View Full Version : Travellers' Advisories, Safety and Security on the Road

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  1. Batopilas, Copper Canyon
  2. Need update for Puerto Limón, Costa Rica
  3. Incredible Images Coming Out of Iran
  4. Yemen female hostages found dead
  5. Swine flu world pandemic
  6. Gabon's Omar Bongo Confirmed Dead - BBC
  7. Azerbaijan Border Closed
  8. Top 14 Riding Tips for China
  9. British tourists to be targeted by ETA in Spain
  10. Safe to travel to mauritania?
  11. Motorcycle Parking Charges, London - We Say "NO,NO,NO"
  12. Mauritanian visas RABAT only!!!
  13. Sudan to Saudi crossing
  14. Border crossing from East Timor to West Timor
  15. Turkmenistan - Immediate Border Restrictions
  16. tragic accident in Cordoba-french biker Joan Didier
  17. Darwin to Indonesia
  18. ATMs Not working in Brazil
  19. It Has Come To This!!!!
  20. Pakistan invitation letter needed / visa applications UAE
  21. Bit Off Topic, Bike Clamped And Taken Uk
  22. Thailand?
  23. Need infos about current security situation Iran/Pakistan
  24. Morocco blames Algiers for W.Sahara "truce breach"
  25. Niger-Algeria-Tunisia
  26. Russia. Traffic Rules and Penalties
  27. Rough Camp
  28. Bike insurance The Americas
  29. Pakistan - Current Situation
  30. Bissau - Rocket Attack
  31. Moyale clashes earlier this month
  32. france 21 & 22 march 09
  33. Theft in San Jose, Costa Rica
  34. Cabinda closed to vehicles
  35. Warning for Spain!
  36. As the forum
  37. Airbag Bike Jackets - The way to go?
  38. Iranian - Pakistan border
  39. Adventure Trek Maps
  40. More Kidnappings - West Africa
  41. Mali Niger Border
  42. South America Warning
  43. EPIRB registration in Europe (Italy)
  44. expired carne and exiting egypt
  45. Mexico safety?
  46. Be honest, be correct
  47. Saudi Arabia
  48. mexico bound
  49. Tunisia into Algeria
  50. Death on Dakar
  51. buying leaved 4x4 in namibia ?
  52. tunis, algeria-west africa sept 09
  53. Ghana
  54. 4x4 robbed in montevideo (uruguay)
  55. Iceland
  56. Floods in southern Brazil
  57. Helmets Stolen at Iguazu Falls
  58. No flights in and out of Thailand??
  59. Mumbai India
  60. Panamanian Caribbean coast cut off
  61. Bearings required in Buenos Aires
  62. Spiking of drinks
  63. Egypt to Kenya
  64. Earthquake Hits Northwestern Iran
  65. Earthquake Indonesia - 6pm GMT today (approx)
  66. Safe to travel through Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ivory Coast?
  67. DRC and CAR
  68. Chile border closed
  69. effects of the earthquake in Queta (& beyond)?
  70. My wife and I on a KLR 650
  71. Is the route from Mauritania to Senegal safe?
  72. Any Americans gone into Bolivia recently?
  73. Colombia - travel advisory
  74. any ifno on Yemen secutiry/Anyone is headinf that way from Dubai
  75. Peru says 19 killed in rebel bomb attack
  76. Paris - Saigon on a 1973 Vespa 125 t.s. ...
  77. Gunmen kidnap Polish engineer in north Pakistan
  78. Russia-Bribes and Hassle Alert
  79. Mauritanian Visa?
  80. money security
  81. GSPC - Attack Mauretania army patrol - 12 killed
  82. Travelling with a dog. Considerations?
  83. Anyone one in Bolivia at the moment......
  84. Advice From A Fat Old Blimp
  85. NIGER : Army seizes outlawed anti-personnel mines
  86. Wild Animals: How do I stay at the top of the food chain? Seriously.
  87. Carnet de Passages en Douanes - List of countries where it is Required
  88. Creel killings
  89. Moto STOLEN Dublin, Ireland
  90. Travel Insurance - Southern Africa
  91. Georgia / South Ossetia
  92. Current state/safety of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ivory Coast
  93. 48 Moroccans including a soldier in Algiers arrested
  94. coup in Mauritinia
  95. Problems in Bolivia August 10th
  96. Stolen KLR 650 in Cyprus
  97. Crack on pannier rack - welding workshop Scotland?
  98. Mongolia->Unrest in UB
  99. Southwest USA HEEEAAAT!
  100. Stuck in Siberia! Urgent request about Russian Custom procedures !
  101. New UK Helmet Tests Now Online!
  102. Spain Transport Strike
  103. Sudan: Conflict Around Abyei
  104. Thinking about Chad...
  105. Perú: safety warning on route Huanuco - La Unión - Huaraz
  106. Russian fuel prices?
  107. French fuel strike
  108. in need of import tax info
  109. Fighting on Outskirts of Khartoum
  110. Photo ID Cards
  111. Political Situation in Bolivia??
  112. Accident in Sucre, urgent Help/advice needed
  113. Name and Shame in Spain - HOTEL ARTE VIDA
  114. Democratic Republic of The Congo (Kinshasa)
  115. Traveling alone- How do I secure my supplies?
  116. Lonely Planet Guide books
  117. True or not?
  118. Advice required: Trip through the Americas with a 200cc
  119. All issues in western africa needed
  120. Las Palomas
  121. GUATEMALA RN7W highway construction
  122. $250 for killing a cow?
  123. Troubles in cordoba, argentina
  124. Mexico Safety Input
  125. New trip to IRAN, PAKISTAN and INDIA
  126. Missing 4wd, couple, in Tunisia
  127. Chávez sends tanks to Colombia border
  128. Safety and security in Mali - Timbuktu, Dogon, Festival in the Desert
  129. Unrest in the Balkans - should I worry about going there?
  130. Peru farmers' protest leads to state of emergency
  131. East Timor security?
  132. Just the facts, nothing but the facts - traffic
  133. The Mess in Nepal
  134. any changes in china??
  135. Kenya - Non Media update on the ground
  136. Gear on the bike.. security
  137. Ecuador's Tungurahua Volcano Spews Ashes, Eruption Possible
  138. Colombia safety
  139. Bit of trouble in Mozambique
  140. Still can enter Laos from Chiang Khong/Houay Xai
  141. Kenya?
  142. Where's TED?
  143. All bike entry in Laos now Banned! (maybe)
  144. Motorcycle Hire in New Caledonia
  145. PLEASE wear the right gear, everyone should read this!
  146. Three tourists killed in Yemen...
  147. Riding in the rain
  148. situtation in zimbabwe....
  149. World-round trip (1st from Latvia)
  150. Shaun Stevenson and Radek Vecera - Missing - Sangha River, or general Congo area
  151. Atar, Mauritania
  152. Colombia -> Ecuador Popayan/Pasto safety ?
  153. Motorcycle Cancer?
  154. Nigerian Scam against HUBers or real call for help?
  155. North to the Future through a Storm
  156. Dakar Cancellation, Mauritanian News Stories
  157. People being strongly against you spending money on travel
  158. Most suitable lock
  159. lisbon-dakar canceled after attacks in RIM :(
  160. troubles in Kenya, passing true?
  161. Carnet de passage or Temporary Import Permit ?
  162. Metal Mule phone numbers out?
  163. Attacks in Mauretania
  164. Touring TedMagnum
  165. Should I study Spanish in Merida, Brazil or Cuenca, Equador?
  166. Iran Security Update
  167. Blue flickering headlight - Safer?
  168. shipwreck in antartica water
  169. Bolivian Visa for Americans $100
  170. Missing rider
  171. Manaus - Boa Vista - Santa Elenna
  172. Libya/Egypt border
  173. AAA Club Affiliates Around the World Web Site
  174. Porto Velho - Manaus
  175. Warning ! Canadian dollar value
  176. Flooding Situation in Tabasco and Chiapas
  177. Pakistan today..........
  178. Crossing the Alps in december....
  179. Crossing into Djibouti from Ethiopia
  180. Is Egyptian agent reliable?
  181. Situation in east Turkey?
  182. Gas in south america ???
  183. Cheap rider or is that me
  184. Mexico Border
  185. Dakar Motos
  186. Insurance For Sane Seventy-year-old Bikers
  187. Facing What Happened
  188. (Enfıeld)mechanıcs ın Turkey???
  189. Show from where you came from
  190. about the winter....
  191. Flooding in Africa
  192. Nepal: Serious fuel shortage
  193. Yellow feaver in Mozambique
  194. When attacked by a Python...
  195. guatemala elections 2007 - September
  196. Floods in Sudan?
  197. Chain/Cable and lock
  198. Hainan Province China
  199. Safe In Central America?
  200. Border between Eritea & Ethiopia
  201. From Chile to Brazil
  202. Places to avoid?
  203. Delayed - Hit By Three Trucks
  204. Bike in Syria??
  205. Bandits In Brazil
  206. Mot?
  207. Pickpocketing Methods.
  208. Yemen, still ok?
  209. Turkey-İran: Safe and opened road ?
  210. Riquired documents
  211. Northern Pakistan/Karakorum
  212. First trip, Sth Africa
  213. Baja Bandits. Real or fallacy?
  214. Do they really hate Americans?
  215. Missing couple (Colombia to Alaska)
  216. Fuel in Zimbabwe
  217. Missing Person - China
  218. The New Colombia
  219. No tiene Internation Drivers Licence- Problemo?
  220. Texas Plates and International Travel Question
  221. How long after surgery?
  222. Selling bike in Sierra Leone or Benin
  223. vaccinations needed for border crossings Peru-Bolivia-Chile??
  224. Collating Emergency Info for Each Country
  225. Road from pto Ayacucho, Venezuela to Villavicencio to Bogota, Colombia advise needed
  226. Sterling Hayden and thoughts on travel
  227. Stolen KLR 650 & 250
  228. Off road make you a better rider
  229. Tornado Advice
  230. opinions please
  231. Guatemala - Safety?
  232. Hot along the US/Mexico border
  233. Southern Pakistan Go or No go
  234. Paraguay worst dengue fever outbreak
  235. Nicaragua
  236. Kidnapping in Ethiopia (Afar)
  237. Update on Bogata to Quito - any recent concerns?
  238. Current security situation Thailand-Malaysia?
  239. Guinea
  240. 'Scams' used for vehicle hijack / robbery.
  241. HELP in the Old Country!
  242. north thailand
  243. Entering Turkey with the Cyprus registered motorcycle
  244. Travel Advise by Country
  245. Places Not Safe To Go To Now - Somalia
  246. Happy Christmas
  247. Face down, I can see a large bit of gravel.
  248. Peru, East side
  249. purchasing bike in India
  250. resently passed through Nigeria, Congo or the central african republic?