- Batopilas, Copper Canyon
- Need update for Puerto Limón, Costa Rica
- Incredible Images Coming Out of Iran
- Yemen female hostages found dead
- Swine flu world pandemic
- Gabon's Omar Bongo Confirmed Dead - BBC
- Azerbaijan Border Closed
- Top 14 Riding Tips for China
- British tourists to be targeted by ETA in Spain
- Safe to travel to mauritania?
- Motorcycle Parking Charges, London - We Say "NO,NO,NO"
- Mauritanian visas RABAT only!!!
- Sudan to Saudi crossing
- Border crossing from East Timor to West Timor
- Turkmenistan - Immediate Border Restrictions
- tragic accident in Cordoba-french biker Joan Didier
- Darwin to Indonesia
- ATMs Not working in Brazil
- It Has Come To This!!!!
- Pakistan invitation letter needed / visa applications UAE
- Bit Off Topic, Bike Clamped And Taken Uk
- Thailand?
- Need infos about current security situation Iran/Pakistan
- Morocco blames Algiers for W.Sahara "truce breach"
- Niger-Algeria-Tunisia
- Russia. Traffic Rules and Penalties
- Rough Camp
- Bike insurance The Americas
- Pakistan - Current Situation
- Bissau - Rocket Attack
- Moyale clashes earlier this month
- france 21 & 22 march 09
- Theft in San Jose, Costa Rica
- Cabinda closed to vehicles
- Warning for Spain!
- As the forum
- Airbag Bike Jackets - The way to go?
- Iranian - Pakistan border
- Adventure Trek Maps
- More Kidnappings - West Africa
- Mali Niger Border
- South America Warning
- EPIRB registration in Europe (Italy)
- expired carne and exiting egypt
- Mexico safety?
- Be honest, be correct
- Saudi Arabia
- mexico bound
- Tunisia into Algeria
- Death on Dakar
- buying leaved 4x4 in namibia ?
- tunis, algeria-west africa sept 09
- Ghana
- 4x4 robbed in montevideo (uruguay)
- Iceland
- Floods in southern Brazil
- Helmets Stolen at Iguazu Falls
- No flights in and out of Thailand??
- Mumbai India
- Panamanian Caribbean coast cut off
- Bearings required in Buenos Aires
- Spiking of drinks
- Egypt to Kenya
- Earthquake Hits Northwestern Iran
- Earthquake Indonesia - 6pm GMT today (approx)
- Safe to travel through Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ivory Coast?
- DRC and CAR
- Chile border closed
- effects of the earthquake in Queta (& beyond)?
- My wife and I on a KLR 650
- Is the route from Mauritania to Senegal safe?
- Any Americans gone into Bolivia recently?
- Colombia - travel advisory
- any ifno on Yemen secutiry/Anyone is headinf that way from Dubai
- Peru says 19 killed in rebel bomb attack
- Paris - Saigon on a 1973 Vespa 125 t.s. ...
- Gunmen kidnap Polish engineer in north Pakistan
- Russia-Bribes and Hassle Alert
- Mauritanian Visa?
- money security
- GSPC - Attack Mauretania army patrol - 12 killed
- Travelling with a dog. Considerations?
- Anyone one in Bolivia at the moment......
- Advice From A Fat Old Blimp
- NIGER : Army seizes outlawed anti-personnel mines
- Wild Animals: How do I stay at the top of the food chain? Seriously.
- Carnet de Passages en Douanes - List of countries where it is Required
- Creel killings
- Moto STOLEN Dublin, Ireland
- Travel Insurance - Southern Africa
- Georgia / South Ossetia
- Current state/safety of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ivory Coast
- 48 Moroccans including a soldier in Algiers arrested
- coup in Mauritinia
- Problems in Bolivia August 10th
- Stolen KLR 650 in Cyprus
- Crack on pannier rack - welding workshop Scotland?
- Mongolia->Unrest in UB
- Southwest USA HEEEAAAT!
- Stuck in Siberia! Urgent request about Russian Custom procedures !
- New UK Helmet Tests Now Online!
- Spain Transport Strike
- Sudan: Conflict Around Abyei
- Thinking about Chad...
- Perú: safety warning on route Huanuco - La Unión - Huaraz
- Russian fuel prices?
- French fuel strike
- in need of import tax info
- Fighting on Outskirts of Khartoum
- Photo ID Cards
- Political Situation in Bolivia??
- Accident in Sucre, urgent Help/advice needed
- Name and Shame in Spain - HOTEL ARTE VIDA
- Democratic Republic of The Congo (Kinshasa)
- Traveling alone- How do I secure my supplies?
- Lonely Planet Guide books
- True or not?
- Advice required: Trip through the Americas with a 200cc
- All issues in western africa needed
- Las Palomas
- GUATEMALA RN7W highway construction
- $250 for killing a cow?
- Troubles in cordoba, argentina
- Mexico Safety Input
- New trip to IRAN, PAKISTAN and INDIA
- Missing 4wd, couple, in Tunisia
- Chávez sends tanks to Colombia border
- Safety and security in Mali - Timbuktu, Dogon, Festival in the Desert
- Unrest in the Balkans - should I worry about going there?
- Peru farmers' protest leads to state of emergency
- East Timor security?
- Just the facts, nothing but the facts - traffic
- The Mess in Nepal
- any changes in china??
- Kenya - Non Media update on the ground
- Gear on the bike.. security
- Ecuador's Tungurahua Volcano Spews Ashes, Eruption Possible
- Colombia safety
- Bit of trouble in Mozambique
- Still can enter Laos from Chiang Khong/Houay Xai
- Kenya?
- Where's TED?
- All bike entry in Laos now Banned! (maybe)
- Motorcycle Hire in New Caledonia
- PLEASE wear the right gear, everyone should read this!
- Three tourists killed in Yemen...
- Riding in the rain
- situtation in zimbabwe....
- World-round trip (1st from Latvia)
- Shaun Stevenson and Radek Vecera - Missing - Sangha River, or general Congo area
- Atar, Mauritania
- Colombia -> Ecuador Popayan/Pasto safety ?
- Motorcycle Cancer?
- Nigerian Scam against HUBers or real call for help?
- North to the Future through a Storm
- Dakar Cancellation, Mauritanian News Stories
- People being strongly against you spending money on travel
- Most suitable lock
- lisbon-dakar canceled after attacks in RIM :(
- troubles in Kenya, passing true?
- Carnet de passage or Temporary Import Permit ?
- Metal Mule phone numbers out?
- Attacks in Mauretania
- Touring TedMagnum
- Should I study Spanish in Merida, Brazil or Cuenca, Equador?
- Iran Security Update
- Blue flickering headlight - Safer?
- shipwreck in antartica water
- Bolivian Visa for Americans $100
- Missing rider
- Manaus - Boa Vista - Santa Elenna
- Libya/Egypt border
- AAA Club Affiliates Around the World Web Site
- Porto Velho - Manaus
- Warning ! Canadian dollar value
- Flooding Situation in Tabasco and Chiapas
- Pakistan today..........
- Crossing the Alps in december....
- Crossing into Djibouti from Ethiopia
- Is Egyptian agent reliable?
- Situation in east Turkey?
- Gas in south america ???
- Cheap rider or is that me
- Mexico Border
- Dakar Motos
- Insurance For Sane Seventy-year-old Bikers
- Facing What Happened
- (Enfıeld)mechanıcs ın Turkey???
- Show from where you came from
- about the winter....
- Flooding in Africa
- Nepal: Serious fuel shortage
- Yellow feaver in Mozambique
- When attacked by a Python...
- guatemala elections 2007 - September
- Floods in Sudan?
- Chain/Cable and lock
- Hainan Province China
- Safe In Central America?
- Border between Eritea & Ethiopia
- From Chile to Brazil
- Places to avoid?
- Delayed - Hit By Three Trucks
- Bike in Syria??
- Bandits In Brazil
- Mot?
- Pickpocketing Methods.
- Yemen, still ok?
- Turkey-İran: Safe and opened road ?
- Riquired documents
- Northern Pakistan/Karakorum
- First trip, Sth Africa
- Baja Bandits. Real or fallacy?
- Do they really hate Americans?
- Missing couple (Colombia to Alaska)
- Fuel in Zimbabwe
- Missing Person - China
- The New Colombia
- No tiene Internation Drivers Licence- Problemo?
- Texas Plates and International Travel Question
- How long after surgery?
- Selling bike in Sierra Leone or Benin
- vaccinations needed for border crossings Peru-Bolivia-Chile??
- Collating Emergency Info for Each Country
- Road from pto Ayacucho, Venezuela to Villavicencio to Bogota, Colombia advise needed
- Sterling Hayden and thoughts on travel
- Stolen KLR 650 & 250
- Off road make you a better rider
- Tornado Advice
- opinions please
- Guatemala - Safety?
- Hot along the US/Mexico border
- Southern Pakistan Go or No go
- Paraguay worst dengue fever outbreak
- Nicaragua
- Kidnapping in Ethiopia (Afar)
- Update on Bogata to Quito - any recent concerns?
- Current security situation Thailand-Malaysia?
- Guinea
- 'Scams' used for vehicle hijack / robbery.
- HELP in the Old Country!
- north thailand
- Entering Turkey with the Cyprus registered motorcycle
- Travel Advise by Country
- Places Not Safe To Go To Now - Somalia
- Happy Christmas
- Face down, I can see a large bit of gravel.
- Peru, East side
- purchasing bike in India
- resently passed through Nigeria, Congo or the central african republic?