- 3 Cups Trip South America Oct 08-March 09
- UK to Morocco (April/May)
- Morocco Late Summer 08
- Morocco April/May 2008
- Vladivostok heading West
- Looking for riding partner in Argentina to ride to Ushaia.
- road trip from europe to india
- Europe? Morocco? Africa left coast anyone?
- Argentina to Columbia to States in April?
- Sponsored trip: London to Vladivostok / Magadan this summer. Anyone?
- Tunisia-Libya-Egypt anyone?
- Anyone from UK to Chile
- UK to Morocco 4x4 late summer 2008
- Libya, Feb, 2008
- AUS - UK / UK - Aus
- 24 mainland EU Countries tour
- Any other Sportsbikes out there?
- Morocco End March first two weeks of April 2008
- Central Europe Rally Hungary - Romania 2008-02-14
- South America October 08
- Iran April 2008
- If You need a place to sleep in Belgium?
- Africa full circuit
- Europe Charity Trip, 46 countries, can i sleep on your floor!?
- Buenes Aires to Colombia
- Join us on a non-commercial overland trip throughout Africa
- Australia circuit-Dec 08
- Iceland via Scandinavia
- North through Brazil & Venezuela
- Peru-Ecuador-Colombia
- bike trip support vehicle
- Seeking riding partner in Nicaragua or Costa Rica to Colombia and maybe further.
- sand blast rally 2009
- TZ to Cape town
- Ouagadougou
- Colorado - Panama March 08
- Africa fall 2008: Morocco to Cape Town & beyond
- Turkey to Ireland.
- Central America and South America now
- dragon
- MA to OR Sept. 08
- Rob Reznik - where is he?
- dog travellers
- Anyone going flying to Bogota Monda the 28th?
- Alguien de Colombia al Sur?
- In Cuenca Ecuador
- Holland. Belgium and France
- Co-Pilot needed: Ulan-Ude to Ulaanbaatar and to Moscow
- UK to australia any one want to join me?
- Cambodia February, Laos in March
- Mexico and beyond: forward planning nov or dec 08 departure from southern USA
- Elefantentreffen 25 - 27 Jan near Passau
- Czech Republic to South Africa
- Scotland 1st - 8th May08
- Libya Mid March - Share Guide??
- Mexico End Of January
- Ukraine, end of feb 08
- Leaving Ireland Sunday France/Italy/Greece/Turkey
- Ok, time to leave.
- Dallas - San fransisco end of jan 08
- VN/Cambodia/Laos Feb/March '08...
- Usa 2008
- Dubai to London April 2008
- Going south from Morocco
- Western Europe and Morocco Jan 15 to Feb 3
- In COSTA RiICA now,leaving Jan 24 to Pamama then COLUMBIA to tdf
- World-round trip (1st from Latvia)
- Anyone flying into Lima??
- 4 wheels - India back to UK?
- Reiliable Travel Advice Here...
- Cambodia NOW
- Anybody fancy some film work south India ???
- Australia- may-july08
- Hendrik Veldhuizen?
- Bed, hot showers and beer offered on Atlantic route (Kati, Mali)
- Serbia-bulgaria-turkey-syria-jordan In April-maj
- Normandy at the end of July
- newcastle-bergen ferry 15 jan
- Mexico/Guatemala in March
- Buying in Itay for an Aussie
- HUMM Travellers ?
- NYC ---> TDF in 2008
- Scotland to Oz April 2009
- South Africa - Europe
- Africa eatern route southwards in 1st half of '08?
- Equador riding South in Jan 08
- Hendrik from Holland?
- Global Patchwork 4x4 Trip to Senegal
- Santiago Chile to Vancouver Feb 2008
- Dakar-08
- Mexico - Ushuaia
- Anyone anywhere near Puerto San Julian Argentina?
- Algeria Early Febuary South to North
- India
- Buddy to Patagonia Jan Feb 2008
- Middle East ride, advice? In Dubai now.
- Ireland to Spain (Via France/Portugal?)
- Peru company
- Congo Convoy
- South america november 2008
- India - Turkey/Europe in mid 2008. Anyone interested?
- Can anyone who tryed to cross the border into China please contact me?
- Any one going to Sudan next week?
- CA and South America
- Agra, India anybody about ???
- Buying in London and driving to Itay, Spain ad Denmark
- Anyone in Dubai or Oman (Dec07-Feb08)
- South America april - may 2008
- Colombia Ecuador Peru
- Traveling through Pakistan and Iran
- Argentina Jan2008 going south then north..
- Pan America July 2008 (Ois n John)
- Thailand to India Start Feb 08
- La Paz to the Salar?
- Africa West Coast South to North early Jan
- Ecuador Peru border
- Leaving Monday the 6th for Baja/Copper Canyon from SF Bay
- US to Argentina Decmber 15th-19th
- Tim bmw gs are you in dakar
- Anybody in Dakar
- Anyone aswan-wadi halfa ferry 31st Dec?
- A week in Vietnam, later April 2008
- Englan to Spain
- Russia and The Stans – May 08
- UK to cape town
- UK to Israel - 30th Aug til 4th(ish) Oct 2008
- driving across the Baltic, is it still possible?
- Morocco April 2008
- London to Vladivostok then USA. April 2008
- Japan-Russia-Europe slow bike April 08 start
- Anyone In Addis Ababa???
- John O'Groats to Cape Town
- Anyone in Buenos Aires ? Fancy a trip to Iguazu falls ??
- HELP! Mexico City to LA next week?
- Iran To Ireland
- Nth. Bound
- 4 wheels - Namibia, Botswana, South Africa - Apr
- Want a lift trans-Sahara in Feb?
- Convoy through Congos (3 in Defender seek more cars)
- Morocco to Mauritania, But no transport!
- invite to Colan, Northern Peru
- parana brazil
- Anyone in Morocco right now?
- India to UK, no carnet
- Motorcycle down Africa
- Anybody in Ethiopia or Sudan??
- Riding partner USA to TDF, 2008
- UK to Cape Town leaving tomorrow on my Enfield
- North from Ndola in Zambia
- India TO Europe
- South America in spring 2008 anyone?
- Latin America Adventure
- Who is currently on their way to Tierra del Fuego?
- Riding partner? UK towards Asia for a year or so, spring 2008
- A Central America Xmas party meet ?
- Looking for a riding partner in southern Spain
- Leave tomorrow!
- Uyuni - San Pedro Atacama Oct/Nov 2007
- Greece tomorrow (26th Oct 2007), Turkey and Iran therefter
- Elephant rally 2008
- Anyone got a couch in New York, 10th - 14th December?!
- Towards Far East: EU - Vladivostok
- Cape Town - Europe June 2008
- Motos Against Malaria
- wouldn·t it be nice....?
- East coast of mexico to Belize - Starting early November
- Ethiopia to Dar Es Salaam
- Bill (USA, LC4 Adv. crossing Russia) wanted!
- In need of like minded people
- Anyone in Spain/Morocco/Mauri going south?
- Xela, Guatemala - Panama City leaving 23/10
- 30th Birthday in Iran
- Motorbike from UK to south africa anyone interested?
- Chicago - columbia - San Francisco Nov 2007 to April 2008
- camping in peru
- Quebec to Costa Rica
- Vladivostok-Europe in early spring 2008
- which biker want to go from aussie to new zealand
- Mexico mid Dec. riders wanted
- Trooper John... U out there?
- Alternative Ushuaia for December?
- Toronto-nova Scotia-prudhoe-ushuaia-buenos Aires (july 12 2008)
- San Fran to Chiapas 1st Nov 07
- Riders Wanted. Turkey to Mongolia. Aug 08
- California to Argentina
- South West U.S 2weeks starting 6.10.07
- Azerbaijan anyone?
- Africa East coast south
- Colombia going south
- Shipping a bike from Argentina to the UK
- Oregon to Argentina
- Algeria end of October share a guide
- Any One Guatemala Bound
- Anyone heading down to see some of the DakarRally?
- Buenos Aires-Pantanal-Amazonas-Caribbean. Someone?
- Anyone in Central Africa and heading south?
- 2nd attack on Africa
- California to Costa Rica Spring '08
- Motorbike from Niger Nigeria Tchad Cameroon Gabon Feb 2008
- China - guide sharing August 2008
- Anyone in a vehicle over Xmas - W.Africa
- traveling by private vehicle in Africa
- Riding Quads Across Africa
- crossing Libya early December
- Djibouti
- Argentina - Chile - Bolivia - Paraguay - october -2007
- partners for a turkey- stans-russia-mongolia trip
- South Chile FEB 08
- UK to Morocco for 2weeks (ish) over Xmas and Part of the Dakar anyone interested?
- Djibouti to TZ
- Lake District / Wales next week
- Southafrica via Tun.-Libia-Egypt-Sudan-etc
- Europe -> Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India Oct 07 onwards
- South Africa to Zambia and back May 2008
- morroco to mauritania/ghana
- Need a Southern Spain riding partner for a few days in Nov.
- join us: mit ihrem 4x4 TRANSSAHARA Tozeur (Tunesien) - TIMBUKTU /Mali (oder bis Coton
- Central America - September-ish 07
- China, from Kazakhastan March 2008
- UK-Southern Spain!
- Malaysia to Ireland
- in panama looking to get to columbia
- Vancouver,B.C. to Viedma, Argentina
- Florida to Ushuaia
- Help!! Need A Car From Laos To China
- UK to Russia via Bulgaria
- Canada to Usuahia
- Asturias - Galicia
- Looking for Phillipe Janowski
- central europe anyone?
- procuro viajante que fale portugues
- from the Paraguayan Chaco to Bolivia
- anyone know Pete and Wendy from Liverpool?
- camping anyone?
- mexico
- Crossing into Mexico next week
- Anyone flying UK-Argentina late this year ??
- about the metting
- portugal meeting
- Ireland/uk To India........and Beyond!
- UAE south to Africa
- Sydney-Daintree-Darwin-Alice via Tanami
- France (june 07) - Cambodgia (dec 07)
- Colombia?
- Looking for friends
- 2008 Eurotrip
- Alaska to Argentina - Prudoe Bay Bound
- Contact of Ekke and Audrey Kok
- Michigan to Panama and back 2009
- 2003 Jan-Feb Egypt-Sudan: Aldi Petiti...