- North to south america
- Nepal to Mongolia
- Nairobi South Africa, Tanzania, Malawi,Zimbabwe,Mozambique
- Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia
- Northern Argentina, Chile, Bolivia
- Nepal-Kyrchizië
- Drive China - Kyrgyzstan to Nepal, May 2015
- 2 months riding around in Central Asia Jun-Jul 2015
- Christmas 2014 in TDF?
- My Algarve adventure needs help!
- China 2015
- Travel/work around Australia
- In Georgia heading to Australia
- Australia Nov-Jan 2014
- Top oportunity: from Panama on 2 Triumphs to ... ? Starting December 2014
- From Arizona to S. America
- Iran - From Turkmenistan to Turkey Nov - Dec 2014
- Sydney to London 2015
- Riding south from Colombia until Argentina and back (Nov 2014-Aug 2015)
- Suriname to Ushuaia: start 20 jan 2015
- Bolivia and points beyond
- By car from Russia to Africa. Russia - Kazakhstan -Uzbekistan- Turkmenistan -Iran- ba
- India Goa
- 2015 travel
- India>Nepal>Tibet>China>Kazakhastan or Kyrgyzstan> April 2015
- Seeking adventure rider: Labrador Corridor road.
- In Namibia, heading for Tanzania/Kenya then...?
- Spare seat in Land rover Morrocco - Senegal
- Rio Brazil to Columbia Nov 14 to feb 15
- Hanoi Vietnam
- India>Nepal>Tibet>Kazakhastan or Kyrgyzstan> April 2015
- India toThailand via Myanmar, in January 2015
- Nov 2014 share the road to South America
- HU from Mozambique
- From California to Baja Mexico Dec 2014
- Mexico, central America, South America
- Baja in January 2015 headed south
- Nepal-Tibet-Krykystan May 2015 Guide Share
- China Guid Share - KKH - Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan August / September / October 2015
- seeking Travellers in Mexiko for Central America
- Brasil (rio/rj) -ushuaia-santiago(chile)-rio/rj dezembro 2014
- Time for a trip/ adventure
- Croatia > Serbia > Romania > Hungary > West Europe now (mid October)
- Torugart and Khunjerab pass China, Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan 2015 anyone?
- Morocco October
- Salar de Uyuni - October 2014
- Anyone riding around Pakistan??
- Where I met the coolest people in Central america and South America as a volunteer
- Laos to Almaty via Urumqui april may 2015
- Crossing Pakistan to India at the end of December
- Lagunas Route / Bolivia - Next week! (OCT2014)
- Safty Pakistan KKH
- Kirgistan - Pakistan Transit in China
- Patagonia & Atacama 2015
- HU South Africa meeting.
- Morocco to Dakar Around December Start
- panamericana s->n starting monday
- Croatia 29th Spetember
- SE Asia
- Driving China, April-May 2015 seeking share cost of guide
- Driving Myanmar Feb. 2015. Seeking share cost of guide
- Morocco Christmas/New Year 2014/15
- Girl rider new to forum, seeking adventure!
- Spain, A Coruna - Galicia
- India-Myanmar-Thailand, in January 2015
- Going from Laos to China/Tibet into Nepal in October/November 2014
- Poland and Neighborhood
- In Spain Alicante, looking for like minded Travellers
- Western Africa, to Cape Town
- EU to magadan
- Africa. North to South. Early 2015.
- part of the trans america
- Anyone living/traveling in Japan?
- Corpus Christi TX to Cancun Sep 15
- Crossing Myanmar from THA to India in March/April 2015
- 4 motnhs in Europe winter/spring 2015
- Anyone in South France or North West Italy
- South America Oktober 14 - March 15
- Traveling from or through AZ to HU Yosemite? event
- London to Cape Town
- Sharing costs to cross China from Mongolia to Laos Sep. Oct. 2015
- South America going south. Currently in Lima.
- China Apr/May from Laos to Mongolia. 25 days Interested in Guide sharing?
- USA - SF, CA. to Utah, Colorado, Back to HU Meeting In CA
- traveling from SoCal to HU Yosemite event
- travel to vietnam!
- Georgia via Russia to "Stans"
- Peru -> Rio
- Driving Myanmar Feb. 2015. Seeking share cost of guide
- Driving thru China, April, May 2015
- Colombia->Ecuador->Peru->Bolivia->happening now
- anyone up for white rim trail, monument valley, bryce canon from 5th sept -15th
- Fairbanks-Deadhorse-Fairbanks (next week)
- Looking for Travel companions for S. America Ride from Ecuador to Chile.
- India-Europe
- Myanmar: EARLY 2015
- Brazil, Argentina, Chilean+Bolivian altiplano
- Iran Guide share India to Turkey (April/May) 2015
- on route to mongolia sept 2014
- On route Yellowstone 5 Sept, Utah 10 Sept and San Diego 17 Sept
- mexico, central and south america 2014
- South Africa and North on a bike - Right now
- West Coast - between 24-30 Sept
- Asuncion Paraguay => Florianopolis => Rio => Venezuala starting September/October
- Container to SA?
- China Apr/May '15. Burma Feb/Mar. Interested in Guide sharing?
- Namibia other overlanders, where are you?
- Munich to Istambul and back, 8 - 29 September
- Company on trip and lift offered.
- Poland to Croatia August 2014
- Trans Africa via west + central, Jan 2015
- East European Roadtrip in May/June 2015
- Backcountry Discovery Routes!
- Natal Brazil - Buenos Aires Sept in Unimog, looking for copilot
- Westafrica
- UK - Morocco adventure tour anyone?
- India-Germany Overland via pakistan, Iran, Turkey...
- Germany to Novosibirsk ? Who ?
- Anyone around Nepal or India
- Croatia Bike week
- Croatia to Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan - late September 2014
- East Coast Canada/US to HU meet in California
- Santiago help?
- Future Travels
- Looking for traveling buddy. Almaty to UB.
- Looking for fellow travelers in Thailand
- Zakopane Poland
- Share Iran Guide? Sep 2014 Turkmenistan to Turkey
- Osh to the Pamir highway
- US and Mexico 2014
- Crossing Myanmar Nov-Dic 2014
- Maine Lighthuse Ride
- europe to se asia - lloking for company
- Does anyone know of a group crossing Myanmar to India in the next 6weeks
- Pamirs in August
- Australia (ship bike to) India overland to UK. 2015.
- Anyone going to Copper Canyon March 2015
- Central and South America in 2015...Who's in?
- Paying for the back seat
- Trekking in Pamirs, September 11-21, 2014
- Europe inc Auschwitz, leaving soon
- Mongolia to Iran/Pakistan September 2014
- Myanmar
- China from Laos to Mongolia
- In Barnaul July 22 heading to Europe via the Stans...Anyone???
- Iceland?
- Tibet-china-kyrgyzystan
- Mongolia to Laos through China, September 2015
- China Crossing from Kyrgystan to Mongolia Aug. 28/Sept. 2014
- Where to find 4x4 Overland Trave Partners?
- Georgia Albano Pass
- Anyone around Chiang Mai/Laos
- Western united states trip
- Poland-Ukraine-Russia Crossing
- Mexico
- East to West
- Share China (Xinjiang - Tibet) Costs 2015
- turkey- greece
- Nepal to Europe September 2014
- Morocco, Mauritania and around in no rush
- UK to Africa - I'll ride it back
- UK to Europe 1 or 2 weeks July/Aug
- Iran-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Krygyzstan-Kazakhstan-Russia-Japan
- Travel companion for Isiolo to Moyale
- road trip France-Burkina Faso
- Putting out feelers: any interest in sharing Iran guide, mid September 2014?
- Share container Cape Town to Buenos Aires - Sep/Oct 2014 (other ideas are welcome)
- London to Montenegro and back through Poland early August
- Heading South?
- Switzerland to Ireland (wild Atlantic way)
- looking for travel buddy !
- Sierras Nevadas in California
- south america. currently Brazil heading south
- Vladivostok to Birmingham starts July 27th
- Pakistan July
- China in September 2014
- Tour through Western China, Tibet and into Nepal.
- Switzerland to Georgoia mid July end of August
- El Rosella Baja, La Paz,Tapachulla June 14
- Driver required Simpson Desert Australia
- nairobi- johannesburg
- Southern Europe Offroad trip
- Lebanon-Turkey-greece August 2014
- Cairo to Cape in September
- riders in georgia tblisi?
- Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and beyond - all the way to Kyrgyzstan
- Back country discovery route
- Dempster Highway - Dawson City Music Fest July 2014
- 1st July 2014 - N France to South over Routes des Grandes Alps
- Heading North along Lake Turkana
- ATTN: Ryan (Oregon to Chile)
- Anyone around Ao Nang, Thailand
- Antigua, GT to Panama
- Bucharest to Heildelberg June 29 30
- Sharing container from Vladivostok to Vancouver July 2014
- Anyone Quito-Lima
- Who's going to be in Magadan July 1st +/- a day or two - and heading west?
- Who wants to ride from Europe to China along Silk road NOW?
- August to december any idea
- Dili-Darwin July 2014
- South America nov '14 - apr '15
- Who rides from Iran throughPakistan to India in June 2014
- peru to bolivia
- Traveling to Pakistan via KKH in July 2014
- Myanmar Crossing Oct/Nov 2014 (Indien > Thailand)
- Tasmania Tour Christmas and New Year
- Vancouver to Denver
- Marocco now-my travel Partner had to drive back-looking for guidance
- Bandar Lengeh to Dubai
- East to West
- Ride though Myanmar from Thai to India in July
- Cape town to london with 4 wheels in 2015
- Darwin to Dili - onto SEA
- China guide planned
- Across China: Laos to Kyrgyzstan: July 18th 2014. Last minute joiners?
- southmurica from uyuni to cartagena
- Calgary to San Francisco
- Gibb river road Western Australia now!
- Sept 2014 - Germany, Iran, [Ship], SE Asia, Australia
- Aussies going Isle of Man to Vladivostok - in two weeks!!
- Ride through China 2015
- Samburu/Isiolo to Moyale
- Germany to Italy-Morocco-Spain
- Uk to turkey, georgia, armenia september 2014
- Siberia: road of bones to Magadan in June+July
- Chile to Brazil for World Cup June 2014!!
- UK to Turkey and back late June for 6 weeks
- chile in december then onto bolivia
- Panama - Mexico in June, mate for the road
- Overlanding Convoy From Lao to Tibet via China
- Mexico -> and further to Bolivia
- New York City to Seattle
- North to South America, starting July
- India-Myanmar-Thaïland
- Perth-Darwin(?Singapore,Malaysia,Thailand?)
- Going across the Nullarbor from SA to WA next week, search 4 buddies/advice
- Lake Turkana - North to South in June 2014
- 3 Month Trip through the USA West-East
- El Salvador to Panama
- Through Mexico to Costa Rica in May
- California, Mexico, Then Vietnam or South America 2014
- Nairobi to Addis?
- The Wind Seekers - Operation Down South
- Pyrenese Trip
- San Francisco to Vladivostok May to Sept
- Bhutan
- Perth to Darwin and Mt. Isa
- Zambia to Lake Tanganyka in Congo, ferry to Rwanda
- Europe to Vladivostok and back aug. 2015
- Companion welcome-Germany to Georgia/Armenia August/September 2014