View Full Version : North Africa
Pages :
- great books on Libya & Niger?
- Immglation-Morrocan border
- good markets for selling vehicle?
- "Zerzura Club"
- free visas west africa
- Tangier-Dakar again
- flights from Niamey to Paris?
- Cheap flights from Mali to Nouakchot or Nouadhibou?
- Visa for Mali
- Niger : Foreign Office Advice
- Getting to Burkina without carnet
- good market for supplies in Tunisia?
- anyone have the IGN "Massif de L'Air" 1:500k map?
- Safe ?
- used PSP in Tunisia?
- Senegal
- Morocco to Mauretania via Bir Mogrein
- translate cyrillic-language maps?
- Libya - Guides still Manditory?
- Best place to find old one million and 200,000 IGN maps??...
- Chirfa-Djanet
- Carnet de Passages - how important is it?
- cycling route du hoggar?
- Libya to Niger - late December
- Morocco Oil Worries
- Recommended Landrover Mechanics in Morrocco
- best season for sahara?
- from mauritania to marocco
- GPS koordinates trough Western Sahara Route
- "Security" in Air
- The"train"way or the"highway"?
- madrid - mali by 2wd
- Algeria
- Italy to Tunisa
- Visas for Niger
- route between taouz and mhamid?
- morocco: direct connection tata-tafraoute
- nema-tombouctou
- Khartoum to N'Djamena
- documentary
- Libya: New Visa Regulations
- 'Paris-Dakar' pistes in Morocco
- petrol 110
- Safe crossing
- Morocco: Zagora to Foum Zguid
- bordercrossing Morocco-Mauritania, other then Nouadhibou??
- Clive Cusslers Sahara
- Libya Desert Challenge - Adventure Class
- Good mechanic in Koblenz/Frankfurt area?
- Atlantic route
- 2 weel drive in Mauretanien
- lpg
- Elephant Rocks
- anyone find Russian Libya maps?
- Tombouctou
- Libyan Visas
- Route after Mauritania
- Termit / Gasso Lolom
- Morocco drought?
- borders
- research on Dirkou
- Morocco - El Jebha 2 Ketama 2 Guercif 2 Debdou/Anoual
- Atar - Nema
- Agadez-Tamanrasset
- Sahara highway
- passport translation into Arabic in U.S.?
- Fuel Quality
- Tichit - Oualata
- libya visa - changes ???
- Anybody heading for the Mauritanian border?
- Mauritanian Visa questions...
- visa for sudan or altrnitive rute
- no off-road in Libya?
- fuel price / Sudan
- Libya-Chad route
- without Yellow Fever ?
- Nema - Nara
- How to get a tent in Morocco?
- Visa Mauritania and Mali obtainable in Rabat?
- From mauritania to Morocco, with "public transport"
- Maroc ferries to France or Italy
- Algeria Web Site
- Buying a car in morocco
- Distance between gas station on Atlantic Route?
- Chefchuan hotel recommendations?
- Air rifles
- Satellite imagery
- Dakhla-NDB: Safe for solo women travelers to hitchike?
- Morocco-bound in Oct - see you there?
- Wadi Halfa ferry costs go up...
- europe to senegal
- Moroccan border update
- Libya
- Libya, how about guides and paperwork??
- boat Marseille-Tunis
- Information 4 first timer..
- Toyotarisation of the Sahara bad.
- Tunisia repairs
- mechanic in hamburg?
- Piste from Nouadhibou to Choum
- music festival
- Egyptian Customs Trouble....Help!!
- Algeria Nov/Dec 2004 Guide Cost Share
- Polisario/WS info
- Ténéré travel
- Passavant available in Senegal??
- Niger diplomatic representation in Libya?
- Shipping cheap from Egypt..?
- Mali visas
- Paris Dakar Waypoints / Routes
- Sahara GPS Routes - Online Database?
- Morocco for 3 weeks in October?
- 2 weeks thru Libya?
- Original IGN maps of Sahara
- Chadian visas
- Need place to leave car/trailer near Gibraltar
- Pistes in Morocco
- Dakhla - Luxor for Karim
- take pity on please !
- Update Nouadhibou-Nouakchott road
- Anyone travelling down through Morocco and Mauritania at the
- Insurance for travel from Morocco to Gambia
- laayoune to bir mogrien
- stuck in egypt...?
- Sahara Overland -New edition???
- NASA photos
- entry to morocco
- Nouakchott To Timbuktu
- London->Tunisa 600 kms ??????
- Places to stay & eat Boudnib & Bouarfa
- waypoints from Zagora to Foum Zguid
- route descriptions for Agdz &Igherm
- border crossing Galtat Zemmour & Bir Mogrein
- The Lama Memorials
- Mali embassy
- Is it possible to travel with vehicle not registered in one'
- Is Egypt here??
- right hand drive vehicle sales?
- Algeria - more popular than Disneyland?
- Overland from Egypt to UAE
- Arabic language course CD?
- tunis-agadez: 30 days?
- Thanks to the forum.
- Border costs Mauritania/Senegal
- Morocco to Dakar / Banjul
- Senegal Rosso or Maka Diama
- Fuel on M5 route
- Western Sahara, Mauretania, Mali
- algiers
- Carnet requirements Morocco to Ghana
- Information and aid for Egypt - Sudan and Libya
- The search for Purzel a Car from Almásy from the second worl
- Any first timers for Tunisia in 4wd Sept-Oct?
- Spain - you must carry a fluorescent jacket
- selling vehicles in Niger?
- libya guide recommendations
- Travel to Tan Tan
- Schools in the Sahara
- Libya-Algeria-Niger crossings?
- Driving partners thru Libya?
- hi2msa getting sudan visa in cairo
- Other ways into sudan
- Libya - Niger border crossing
- Egypt's western desert
- bypass Noudhibou ?
- Entering Egypt
- Malaria in Mauritania
- Attn: Gps tunesia Border Probs
- ere, where's me post???
- Saharan loop
- Security in Niger
- Anyone travelling from Tunisia to Tmanrasset?
- Water prices in RIM
- Maroc-W.Sahara-Mauri-Mali and back in 30 days, doable or not
- gambia /senegal formalities
- How long should we allow ? Tangier to Accra (Ghana)
- Fuel situation in Tidjika (RIM)
- Tropic of Cancer Trans Saharan Crossing
- Yard in Nouakchott
- Eclipse 2006
- Has anybody done sahara trip in summer?
- algeria by car
- Libya anyone?
- visum libya
- Which is the bedt route from the Mediterranean to Ghana?
- Tunisia + algeria
- tour in the sahara with ZIGZAG
- From Bamako to Nouackchott to Agadir
- Euro and dollar in RIM
- roadbike Marocco to Tunis: Roads?
- Updated Libyan info
- Morroco to to Bir Mogrein border crossing
- Easy way through Sahara?
- Niger guides
- Mauritania to Moroco
- Nouadhibou-Atar - tarmac?
- tunisia-algeria-(maili/niger)
- costs, camels and guides
- waypoints Nouadhibou -Nouakchott
- Lybia-tour on motorbikes: Do your self or travelagency?
- Carte Gris
- Sudan:egypt:libya border queries - pls read if you have rece
- Morocco in the summer
- Tunisia + Insurance = Hassle
- URGENT Libya info!
- North Africa and Morocco
- Buying Property/Land In Morocco
- IGN Maps
- A lift from Anywhere in Morocco to NKT
- Tyre fitter in Tunis, and ferries.
- bike from nkt to nouadhibou
- Lift down to Nouakchott
- Nouadhibou-Nouakchott
- Mauritania short-cut
- Mich Desert mileage?
- Bike situation in Morrocco
- by car through North and West-Africa
- Libya in June -- Any Interest?
- Flights into/out of Mauritania
- Dakhla - Dakar
- Atlantic Route Fuel
- atlantic route
- Mauritania - road question
- nissan kingcab and book
- mali to england
- Thuraya
- Buying Thuraya scratch cards in the Sahara
- Mauritania
- Maroc 1:250,000 maps
- Mauretanian visa in Casa
- south marocco
- American Infants-Libya Visit
- bamako to mauretanie
- NOT another libyan visa probelm??
- Sahara cycling - Egypt or ???
- western darfur & general instability
- RECENT Libya visa?
- camping safety in Morocco
- GPS waypoints for Lake Chad route
- Desert Bike tyres?
- Road to Timtuktu from Mopti
- rented car -spain to senegal in JULY?
- The end of GSPC in Sahara ?
- Travelling in Libya alone
- Mauritanian border
- Fuel / Water Libya to Niger
- avoiding libya..ideas please!
- Reliable 4wd rentals in Morocco
- Permitions for Algeria...?
- One day in Siwa Oasis