View Full Version : Travellers' Advisories, Safety and Security on the Road

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  1. 2nd Nov, 2014: Suicide bombing at Wagah border
  2. Morocco Current security issues
  3. Witch route would you choose?
  4. Travelling (business) card scam
  5. Attention: Eric Haws Scam
  6. Roadblocks Huila (Province), Colombia
  7. BIKE Security:Parking, Bike Covers & General Paranoia
  8. ambush in guatemala filmed
  9. 8.2 earthquake 01apr14 Chile's north coast
  10. Russia, Sanctions, Credit Cards & ATMs
  11. Venezuela Security Situation
  12. HARRY DEVERT Missing in Michoacon Mexico
  13. missing
  14. Pakistan-Balochistan
  15. SCAM Buyer - A Real Example (in S.America, but could be anywhere...)
  16. Côte d’Ivoire sees sharp rise in banditry
  17. Ask a motorcycle thief
  18. Advice on security precautions in NW-Africa (Morocco, W. Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal)
  19. China -> Pakistan -> India via KKH safety
  20. Clashes in the Moyale-Marsabit Area (Border Kenya-Ethiopia)
  21. Russia Issues Travel Warning
  22. Getting two motorbikes into Egypt from Turkey?
  23. A safer Mexico
  24. nothing should stop us ! but :)
  25. Tourists killed by gunmen near Gilgit, Pakistan off the KKH
  26. Two tourists (Belgian and Israeli) kidnapped in Egypt
  27. Swiss cyclists attacked in India
  28. It is safe route Helsinki-St.Petersburg-Warsaw?
  29. ATTENTION! 4x4KENYA or Tanzania4x4carhire: Do not rent cars from those
  30. South Ossetia
  31. Brazilian Kite Flyers - look out if you are there...
  32. UK to Istanbul
  33. Crossing South America...
  34. Ferry Egypt-Turkey
  35. Mauritania to west Mali
  36. Honduran Border Crossing
  37. Georgia- Russia Border
  38. Travelling through eastern europe, worried about my safety
  39. El Salvador border Strike FYI
  40. Balochistan Latest??
  41. Missing Cyclist - maybe Bosnia area
  42. SOS! On the 20th of may at Iraq's territory there were delayed four Russian citizens
  43. Iran: Careful when approaching Kavir desert from Semnan
  44. Dual nationality concerns through Africa (Australian/French)
  45. RTW travelers bike stolen in Amsterdam
  46. Where do you keep your money?
  47. Iran Pakistan border closed?
  48. Coup in Mali
  49. Petrol prices in Bolivia - double for foreigners
  50. Ethiopia Gunmen Kill 5 Tourists
  51. India (monsoon season)
  52. Avoid Timbuktu area - bikers kidnapped
  53. Nepal - Freight Problems For Bikes- Warning
  54. Safe traveling in Mexico right now?
  55. Black sea ferry crossing Ukraine to Georgia
  56. Syria update required
  57. Before you ride in China... Watch this!
  58. Soft Luggage Security ?
  59. Remote switch as a anti theft device
  60. kenya x ethiopia, sudan, egypt
  61. Germany: drivers licences for under 18 year olds invalid
  62. Swiss couple in VW LT-35 abducted in Pakistan
  63. syria update
  64. Travel through russia
  66. Tank bag snatched in Esfahan Iran
  67. Stick throwing at Dogubayatiz Border Crossing
  68. Bandit attack on the road Isiolo - Marsabit - Moyale in Kenya
  69. peru bolivia border problems
  70. Motorbike rental in Moscow
  71. mali, burkina faso, niger, nigeria, angola and DRC
  72. Crosing Turkia, iran, pakistan to india in august
  73. Travel Warning for the Federal Republic of Germany!
  74. Tunisia actual situation
  75. Hot in the southwest US
  76. FCO Travel Advice - mapped
  77. Lebanon: Estonian Bikers Kidnapped
  78. Help needed in Santiago
  79. Bolivia to Peru border advice needed
  80. Reporting a missing person !!!
  81. Should I change plans???? May-Jul Mexico/Central America/South America
  82. Safety in northern Kyrgyzstan
  83. Round The World
  84. Car storage Cape Town
  85. Algeria Visa Needed
  86. Travelling overland along west africa to malawi from uk
  87. http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-advisories-safety-security-road/gps-
  88. Loosing Your Passport in Sydney Australia, OMG
  89. Dubai to Turkey via Iran
  90. Avoid Iran and Pakistan?
  91. Syria, Iran, Jordan...update anyone?
  92. road to puno closed feb 3 2011
  93. Riding through Iran alone
  94. Egypt - Cairo emergency bike parking
  95. Safety in Morocco
  96. Urgent Egyt alternatives NOW!!!!!!
  97. Southern Chile Fuel Protests
  98. Mexican Insurance Important Info!
  99. bike storage
  100. Visa Masai Mara Serengeti border
  101. Mapping a route
  102. "highways" Peru and Bolivia
  103. Dental work in Mexico/Guatemala
  104. China tour guide scam
  105. No Gas on the road to Ushuaia?
  107. warning for Michoacan (Mexico) for december 2010
  108. Emergency medical return can include bike!
  109. KUDU Expeditions gone to the hay or here to stay ?
  110. Bike theft - please tell your story for others
  111. GPS tracking devices
  112. Bamako to Burkina Faso
  113. California to Panama. Safety Concerns?
  114. india touring
  115. Two novice females Kenya to South Africa on bike
  116. Mauritania
  117. N. Mexico
  118. N Mexico travel warning
  119. Road rules
  120. Western Sahara closed to foreigners
  121. Colebatch's bike stolen in Holland
  122. Mexico border Tijuana to USA description
  123. Ethiopian Border Problems with Carnet
  124. Crossing the border in Mexico
  125. Western Pakistan: escorts; restrictions; road conditions
  126. Shipping into Mumbai
  127. SE Iran: Bam and beyond: police escorts
  128. Turkey/Iran border scam: nothing new
  129. Guatemala Mud Slides? Anyone there now?
  130. Stuck in Aswan - please help!!!!!!
  131. Bridge out on main southbound road, Nayarit-Jalisco Mex.
  132. Ferry Aswan to Wadi Halfa cancelled(6-20Sep 2010)
  133. How Bad Is Mexico Really?
  134. Warning if traveling in Scandinavia
  135. kiwi dave with chilean customs problems in santiago
  136. Border crossing from Georgia to Russia in Kazbegi
  137. Malaysian: petrol purchase restrictions.
  138. Pamir Highway, Karakoram Highway and Manali - Leh Route
  139. South America documentation
  140. Situation and safety Kyrgyzstan
  141. Stranded Traveler in Ukraine - Any Ideas Please ?
  142. London to UB
  143. Expired carnet and bike still in field.
  144. Santiago to Ushuaia - how much dirt road?
  145. RTW Trip
  146. Travel Bulletin - New Rules for Aussies to USA
  147. Costa Rica -- Dengue Fever Outbreak
  148. Panama to/from Columbia ALERT
  149. Stuck in Aginskoye Russia 144km east of Chita
  150. Algeria to Libya
  151. Africa trip with wife & kid???
  152. Biker Down in Gabon
  153. Arson
  154. Karakorum Highway blocked by landslide
  155. Heat in the US southwest/Mexico
  156. Going North - Sudanese transit visa (Saudi exit)
  157. Thailand - safety advice from locals?
  158. Saudi Arabia - Right hand steering wheel implications (transit visa)
  159. Columbia to Panama - options?
  160. yamaha service in san antonio usa
  161. Landborder closed between Kenya and Ethiopia
  162. What's wrong with alarms?
  163. Kyrgyzstan situation
  164. Robbed at Vic Falls Zambia
  165. How do you keep your bike safe?
  166. Pakistan: Violence on the KKH
  167. Kyrgyzstan government ousted
  168. BMW rider killed in Peru accident yesterday
  169. Morocco Camping
  170. The 'you caused an accident' scam..
  171. Spring Weather in Russia this year (2010)
  172. Pakistan safety
  173. Fuel in Iran
  174. Full Comp for Ozzie
  175. Travelling with Dogs
  176. Land Rover stolen in Earley, Berkshire
  177. daylight robbery at knifepoint in Cali public park
  178. Poland to Greece, safety concerns
  179. Avoiding police in Lima
  180. Unlimited insurance for EU
  181. New transit rules for motorcycles in Peru
  182. Fede por el mundo: Amigos, me pueden ayudar?
  183. Niger border closed
  184. India Dehli
  185. troubles at El Florido crossing into Honduras
  186. Russia, Georgia, Armenia
  187. No Access To Macchu Picchu for 2 Months
  188. Diversion point to Ushuaia
  189. Carnival Mazatlan
  190. Use a Satellite phone in India and get arrested!
  191. P&O Portsmouth-Bilbao ferry service to end
  192. Barbed wire trap Midelt Morocco
  193. Togo football team ambushed in Cabinda
  194. Guatemala: vests with bike registration on? Insurance?
  195. water filter - advice needed!
  196. Personal protection devices Morocco, Western Sahara, etc
  197. Another kidnapping in Mauritania
  198. Bordercrossing Iran/Turkey/Iraq Train and ferry around Tatvan incl GPS waypoints
  199. Security in Mexico & Central America?
  200. Latin American drug cartels find home in West Africa
  201. what cost for a trip from Alaska to Argentina
  202. 3 kidnapped in Mauritania
  203. Forged money in Peru...50's
  204. France asks its citizens to leave north, east Mali
  205. where is the best/low price bmw 1200gs/A
  206. Travel & medical advice for Central America
  207. Medical & technical advaice
  208. Atacama Desert (From San Pedro to Sico)
  209. Road conditions - Ushuaia
  210. Fco Locate Service For Travellers
  211. Turned away at Turkey/Iran or Iran/Pakistan border?
  212. Drug induced robbery
  213. If driving to Cartegena from south....
  214. From San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni
  215. South to Central America freighting
  216. Another Hurricane to watch for in Mexico
  217. The most dangerous roads in the world.
  218. looking for Mardi Caulfield, the XT girl
  219. Australia to South America
  220. Guinea?
  221. In planing: UK to Australia March 2010, Greater Wisdom and Knowledge Needed
  222. Best Routing thru Colombia
  223. Uganda - safe now?
  224. Warning - French motorway tolls
  225. London to Capetown - but what about Sudan?
  226. Landmines - New maps by Desert-Info.ch
  227. Floods in Morokko
  228. Nigeria
  229. Pacific side of Mexico/Baja
  230. Motorcycle Safety at Borders
  231. Guyana to Brasil
  232. Awash Bridge in Ethiopia blocked for motorbikes
  233. Northern Algeria
  234. Traffic Alert Buenos Aires, Capital Federal
  235. hondouras information
  236. More troubles in Mauritania...
  237. el slavador- nicaragua ferry???
  238. Starting on my West African adventures
  239. Calais
  240. About Pakistan-india border
  241. Road Bandits east of Chita , Siberia
  242. A lesson for everyone from Luanda…
  243. Russia and Central Asia - Anyone Going?
  244. Is it Safe to Ride through Colombia?????
  245. Armed Hold Ups in Tajikistan
  246. Mexico's rout 200 is blocked
  247. Jackass on the Road to Batopilas
  248. US Embassy: June Travel Warning: Honduras
  249. tashkent, motorcylces forbidden
  250. New foreign office release regarding Iran