOLA and looking to hook up...
  196. Southwards from Buenos Aires next week
  197. Anyone flying from the US to Santiago?
  198. Laos December 2008- little trip
  199. Bahia Blanca to Ushuaia by the 28th of Nov
  200. Patagonia To Columbia
  201. Dublin To Darwin October 09
  202. Enroute to Tierra Del Fuego
  203. Australia & New Zealand from february '08 and 6 months on
  204. 'Long way up' South America - Nov 09 want to join the adventure?
  205. Has anyone heard from Bill Bauman?
  206. Istanbul to Australia - November 09
  207. mexico to argentina feb 2009
  208. Arequipa (Peru) now
  209. Mexico central and south america january 09
  210. South America DEC. 08
  211. Anyone around Mendoza now ?
  212. South Africa to U.K. Jan 09
  213. Anyone going from Kazakhstan to Ulan Bhator (Mongolia) circa July/August 2010
  214. Is there anyone going NORTH from Singapore in Mid December?
  215. In Medellin now, eventually Ushuaia
  216. SE Asia riding buddy needed
  217. Ferry Aswan, Egypt to Wadi Halfa, Sudan
  218. London - Sydney Early 2009
  219. In spain in 3 days from 10-21-08, anyone for a ride
  220. Thailand - travellers on the road now
  221. Europe 2009
  222. Brownsville Tx
  223. South America this winter...
  224. I Dont FLY so QE2 Southampton to New York then ride to Costa Rica back to NewYork Jul
  225. Mexico Guatemala ++ feb 09
  226. india to SEasia overland
  227. G2K In Tadiz, Tehran tomorrow...
  228. Anybody in Costa Rica Rica?
  229. In Quito on Monday, Oct 13
  230. Anyone in Bishkek?
  231. South America - Starting in Santiago, Chile in January 2009
  232. Tacna heading for Cuzco
  233. LA to TDF starting Dec 08 for 4-5 mths
  234. Short Way Up
  235. Anyone going to Mali??
  236. Guatamala
  237. panamericana
  238. Adventure Trip to Morocco Nov/Dec
  239. anybody in Erzurum at the moment?
  240. Anyone flying to Santiago?
  241. Australia - East Coast
  242. Anyone for Xmas in Spain??
  243. BA to Tdf then N ,Leaving last week of Oct?
  244. Dakar 2009
  245. G2K Arrives in Istanbul tomorrow. Oil change?
  246. Macedonia-Greece(or BG)-Turkey- Sys-Jordan
  247. Tecate to Acapulco
  248. Saint Malo to Morocco Oct_08
  249. I'm off in 4 weeks... anybody fancy a ride ?
  250. 2 weeks until lift off