- Shipping bike from panama to quito...
- Corsica 19 to 25 October 2008
- Jan 09: Buenos Aires -> TDF -> spine of Andes to Santiago
- Poland to Turkey
- london to nordkapp
- Anyone in Dar?
- London to Cape town Come along
- central america and colombia
- Anyone in Long Beach area for a beer?
- In Puebla Mexico now, eventually Ushuaia
- G2K Glasgow to Kathmandu. Leaving Glasgow George Square Sat 27 Sep at 09.00
- Mexico in February, 09
- Malaysia & Thailand
- Tunisia - begining of october - anyone?
- atacama to patagonia now
- Taxco mexico...down to ushuaia
- Spain trip 23/24 sept next week
- Michigan to Cosa Rica leaving mid October
- Tunisia for Xmas 2008
- Victoria BC all the way south.
- Dublin to Durban 09
- USA - Central America - South America
- Buying an Enfield and riding it back to London
- UK to the Stans, Mongolia & Vladivostok 2009
- Oops - lost touch in Albania
- Mexico Guatamala
- Round the world and maybe beyond??
- Dar to Capetown
- UK to CApe Town (East route) and beyond
- Nairobi,Kenia-Windhoek,Namibia-oct.08
- Rob Reznik-Where is he?
- Travelmate wanted: Austria - Burkina Faso via Mauretania by 4WD in early Nov 08
- Brussels - Tokyo 2009-10
- panama and colombia
- From Qc to BC, by Dakota
- Calais through EU starting Friday 5th Sep on C90!
- Minneapolis to TDF leaving Sept. 8th, 2008
- East Africa North to Turkey - late September
- UK to Mongolia and back over 6months - Summer 2009 - Riders wanted
- Tuscon to TDF...
- Tire size 17 to get in Iran, Pakistan or India?
- West Africa - Sept/Nov
- Hubbers in Iran
- Mexico In Late November 08
- India - Bangalore to Goa
- Stuck in Luanda - come join me
- Heading to Italy next week, anyone want to join?
- Douglas (mexico) to panama city..september 10th.2008
- Glasgow to Bulgaria 09
- Salar de Uyuni next weekend/week
- looking for company from turkey to mongolia aug08
- UK to Oz, June 09, 4wheels!
- Montreal to Buenos Ares end of October
- Austria to Iran and back in 2009
- tok to tdf
- Libya-Dec 08
- minsking vietnam
- SF to Ushuaia next week!
- Iceland summer 2009
- Australia to UK 2012
- Long weekend - USA trip
- greece - albania - montenegro / West Ballkans
- texas to panama and return winter 2008/2009
- Morocco in October anyone?
- Turkey to Northwest Europe
- Ride in the Alps end of August....
- Buenos Aires - North up Brazilian Coast
- Last minute get away
- Made it to anchorage after 12000km
- B.A to Cuzco- Early October
- Pakistan then Iran
- Colditz, Auchwitz,then towards Black Sea this weekend
- Grande Praire to Anchorage...and on to prudhoe bay
- europe tour inc. Rock am Ring 2009
- england to oz
- Alaska Travellers
- Keep an eye in Bolivia . Possible problems in August
- Sweden to Cape Town
- Riding to Prudhoe bay alaska from winnipeg....anyone heading my way
- Driving from UK to Iran
- Libya Transit end Sept 08
- Pamir Highway in end of Oct 2008, HELP
- from Capetown all the way around
- Anyone who can help me get on my feet in California?
- Anyone going through Azer / Georgia
- Vietnam to UK (october...ish)
- Any other 125ers wanting to explore UK?
- greece to estonia
- Oct. B.A to Cusco
- Middle east journey
- From Chile to Argentina-Bolivia-PerĂº
- Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Oct/Nov 2008
- Dover - Alps- Pyrenees- Morocco - Bilbao-Portsmouth
- Anyone else in Peru?
- Poland ,Russia,Kazakhstan
- Uk to Oz 2010
- Continental Divide Trail
- CALIFORNIA TO TDF, starting august 08
- Croatia Mid Sept
- panama to mexico 9/2008
- New York to Miami
- Panama?
- North from Buenos Aires mid August
- indonesia to cambodia from 25/07
- Anyone in Nepal?
- Maroc, Mid of Aug til Mid of Sept
- Anyone in Sokcho - South Korea?
- Azerbaijan/Georgia/Turkey
- England to Capetown in 2010 - Early planning and friend finding.
- Dempster Highway/ Canoil Road
- Cape Town to Cairo leaving now now
- Africa South to North January 09
- RTW from Athens to Alaska
- California and South
- West to Wyoming
- USA - East Coast - West Coast & return
- Well, I've made it to Buenos Aires
- Anyone passing through Turkey/Dogubayazit into Iran soon?
- Europe to Vladivostok
- Heading to Paris from Vancouver in 4 hours.
- iran to pakiatan
- Iran-Pakistan-India Currently in Iran
- Istanbul to Kathmandu
- panama to mexico starting 10\2008
- Tunisia - Nov 08 - Join the XT Girls !!
- Algeria in October `08
- Anchorage to Tierra del Fuego and Beyond? July 2009
- Eastern Europe July 08
- Montenegro, Albania, Corfu (Greece)
- Melbourne to Perth from 20th December 2008
- Charity run: London to Istanbul on a C90
- Europe: Aug 08
- Overland to New Zealand via India
- From August 2008: Vladivostok -> Europe
- North America off road
- Bmw Gillette Wyoming Rally
- Anyone travelling through Iran and Pakistan into India in July?
- Anyone in eastern Turkey at the moment?
- Anyone living in Gaborone
- Romania, Slovenia (Bled), Croatia (Rab/Velebit), N Italy (Dolomites)
- Anyone around Mexico / Yucatan heading North 12 June 08?
- Ride Arround The World
- Ecuador into Peru NOW = strenght in numbers
- DAKAR RALLY Argentina Chile who's going ?
- traveling from Nova Scotia to San Diego
- Anybody in Lima, Peru or near here?
- north Africa and Europe july and august 2008
- Thailand - Korea - Russia - Mongolia - Europe
- Anyone in Thailand?
- Bolivia in August 2008
- i.m looking for: british couple who's going to drive around Europ for charirty!
- wrecked in guatamala
- South from Colorado
- HUMM team-mate?
- AFRICA - South to North - Cape Agulhas to Cap Blanc OCTOBER 2008 to JANUARY 2009
- Mongolia July/August 2008
- Vladivostok to London, starting in July 08
- guatamala riding
- anyone interested in entering Pakistan via China KKH
- trans labrador highway june 19 from new england
- panama to mexico starting 9/2008
- London to Tombuctoo Driver wanted
- Around the World
- Syria, Jordan
- Anyone travelling around Turkey at the mo?
- Marrakech 30 May - 5 June 08
- March '09 UK via Mid East to Cape Town
- San Diego - Cabo San Lucas and back, 31May-6June
- UK 2 timbuktu and back late June 08
- nairobi going north
- Namibia & South Africa - 2 Bikes Already There..
- Anyone in Southern Africa?
- Turkey, 3rd-4th week of July
- Europe to india, over the himalaya (khunjerab pass.)
- Ecuador - Bogota
- Off-road riding in SW England
- Anyone in California heading east?
- Se Busca Pareja Para Darle La Vuelta Al Mundo
- Yamaha available in Buenos Aires
- June 08 in the Mid west and NorthernCalifornia
- RTW, Long way round, 2009, Anyone?
- Leaving Arusha
- Trans America Trail ---june/july 2008
- Iran NOW...the Pakistan run as a duo!...in Shiraz
- Touring Australia
- Leaving UK June 9th to India via Turkey and Moscow
- Leaving for Central America in two weeks
- Anyone in Kazakhstan heading to Uzbek, Kyrg?
- Argentina,Chile , Uruguay mid OCT TILL MID DEC 2008
- battelfields in europe WW1
- Pyrenees 12-19/5/08, also looking for a bike storage place in Barcelona
- June 10th.towards black sea from German
- Anyone for Delhi-Ladakh June-July '08?
- Anyone in Baja California?
- anyone in sumatra?
- Afghanistan in mid-May
- RTW with Organised Tour/independently?
- Seeking Forth Rider For Continental Divide Trail
- East coast overland Africa travellers Oct 2008
- Pan America July 2008 (Ois,John & Geff)
- Anyone in Bangkok?
- UK to S Africa - late 2009
- Who's coming to TESCH?
- Road Trip to the States, Canada, Alaska
- UK to Poland
- India to Europe or Thailand (Early May - Late July)
- Morocco on late April/Early May
- Nordkapp June 2008 from Perthshire
- Europe...........July or August 2008
- Kaz, Mongolia, Vlad?
- Vermont - Texas - Mexico -Costa Rica leaving in 2 weeks
- Bulgaria-Turkey-Syria-Jordan, company welcome
- copper canyon mexico, may 23d want to join?
- Kyrgystan
- London 2 Cape Town 2010
- In Addis and heading south....Turkana?
- New England-Alaska Spring 2008
- The Gambia last week of April !!
- las vegas to costa rica
- san pedro de atacama now
- London to Cape Town 2010
- Europe Trip Change of plans and Still looking for partners
- Phoenix to Prudhoe Bay and back in July/Aug
- Outback Australia this year?
- Looking for a riding partner to ride from Buenos Aires to Paraguay on (04/10/08)
- London to Cape Town (Feb '09)
- Going through Libya Oct/Nov -08
- Anyone Going To Burning Man?
- Texas to TDF
- London - Morocco - April 6th to 29th
- Egypt Now?
- Santiago - Mendoza and then north
- Touring North America
- UK Touring Newbie - Got 1st trip planned what do you think ?
- Vladivlostok -> Europe ( june 2008 ) - Other Riders ?
- Travel through Europe July/ Aug
- Argentina to Vancouver May 08
- Into Mexico May 2nd - May 9th
- june / july 08: france, spain, portugal, pyrenees, alps...
- loking for friends in Germany
- Finally In The Us
- Partner wanted to ride out to Kieve and back through Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Germ
- TDF in '09
- Silverton, Colorado HU meeting!
- Pay only for fuel & food - 3 week Namib bike trip
- London To Cape Town
- Looking for riding buddy for summer 08 Europe trip.
- Anyone heading to Istanbul...eastern europe: Bosnia now!
- Companion for Asian/oz 4x4 Trip
- East coast of africa