View Full Version : Route Planning
Pages :
- Southern Africa. April to July - weather?
- Fuel!
- Moto-ing China
- Colorado to Alaska June-July 2011???'s
- Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, etc.
- S. Africa, Botswana, Namibia
- How to print FREE High Resolution road Maps with Google Maps
- Time to head to the sun
- Ideas for one week rental ride in SA, Feb 2011?
- La Paz Bolivia to Santiago Chile
- Norway end of April/early may, camping and climate?!
- Morocco Overland
- Tofino, BC to Baja, Mexico in January?
- Route thru Arizona & SoCal in March 2011
- Trip planning N=>S America
- Vlad to Moscow
- Best way to get to the other side......
- Santiago - Ushuaia t BA - must do's?
- india touring
- Down the frozen River Ob in February
- Route planning for 6 months S+E Africa and South America
- To Buy, or to tke one's own...?
- Oslo - Ulanbataar (Beijing?)
- Palenque Mexico to Tikal Guatamala via El Ceibo
- Help on next trip.
- Japan
- brighton to magadan budget advice.
- Norway to South Africa. CAR & DRC help requested.
- Vietnam to England, need info on no go areas, HELP
- Honduras - what to see?
- North East DRC (congo)
- RTW trip with Mitsubishi Delica
- Custom-built Indian Itinerary
- Information needed on Carnet
- England to Vladivostck
- Kazachstan or Mongolia to Bangkok
- Mongolia-St Petersburg
- From Spain to Eastern Europe, The Baltic, Russia Scandanavia and, er back again!
- Lithuania into Poland
- santiago to Ushuaia, which ruta would you take?
- Good paper maps for South america roads?
- How much for a 3 week trip through Europe?
- London Cape town
- North and East Europe Trip - Tips anyone? :)
- Problem
- Greece to America
- Latest Time To Reach Tierra Del Fuego Without Freezing
- Europe April 2011
- crossing Canada
- RTW in the Arctic Circle???!!!
- philippines - europe / austria
- Vancouver BC to Portland Oregon
- Norway, July 2011
- London to Lilongwe
- Who's going to Ushuaia this year?
- Transit through Iran - Feb time too cold?
- Crossing from Mexico to Guatamala at Frontera Echeverria
- 4 - 5 Weeks Summer 2011, Ideas Please
- Spain advice please
- London to Sydney... in a London Black Cab
- Zambia to Angola
- How to get a Thai TukTuk into USA border?
- Fastest reasonable time to bike solo England to South Africa?
- uk to aus 2011
- Germany-Balkans- Greece- Germany Route
- Way points for Africa accommodation
- Drivig from China to UK
- off road motorbike holiday in asai 2011
- Gps Maps
- Morocco-Tunisia-Libya-Sudan-Ethiopia
- Iran - It's a big country...what to see in 2 months?
- Cameroon to Nigeria route help
- Congo Brazzaville-Gabon Lekoni route
- Anyone looking for a travelling mechanic?
- Turkey - Iran - Pakistan in a few days!
- Travel through Transiberian Highway in the winter
- Pan Americas - Which way round?
- South American border closures/alternative routes?
- Trinidad, Bolivia to Rurrenabaque in November
- Iran and Turkmenistan
- Summer temperatures in the Andes?
- Newbie (to this forum) tentative planning - London to California
- North Africa Trip
- Switzerland to mongolia 2011 trip planning help needed
- Vancouver Island Off Pavement?
- Weather: Crossing Canada Hwy 1 in mid-May?
- Bike storage along Norhern Brazil coast
- Death Valley in July?
- Can I put a bike on the Istanbul to Tehran Train
- Around SE asia, what do you think
- Vancouver to Argentina
- The western front
- Ride up East or West side of Lake Turkana
- Mexico
- Russia/Mongolia fuel question
- border crossing in central America
- Skipping Nigeria: Boat from Ghana to Cameroon?
- Ethiopia to Kenya
- Road conditions Pakistan
- From Europe to Egypt by land or boat
- What to see in Germany
- Iran north to south, 30 days, slow bike
- uk to morocco
- Columbia to Ushuaia
- When to cross Russia
- Tambacounda (Senegal) to Labe (Guinea)
- Africa Overland route - any thoughts?
- Australian Consulate Bulletin
- RTW on an AFRICA TWIN???
- Siberia in winter
- Where to go in Spain ?
- Best way to norway from uk
- Ferries from Isreal/Syria/Eyypt to Greece(Pireas)
- Left on my RTW Today from Edmonton, AB heading to Montana
- Dakar 2011 - SAMtours package or go it alone?
- Road conditions Turkey/Iran in April
- WARNING - AA Euro coiver is rubbish!!
- panama to columbia
- through the serengeti on the main road
- Putting the bike on a train in Turkey from Denizli to Erzurum
- R T W Stage 3 - Africa Advice Sought
- Algeria - Tamanrasset to Borj Mokhtar
- 1 Month European Adventure... Advice on Route/Roads to take Please
- Slovenia has moved
- west af. north xmas - weather
- Fuel cost estimation for trans-Asia
- First trip on Lima-Cuzco:man from Perù wanted!
- What direction to start out?
- Tiger Tracks - Europe (non eu)
- Big West Loop! NM,AR,Baja, CA,WA,OR,ID,WY
- Advice on RTW trip costing
- Aussie coming to Montreal in October
- South American Tour. Route planning problems!
- Turkmenistan - Iran border crossing
- sakhalin or vladivostok to japan
- Any suggestions for top roads or places to see UK to Lake Garda?
- UK - South Africa - A few questions
- maps
- Opinions - Which trip should I make
- seeking advise..Road trip- USA december- January
- A lap of the Med
- West Virginia / Greenbriar backcountry anyone?
- South America
- Sudan to Kenya
- Rotterdam- Mt Arrarat/Iran- Your input asked for
- Manchester-Pozitano Italy september
- Gerona Tunis return Alexandria Venice
- Hamburg to Morocco in February?
- Campsite in Cairo
- kuwait to uk routes through iran/turkey???
- googlemaps question
- Croatia
- Canada to Mexico on dirt Can2Mex
- Easy place to cross from Turkey to Syria?
- Any interesting places to see in Croatia, Slovakia, Monte Negro
- Two days in Kuala Lumpur
- Iceland-->Greenland-->Canada
- Nepal to UK Routes?
- looking for camp sites in the pyreness
- Uk-Romania-France August 2010
- East to West across the States
- Dar Es Salaam to Capetown
- Roll-on/roll-off , RORO Europe to east Usa.
- Summer Plans - Any Recommendations Eastern Europe
- Best border crossing Gabon-Cameroon?
- Kisangani-Komanda-Beni: route info.
- Angola: Luena - Malanje - DRC frontier
- Angola-Cabinda-Congo Brazzaville: route?
- Centrafrique-Congo River: best route?
- Cameroon -NE Nigeria - Zinder: info?
- Best route: Libreville - Bertoua (Gabon/Cameroon)
- Alaska highway or Stewart-Cassiar highway
- traveling through thailand on motor cycles
- Edmonton to Chicago Che k Xrivers
- Zambia-Angola frontiers: best roads?
- Best Route For Pakistan From UK
- Zinder - N'Djamena: safe these days?
- NY to Brasil Sept 2010
- santiago-alaska
- Best way from China to northern Europe
- Korea & Siberia digital maps for TTQV4
- Alaska - Argentina
- wandering around the 4 corners NM, AZ, CO, UT
- Final Route For Europe
- Alternate routes from WA to AK??
- UK to Morocco & back in 14 days???
- Hook of Holland to Lund in 2.5 days (help with route pls)
- Sarh - Centrafrique - Zongo: logistics?
- Iran and Pakistan Info.
- Rear tyre needed! Eastern Turkey/ Iran/ Armenıa / Georgıa
- Spain/Portugal/Pyrenees
- Calais to Tuscanny 3days route?
- SeanF's RTW Planning Brain Dump: Route
- 3 week motorcycle trip from Chicago to San Francsico
- UAE to London
- Western Sahara and Mauritania
- Kiliningrad
- Off-Road experience
- thinking of wintering beliza guatemala
- Olomouc to Zakopane (Czech Rep - Poland)
- First Trip Advice
- Sudan in Summer - Madness?
- Piraeus to Turkey ferries?
- Loose and dirty...looking for advice
- fly & ride from boston down the coast 6-20-10
- All The Way Up
- Crossing Russia to Vladivostok with a road bike
- Camping Site Calais / Folkstone area
- Road from Vladivostok to Magadan June 2010
- Did Bing Maps get crazy?
- norfolk to scotland
- Planning trip to Southern India, area, bike and equipment help requested!
- kuwait to uk
- Moscow to Vladivostok in road bike
- so what's finland like then?
- Canada - New York
- Travel to Jordan thru Turkey and Syria
- KKH closed ? (Islamabad to Kashgar - China)
- Must see's and Do's on route from Europ to South Africa (West Coast)
- East Africa going north, no more Ethiopian visa in Nairobi
- belize
- Georgia and Armenia...need info on what to see and where to ride
- UK to Beijing
- West Africa extension
- Things to do, places to go, people to meet - UK to Nepal
- Alaska in September?
- 14 days in the Alps
- Italy to Dover in a day - anyone done it?
- Israel To Morroco
- Visiting Scotland
- Kenya to South Africa on Royal Enfields
- Floods in Eastern Europe?
- india back to uk
- Calcutta to Delhi via Kathmandu
- Round Two: cape town to uk- route advice needed
- Venezuela actual situation?
- Colombia to Manaus
- Round the Black Sea from the uk and back
- Texas to Costa Rica
- Germany trip
- Manchester to Gibralter with a caravan
- Switzerland to Split
- Spanish School In Bolivia?
- Summer trip to Austri & Eastern Europe
- India to Norway
- Camping in Eastern Europe
- Trans Eurasian Expedition 2010-2011
- route suggestions?
- Route planning the the Amazon, Brazil
- Serbia, Bosnia and Albania VS Georgia and Armenia