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  1. big tank for xt660r
  2. Bike for spares.
  3. tkc 80
  4. XTZ660 jet needle clip adjustment?
  5. Speedo Drive
  6. 1VJ centre stand, will it fit a 3AJ?
  7. Frame paint code?
  8. Can XT600's run OK w/o an airbox and only cone filters?
  9. bits on offer
  10. Wide footpegs...awesome!
  11. carb sychronizing
  12. Bike DEAD
  13. Mystery petrol leak
  14. RHS panel for '84 Tenere wanted - URGENT!!!
  15. spokes
  16. dark grey engine paint
  17. 43F XT600 - has to go
  18. So many hoses!... XTZ660 carby advice
  19. thread condition
  20. 89 XT600 slipping clutch?? Or just bad re-assembly?
  21. XT600E - Free rear sprocket
  22. Yamaha XT600e damp running problems
  23. Home made air filter
  24. Won't start, has spark - driving me nuts
  25. neutral light permanently on
  26. XT600 engine
  27. carbs backfiring,like a dog sneezing
  28. Y boot for XT600 single carb conversion?
  29. can I fit a kickstart to an XT 600 E?
  30. does anyones ten start easy/quickly??
  31. xt600 alternator/generator nut
  32. ivj carb overhaul /settings info please?
  33. XT600E what road tyre?
  34. 34L tyre size
  35. speedo repair
  36. Where can I get this..
  37. engine identification
  38. Do I need an oil temp gauge?
  39. Wheel Building?
  40. Cause of noise in engine found
  41. Tenere seat covers
  42. XTZ660 Power Loss at High Altitude
  43. Cam adjustment access covers removal
  44. XT600 needle removal
  45. 1VJ, 3AJ carbs on a 34L OK?
  46. Aligning steering
  47. cheap bike gear
  48. 34L Tenere Air Box removal
  49. Any good online stores?
  50. 1VJ running badly
  51. Exhaust plate xtz660 3YF
  52. 1990 Tenere lights
  53. 1984 XT 600 troubles
  54. New wheels - rough cost?
  55. XT660R wheels on a XT660X??
  56. High Compression Problems
  57. Ultimate XT600???
  58. Homemade Budget Panniers
  59. clutch change
  60. Acerbis Tank for Yam TT600RE for sale
  61. Tenere clutch
  62. 1994 XT600E - clutch boss needed
  63. XTZ660 Tyres
  64. Tenere valves and plugs
  65. Need a few spokes....overtwisted my nipple
  66. Speedo Drive On A Tt600re Does Anything Else Fit?
  67. Something strange is going on! TT600RE
  68. Carb rebuild kits.... Do they exist?
  69. Anyone Experienced in changing dodgy 5th gear?
  70. 86 tt600 wont start pleas help
  71. givi screen
  72. XTZ660 oil change tip
  73. XT600E Chain and Sprockets change.
  74. Is this XT600 worth 1k stlg?
  75. Help with Regulator Applications
  76. 2008/2009 xtz660 tenere Restricted
  77. Frame Wanted
  78. Bushings for XT600E 2003 rear shock
  79. Which tyre sizes and rims - XT600E Motard
  80. xt600e rear brake pads..
  81. XT600 ported/polished head for sale
  82. XT600 special tools?
  83. clutch slip
  84. Front Mudguard
  85. Front Mudguard
  86. Where to Get Plastic Body Pieces??
  87. Starter Solenoid pictures Please!
  88. XT600 Tenere (1985) Silencer & Downpipe advise
  89. Oil filter XT600
  90. XT600 Tener Fork Gaiters
  91. XT6 New Owner
  92. XTZ660 Electrical Parts ? Misfire.
  93. xt 600 1vj engine rebuild cost?
  94. Original silencer
  95. Help with removing head on 43F
  96. kph to mph
  97. Front Wheel Query.
  98. Little black box
  99. TT600R - loud ticking noice from cilinder head
  100. XT600 55W Parts List
  101. New to me '86 XT600
  102. TT600R decompression cable adjustment
  103. xt600e rear brake dust seal
  104. engine flush
  105. TT swingarm on an XT?
  106. xt 600 reg rectifier question
  107. Australian army XT 600
  108. 3AJ carburator same as 3TB ?
  109. Yamaha XT 125 1982 Need Help
  110. XT600 3AJ in a VW T4 SWB van ?
  111. speedo rebuild?
  112. Xt "101"
  113. xt 600 intake boots
  114. TTR Generator output
  115. How to change fork oil and seals on TT600RE
  116. XTs at Adventure Bike day
  117. Tips and Tricks for removing the carburetors..
  118. Tenere XT600ZE is a b*gger to start when left for a while.....
  119. 1991 XTZ660 seat removal
  120. Do I need to replace my piston rings if the cylindar walls are smooth?
  121. Yamaha XT600 swingarm bearing dimensions?
  122. XT600/660 Why not the U.S. & Canada ?
  123. Clutch cable TTR600RE
  124. Stolen Yamaha Tenere Xt600-blue- In Kent
  125. Simple innertube advice please
  126. rear shock adjustment
  127. xt600e battery ?
  128. 2003 ΧΤ600Ε - Head noise
  129. Exhaust for 1VJ and 2KF
  130. 600e neutral light
  131. Suspension Lowering Kit
  132. SW Motech Centerstand
  133. Xt600e falling apart
  134. Chain tensioner on a XT600?
  135. Where to get battery for my XT (UK).
  136. 34L fork rebuild
  137. Xt600 2kf
  138. XTZ660 piston?
  139. XT600Z Tenere 88-90 Parts Manual
  140. Should I rebuild the engine?
  141. What's this hose ? # 38.
  142. Stock jetting question
  143. Heated grip
  144. Engine will start but keeps dying out
  145. 86 Tenere clutch arm oil seal part #
  146. Engine cuts out over 50 mph
  147. What engines will fit a 2001 xt?
  148. 90 XT EAC Starting troubles
  149. Voltage query
  150. xt600E Plastic question
  151. Disc Lock: XT600
  152. Xt660r
  153. Have I made a big mistake???
  154. XT600E (1999) - Oil Temp Gauge
  155. XTZ660 3YF Pannier Rack
  156. 85 600 tenere
  157. Problem after engine tear down
  158. 1986 600 Tenere Carb Diaphragm
  159. Screen for an '86 XT600 Tenere
  160. Webshopping in UK
  161. Yammy New Year!
  162. Hand Guards for XJ900 Diversion
  163. Brake Vibration XT660X
  164. Cam Chain worn - Time to replace?
  165. setting Tenere headlights
  166. Questions on the New Tenere
  167. XT600 Travels and Adventures Thread
  168. rim size and tires you are running on your 17" wheels
  169. Wheels for TTR250
  170. re-wiring the bike
  171. 1990 xt600. Need a seat cover..
  172. Frame differences
  173. Wheel Advice
  174. Help please, away from bike and advice needed, cheers.
  175. 3AJ/1VJ Crank Swap?
  176. XT parts - US
  177. Aftermarket wiring looms
  178. XT600E Upgrades - What else to do?
  179. Yamaha Xt600 MPG?
  180. XT600E Heaven !
  181. I may sell my xt600e, just wondering about the price
  182. Mudguard
  183. Wiring loom help!
  184. XT600 Fork Seals. does anyone know...
  185. XT600 exhaust - same for 34L, 1VJ, 3AJ, 43F?
  186. noise on head
  187. oil cooler.Still.
  188. Yamaha DT 175 repair manaul
  189. 2002 XT600E trouble...
  190. Vanishing Oil...
  191. XT600E corrosion
  192. DIY XTZ600 stainless exhaust, ram air tube
  193. What causes piston skirt wear?
  194. XT600E 1999 Oil Filter - Pipercross ?
  195. Tenere tribulation
  196. IVJ starter clutch bodge
  197. Fork studs...
  198. Serow XT225 seat
  199. Alternating
  200. what rims for my xt 600
  201. Hot!
  202. bloody exhaust
  203. Does Anyone know...?
  204. Neutral switch - confused
  205. xt600 2kf 1989 exhaust again!
  206. NOS Tenere 34L seat?
  207. exhaust sysyem xt600 2kf 1989
  208. Which XT600E Panniers and racks?
  209. XT 600 Tenere - clanking noise! help...
  210. Head lights
  211. slow aceleration
  212. Advice Please - Large Allum Tail Box
  213. XT600E rear arm protector and chain guide rollers
  214. xt600e gearing? wot you got/recommend?
  215. xt600e camchain/cog re-fitting?
  216. Model ID?
  217. 92 Xtz660 Tenere Silencer Wanted
  218. Front Disc - same for 34L,1VJ,3AJ ?
  219. Xt 600 E
  220. Finally!! - Kedo Performance Products Now Available in North America
  221. XT600E main fuse workaround?
  222. gel battery
  223. free money!
  224. A summer/winter project: '92 XT600 rebuild
  225. Tenere 34L. worn kickstart shaft
  226. Too Tall Seat issues
  227. Successful sprag clutch repair?
  228. Hi, and first question ...
  229. Neutral Switch
  230. 88 xt600 spark problem
  231. Headlamp
  232. 1998 MZ Mastiff, Yamaha XT660 YDIS
  233. BA20D halogen
  234. XT600E Tyres - recommendations?
  235. XT600e oil leak
  236. Search left side cover fo an '83 600XTZ Ténéré
  237. 3aj charging problems
  238. xt600e kickstart conversion
  239. auto decompression
  240. Mechanical faliure in Puerto Arenas - need help!
  241. TTR fork oil
  242. XT600E oil temp
  243. 3AJ Fork Upgrade
  244. 2 basic questions...XT600E
  245. XT600E Overland Bike Wanted U.K.
  246. side play crank
  247. Tenere leccy problem help please
  248. running problems with a xt600 -88
  249. Color code
  250. Leaking Front Master Brake Cylinder