- South America 2017
- Shared container to Chile from Aus
- Anyone round west Africa??
- morocco/western sahara 2018
- Germany to South-Africa west-route
- Motor trip South America Jan 2018 - May 2018
- Iran 2018
- SoCal and headed south.
- In Eastern Mexico (San Cristobal) heading South
- Bolivia + Sierra de Atacama, starting 9th of October
- Colombia -> Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia - starting now!
- portugal/moroco
- Sept20 2017 - San Diego to Baja on short notice
- Spain Europe
- Trip Through Mexico - want to join?
- Love match
- “Transfagarasan” highway in Romania
- Rtw 2018
- US west coast sept17
- Time for a trip/ adventure
- Crossing from pakistan to china to kirgisistan or kasachstan
- Anyone currently on the Road in Central America
- Iran spring 2018
- Vladivostok to Netherlands 2019
- Riding partner for Patagonia, Chile northbound through SA Sep 2017
- South America starting December 2017
- Paris - Vladivostok 2019?
- namibia-kenia
- Thailand - Myanmar - India March 2018
- la Ruta cuarenta need friends
- Denver to Panama - October 2017
- Canada to Chile August to December 2017
- Detroit - Ushuaia - Buenos Aires - Europe
- Transfagarasan Highway ~ Romania
- Convoi traversée Chine (Kirgizistan-Laos) 4x4 printemps 2018
- South Amerika, NewZelland, Australia 2018
- Vancouver Canada to Argentina Nov.2017-March 2018
- Laos into Mongolia, through China Apr-Jun 2018
- Switzerland HUBB 25 - 27 August
- Westcoast USA from Nov. 2017?
- US to Chile, Oct'17
- China crossing July 2018 (Kyrgystan to Pakistan)
- Seeking moto company in Myanmar this Aug/September 2017
- From thailand to india via myanmar
- South East Asia
- Travellers crossing Pakistan from Iran on August 2017
- Belgian horizonexplorer seeks cie Iberia-Moroc 03/2018
- Crossing Myanmar from India to Thailand in Nov 2017
- West Africa Travel Buddies
- Seeking Adventure riders Aug 7-13
- Indiana-South Dakota-Oregon-Colorado Sept 2017
- UK to Cape Town - bike currently in Ghana
- Columbia north to south, early August 2017 anyone?
- Romania in August
- Mainland Spain & Portugal
- Free accommodation in Ireland.
- Burma(myanmar) december 2017
- Iran + 5xStans + Russia + Europe
- Cape Town to Europe
- Road to Dakar
- Kirgistan - China - Laos Sept/Oct 2017
- planning Mongolia June/July 2018
- Tunisia
- Kenya to Ethiopia via Lake Turkana
- china - laos, september 17
- la Ruta cuarenta need friends
- 1981 chiclayo or talara peru
- Iran NOW
- UK to Morocco October 14th -29th (ish)
- UK to West Africa , September 2017
- Last minute Balkan/Pyrenees
- Toronto to Ushuaia
- latin america - chile to mexico / california
- Colombia to San Francisco November 2017
- México in August anyone?
- Northern Europe
- South Africa - Europe, early 2018
- Atacama - Bolivia - Peru - Ecuador
- Trans America Trail summer 2018
- From Colombia to Perú in two days
- Western tour of US-September 2017
- Caucasus, now!
- Europe to South Africa
- anybody around Teheran going to Pakistan next?
- Thailand-Myanmar-India Feb'2018
- From Arica Chile To Iguazu Paraguay
- Bolivia: Lagunas Route in early July?
- Spain in September
- Canadian Rockies in mid-late July
- IRELAND Enniskillen Rally ~ June 23/25
- Compartir - Share - Contenedor - Container
- Europe - 17 countries in about 4 months
- Italy to australia!serch travel friend! in particular iran and myanmar
- Thailand - (Cambodia - Laos) - Thailand - Myanmar (April 2018)
- US to Ushuaia
- Wanna Ride Russia's BAM road or Road of Bones?
- Pyrenees on a short notice.
- China - Germany
- In brasil with a road 180cc looking for a partner climbing up north
- circumnavigation of the med september 2017 (1 month)
- Oz to Europe: Share guide costs Thailand-Myanmar, Pakistan-China July, Aug, Sept 2017
- U.S.A east to west coast august 2017
- Share costs Iran Guide.
- Shanghai- Germany
- Russia HU Event 23 - 25 June
- Thailand - Myanmar - India March 2018
- North Carolina to Alaska--July 2017
- Overland from Laos to Kazakhstan - Kirghizistan through China - Looking for partners
- Thailand to myanmar / india
- china crossing july 2017
- UK to Thailand Sep 17
- Pillion looking to ride
- Ulanbaataar to Wladiwostok - June 2017
- Crossing Myanmar in March 2018
- Togo - Morocco/Europe 08/2017 - 11/2017
- Turkey trip - June 2017
- Myanmar August 2017 - Looking for riders
- USA LA to Florida
- whole Europe, 1 year, 2 Yamaha 125 cc couple low cost
- Crossing China Oct-Nov 2017 from Kyrgyzstan to Laos/Vietnam
- North America on a 1978 motorcycle
- US Route 50 west to east
- Vancouver - South America
- From Europe through Russia and Mongolia to Vladivostok Aug 2017
- India/nepal to europe trip - very flexible..
- uk to Dakar . March 2018
- West Africa via Morroco Dec. 2017, 4X4 camper.
- Continental Divide, August 2017 (Montana to Texas) Want to join?
- Germany / France may/june 2017
- HU-Treffen Russland/ Baltikum
- Indonesia to USA/Canada
- china crossing pakistan to kirgikistan mid july
- Riders wanted: Murmansk January 2018
- Continental Divide North to South - August 2017
- morocco may 2017
- China tour Aug/Sept 2017?
- Chile-Argentina Januar 2018
- Darien Gap shipping partner(s) and South America riding buddy wanted NOW
- India, Myanmar, Thailande October/November 2017
- Seeking bike travellers to cross Turkmenistan together
- Alaska to Argentina - June 2017
- Morocco - Piste / off-road partner(s) 28th Mar - 7 Apr
- Beijing to London
- PERU 2017 anyone?
- Malay to Cambodia transfer 5th April
- Colonial Mexico in May or June?
- Last minute thailand-myanmar-india
- Mongolia - returning bike to Europe offer
- West coast Africa
- Grand Tour of Italy
- Shipping Panama to Columbia May/June 2017
- Morocco (Ferry Sète-Melilla) 14d roundtrip, 30.04.-17.05)
- Baja - April 5th
- Marocco-Dakar
- Maroc
- Japan overland
- In Colombia, following the Andes (with side routes of course)
- Kashmir, Zanskar, Ladakh June/July 2017
- San Francisco to Flagstaff Overland Expo lift wanted
- India-Burma-Thailand-Malaysia -> End of April
- ushuaia-alaska-ushuaia
- Iran, summer 2017 4X4 medium camper truck
- Santiago, Chile to Puerto Montt
- Holland to Uzbekistan with Renault Kangoo!
- China To France - Silk Road Summer 2017 - Looking for travelers
- Travel with motorbike Vietnam
- Traveling to Morocco anyone interested !
- Is somebody in Africa now??
- Last minute Thailand transit - anyone else stuck?
- Sharing a container to skip the Darien Gap?
- Kyrgyzstan -> China -> Pakistan in August (or Georgia -> India)
- Any visitors to Lake Atitlan, Guatemala?
- Myanmar crossig Thai to India around March 20
- Kyrgyzstan July - August 2017
- Iceland Aug 12, 2017
- trip to Dakar and further down
- Anyone in Bangkok now? Heading out March 1st to explore
- Cross Myanmar by car April/May 2017
- South America to USA
- UK, Denmark, Sweden, mainland Europe and back June 2017
- South Africa Easter 2017 Saturday April 1st to Sunday April 15th anyone interested?
- Mumbai - Delhi on Enfields! March 2017
- Pakistan - China - Kyrgyzstan June 2017
- Kyrgystan-China-Pakistan Sept.2017
- Absolute Beginner
- London to Sydney
- Spain june
- UK - Eastern Europe-Bulgaria spring-summer 17
- Motorbike in the Himalaya July anyone ?
- Vancouver to Tierra del Fuego in May 2017
- Travling Denmark-Greek-Turkey-Asia July 2017
- Crossing China from Kyrgyz to Laos, October 2017
- Sydney to London
- Morocco to Gambia feb 2017 landrover defender
- U.K. Norway Finland
- cruise buenosaires-valparaiso via ca horn
- Alaska to Argentina 2017 - Pan Americas
- Cape Town to Europe 2017
- Cambodia Thailand Vietnam loas RIDE ABOUT
- Myanmar
- Norway Road Trip
- Searching for travellers want cross myanmar in february 2017
- Motorcycle travellers in Morocco Jan 26th - Feb 2nd?
- Selfdrive China: Mongolia - Laos 27 Days 29 Aug - 24 Sept 2017
- Thailand - India (thru Burma) - riding partners required to save $$
- Mexico Guatemala Belize, late Feb 2017
- Morocco at short notice...Feb/March 2017
- China crossing, from Kazakhstan/Kirghizistan/Mongolia to Laos
- looking for riding partner from Santiago to Ushuaia and beyond NOW
- 29 Apr ~ 5 may Grand canyon travel
- China or Myanmar
- Alaska July & August 2017
- London UK to Melbourne Aus (July / Aug 2017)
- Chile to Argentina to Bolivia to Peru in March
- Europe to Cape Town or vice versa (May 2016)
- Lao-China-Kirghizistan/Kazakhstan March-April 2017 : Looking for partners
- London to Vladivostok - leave July/August '17
- London to Cape Town - January start
- Mongolia in May
- China crossing, KKH - Kashgar - Kyrgyzstan, June 2017
- Iran in March
- West Africa - Cameroon to Capetown January
- Adriatic & Alps 2017
- Who's going to the Switzerland HUBB rally in August?
- Travelling througt China from Mongolia, Tibet to Khyrgistan June/July 2017
- Crossing Russia, Kaz, and Mongolia June 2017
- UK to Mongolia, departing June 2017
- Dakar 2017
- South Africa Easter 2017 1st to 15th April anyone interested?
- Mexico Bound ...(Gratuitous Solicitation)
- West África. Spain to Cap Town.
- USA to Mexico/Cancun
- Swindon to Goa August 17
- Crossing China Oct 2017
- Thailand guide share mid july 2017
- Travelling through China Sept. 2017
- I'm looking to bicycle and scooter in Cuba for a couple weeks in January 2017!
- Baja for New Years
- UK - Morocco - WAF? 2H Jan 2017
- India - Rajastahn Feb 2017
- Dakar -Bamako - Cote d'Ivoire
- Crossing China "road-trip - self driving" june 2017
- Singles have more fun, Mongolei, Altai, Pamir, Iran, Germany :)
- Dakhla-nouadhibou-atar buddy up
- 2017 Trip Swiss Alps to Sibiu in Romania
- Mexico city, January 2017. North or South?
- Container shipping from Darwin to Dili, Feb 2017
- Anyone in San Pedro now ?
- On the Landway to New York
- Looking travel mates motorbiking South Asia