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  1. India toThailand via Myanmar, in January 2015
  2. Nov 2014 share the road to South America
  3. HU from Mozambique
  4. From California to Baja Mexico Dec 2014
  5. Mexico, central America, South America
  6. Baja in January 2015 headed south
  7. Nepal-Tibet-Krykystan May 2015 Guide Share
  8. China Guid Share - KKH - Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan August / September / October 2015
  9. seeking Travellers in Mexiko for Central America
  10. Brasil (rio/rj) -ushuaia-santiago(chile)-rio/rj dezembro 2014
  11. Time for a trip/ adventure
  12. Croatia > Serbia > Romania > Hungary > West Europe now (mid October)
  13. Torugart and Khunjerab pass China, Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan 2015 anyone?
  14. Morocco October
  15. Salar de Uyuni - October 2014
  16. Anyone riding around Pakistan??
  17. Where I met the coolest people in Central america and South America as a volunteer
  18. Laos to Almaty via Urumqui april may 2015
  19. Crossing Pakistan to India at the end of December
  20. Lagunas Route / Bolivia - Next week! (OCT2014)
  21. Safty Pakistan KKH
  22. Kirgistan - Pakistan Transit in China
  23. Patagonia & Atacama 2015
  24. HU South Africa meeting.
  25. Morocco to Dakar Around December Start
  26. panamericana s->n starting monday
  27. Croatia 29th Spetember
  28. SE Asia
  29. Driving China, April-May 2015 seeking share cost of guide
  30. Driving Myanmar Feb. 2015. Seeking share cost of guide
  31. Morocco Christmas/New Year 2014/15
  32. Girl rider new to forum, seeking adventure!
  33. Spain, A Coruna - Galicia
  34. India-Myanmar-Thailand, in January 2015
  35. Going from Laos to China/Tibet into Nepal in October/November 2014
  36. Poland and Neighborhood
  37. In Spain Alicante, looking for like minded Travellers
  38. Western Africa, to Cape Town
  39. EU to magadan
  40. Africa. North to South. Early 2015.
  41. part of the trans america
  42. Anyone living/traveling in Japan?
  43. Corpus Christi TX to Cancun Sep 15
  44. Crossing Myanmar from THA to India in March/April 2015
  45. 4 motnhs in Europe winter/spring 2015
  46. Anyone in South France or North West Italy
  47. South America Oktober 14 - March 15
  48. Traveling from or through AZ to HU Yosemite? event
  49. London to Cape Town
  50. Sharing costs to cross China from Mongolia to Laos Sep. Oct. 2015
  51. South America going south. Currently in Lima.
  52. China Apr/May from Laos to Mongolia. 25 days Interested in Guide sharing?
  53. USA - SF, CA. to Utah, Colorado, Back to HU Meeting In CA
  54. traveling from SoCal to HU Yosemite event
  55. travel to vietnam!
  56. Georgia via Russia to "Stans"
  57. Peru -> Rio
  58. Driving Myanmar Feb. 2015. Seeking share cost of guide
  59. Driving thru China, April, May 2015
  60. Colombia->Ecuador->Peru->Bolivia->happening now
  61. anyone up for white rim trail, monument valley, bryce canon from 5th sept -15th
  62. Fairbanks-Deadhorse-Fairbanks (next week)
  63. Looking for Travel companions for S. America Ride from Ecuador to Chile.
  64. India-Europe
  65. Myanmar: EARLY 2015
  66. Brazil, Argentina, Chilean+Bolivian altiplano
  67. Iran Guide share India to Turkey (April/May) 2015
  68. on route to mongolia sept 2014
  69. On route Yellowstone 5 Sept, Utah 10 Sept and San Diego 17 Sept
  70. mexico, central and south america 2014
  71. South Africa and North on a bike - Right now
  72. West Coast - between 24-30 Sept
  73. Asuncion Paraguay => Florianopolis => Rio => Venezuala starting September/October
  74. Container to SA?
  75. China Apr/May '15. Burma Feb/Mar. Interested in Guide sharing?
  76. Namibia other overlanders, where are you?
  77. Munich to Istambul and back, 8 - 29 September
  78. Company on trip and lift offered.
  79. Poland to Croatia August 2014
  80. Trans Africa via west + central, Jan 2015
  81. East European Roadtrip in May/June 2015
  82. Backcountry Discovery Routes!
  83. Natal Brazil - Buenos Aires Sept in Unimog, looking for copilot
  84. Westafrica
  85. UK - Morocco adventure tour anyone?
  86. India-Germany Overland via pakistan, Iran, Turkey...
  87. Germany to Novosibirsk ? Who ?
  88. Anyone around Nepal or India
  89. Croatia Bike week
  90. Croatia to Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan - late September 2014
  91. East Coast Canada/US to HU meet in California
  92. Santiago help?
  93. Future Travels
  94. Looking for traveling buddy. Almaty to UB.
  95. Looking for fellow travelers in Thailand
  96. Zakopane Poland
  97. Share Iran Guide? Sep 2014 Turkmenistan to Turkey
  98. Osh to the Pamir highway
  99. US and Mexico 2014
  100. Crossing Myanmar Nov-Dic 2014
  101. Maine Lighthuse Ride
  102. europe to se asia - lloking for company
  103. Does anyone know of a group crossing Myanmar to India in the next 6weeks
  104. Pamirs in August
  105. Australia (ship bike to) India overland to UK. 2015.
  106. Anyone going to Copper Canyon March 2015
  107. Central and South America in 2015...Who's in?
  108. Paying for the back seat
  109. Trekking in Pamirs, September 11-21, 2014
  110. Europe inc Auschwitz, leaving soon
  111. Mongolia to Iran/Pakistan September 2014
  112. Myanmar
  113. China from Laos to Mongolia
  114. In Barnaul July 22 heading to Europe via the Stans...Anyone???
  115. Iceland?
  116. Tibet-china-kyrgyzystan
  117. Mongolia to Laos through China, September 2015
  118. China Crossing from Kyrgystan to Mongolia Aug. 28/Sept. 2014
  119. Where to find 4x4 Overland Trave Partners?
  120. Georgia Albano Pass
  121. Anyone around Chiang Mai/Laos
  122. Western united states trip
  123. Poland-Ukraine-Russia Crossing
  124. Mexico
  125. East to West
  126. Share China (Xinjiang - Tibet) Costs 2015
  127. turkey- greece
  128. Nepal to Europe September 2014
  129. Morocco, Mauritania and around in no rush
  130. UK to Africa - I'll ride it back
  131. UK to Europe 1 or 2 weeks July/Aug
  132. Iran-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Krygyzstan-Kazakhstan-Russia-Japan
  133. Travel companion for Isiolo to Moyale
  134. road trip France-Burkina Faso
  135. Putting out feelers: any interest in sharing Iran guide, mid September 2014?
  136. Share container Cape Town to Buenos Aires - Sep/Oct 2014 (other ideas are welcome)
  137. London to Montenegro and back through Poland early August
  138. Heading South?
  139. Switzerland to Ireland (wild Atlantic way)
  140. looking for travel buddy !
  141. Sierras Nevadas in California
  142. south america. currently Brazil heading south
  143. Vladivostok to Birmingham starts July 27th
  144. Pakistan July
  145. China in September 2014
  146. Tour through Western China, Tibet and into Nepal.
  147. Switzerland to Georgoia mid July end of August
  148. El Rosella Baja, La Paz,Tapachulla June 14
  149. Driver required Simpson Desert Australia
  150. nairobi- johannesburg
  151. Southern Europe Offroad trip
  152. Lebanon-Turkey-greece August 2014
  153. Cairo to Cape in September
  154. riders in georgia tblisi?
  155. Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and beyond - all the way to Kyrgyzstan
  156. Back country discovery route
  157. Dempster Highway - Dawson City Music Fest July 2014
  158. 1st July 2014 - N France to South over Routes des Grandes Alps
  159. Heading North along Lake Turkana
  160. ATTN: Ryan (Oregon to Chile)
  161. Anyone around Ao Nang, Thailand
  162. Antigua, GT to Panama
  163. Bucharest to Heildelberg June 29 30
  164. Sharing container from Vladivostok to Vancouver July 2014
  165. Anyone Quito-Lima
  166. Who's going to be in Magadan July 1st +/- a day or two - and heading west?
  167. Who wants to ride from Europe to China along Silk road NOW?
  168. August to december any idea
  169. Dili-Darwin July 2014
  170. South America nov '14 - apr '15
  171. Who rides from Iran throughPakistan to India in June 2014
  172. peru to bolivia
  173. Traveling to Pakistan via KKH in July 2014
  174. Myanmar Crossing Oct/Nov 2014 (Indien > Thailand)
  175. Tasmania Tour Christmas and New Year
  176. Vancouver to Denver
  177. Marocco now-my travel Partner had to drive back-looking for guidance
  178. Bandar Lengeh to Dubai
  179. East to West
  180. Ride though Myanmar from Thai to India in July
  181. Cape town to london with 4 wheels in 2015
  182. Darwin to Dili - onto SEA
  183. China guide planned
  184. Across China: Laos to Kyrgyzstan: July 18th 2014. Last minute joiners?
  185. southmurica from uyuni to cartagena
  186. Calgary to San Francisco
  187. Gibb river road Western Australia now!
  188. Sept 2014 - Germany, Iran, [Ship], SE Asia, Australia
  189. Aussies going Isle of Man to Vladivostok - in two weeks!!
  190. Ride through China 2015
  191. Samburu/Isiolo to Moyale
  192. Germany to Italy-Morocco-Spain
  193. Uk to turkey, georgia, armenia september 2014
  194. Siberia: road of bones to Magadan in June+July
  195. Chile to Brazil for World Cup June 2014!!
  196. UK to Turkey and back late June for 6 weeks
  197. chile in december then onto bolivia
  198. Panama - Mexico in June, mate for the road
  199. Overlanding Convoy From Lao to Tibet via China
  200. Mexico -> and further to Bolivia
  201. New York City to Seattle
  202. North to South America, starting July
  203. India-Myanmar-Thaïland
  204. Perth-Darwin(?Singapore,Malaysia,Thailand?)
  205. Going across the Nullarbor from SA to WA next week, search 4 buddies/advice
  206. Lake Turkana - North to South in June 2014
  207. 3 Month Trip through the USA West-East
  208. El Salvador to Panama
  209. Through Mexico to Costa Rica in May
  210. California, Mexico, Then Vietnam or South America 2014
  211. Nairobi to Addis?
  212. The Wind Seekers - Operation Down South
  213. Pyrenese Trip
  214. San Francisco to Vladivostok May to Sept
  215. Bhutan
  216. Perth to Darwin and Mt. Isa
  217. Zambia to Lake Tanganyka in Congo, ferry to Rwanda
  218. Europe to Vladivostok and back aug. 2015
  219. Companion welcome-Germany to Georgia/Armenia August/September 2014
  220. Solo travelers through the heart of Amazon
  221. tibet may 2015
  222. KKH from Kashgar to Gilgit end of July 2014
  223. Finland to Vladivostok, June-August 2014
  224. Anyone in Dili?
  225. TransAfrica - West Coast - 07/14
  226. Houston to Ecuador Mid June 2014
  227. travel companions, Presido/Creel/ copper Canyon ?/?/?/
  228. Seeking other travellers in Europe
  229. In Phuket from 27/4/14
  230. China share costs 2015 Mongolia to Laos
  231. Arrive in HCMC Vietnam 2nd wk of June 2014 best area for buying a bike (esp a Minsk?)
  232. when do the most people leave UB Mongolia after Nadaam?
  233. Colorado to South America leaving mid May
  234. Arrive Calais 20th May East or West which way is best?
  235. UK-Balkans-UK - July 2014
  236. Spain - France - Italy - Germany - Poland - Belarus - Russia - Mongolia
  237. Crossing Central America en May
  238. Looking for company to cross Nigeria.
  239. West Africa heading North
  240. world trip
  241. South America to Seattle (right now)
  242. Toulouse to Istanbul - This Sunday
  243. Europe Sept 2014
  244. Mt Bromo East Java heading west
  245. CDR Ride in July-Seeking Ride Partner?
  246. Western US to Argentina everything in between
  247. Thailand-Myanmar-India
  248. Anyone traveling South America NOW? or up for TransAmazonica in Jun, July
  249. 2014 July: Pyrenees, Romania, Scotland, Pyrenees?
  250. Balkans / Turkey May-June