View Full Version : North Africa
Pages :
- When to go? What to do?
- Personal Belonings Insurance
- warm summer breeze in the Sahara....
- Convoys in Egypt
- Lake Nasser Ferry/ Nile Navigation Co.
- car sell
- Michelin Desert or T63 on the rear?
- Is Libya no-go?
- Mauri Visas at the boder
- Mauretania money/visa etc
- Morocco-Mauritania, but not by Atlantic
- Mauritanian visa in UK
- 11 years old car
- I search travellers for my Morocco Trip
- Camping in Mauritania?
- Cost of ore train to Nouhadibou??????
- Mauritania, Noadhibou money
- Immigration Procedures on board CTN???
- Chris' route M5 morroco
- Crossing from Egypt to Sudan
- Info on Mauritanian political situation
- On Moroccan and Mauritanian border
- Ore train in Mauritania
- organised tours to sahara
- LPG in North Africa
- Morroccan Madness?
- Africa twin for sale
- In Dakhla - help needed
- Trip to Nigeria by car
- Agadir - Nouakchott
- Trans Africa
- Sahara Maps/Morocco
- Info on the Tibesti Mountains
- overland africa: sahara or east route
- Algeria visas
- Mauritania-Morocco border closed
- Coup in Nouakchott?
- Coup (attempt ?) in Mauritania
- Chad Sudan
- trip to Senegal by car (ford escort)
- Bowline Expeditions
- Atlantic tarmac
- Mali
- sahara bike trip
- Noth-West Africa
- FOR SALE: Sand plates & other equipment
- Bir Mogrein definately closed!
- Not another no-go!
- Carnet de Passage in Egypt
- Crossing by camel - maps?
- Tarmac in Morocco?
- western sahara to Noadhibou, Mauritania
- From Dakar to Ceuta
- Al Qaeda in Marrocos?
- Libyan visa?
- Sahara Trip Reports Wanted.
- bike on ferry crossing egypt to sudan (aswan to wadi halfa)?
- paragliding in Morocco
- First trip to Mauritania
- Landrover V8 110 for sale
- By city-bus (12 m) through Western Sahara, Mauretania, Seneg
- Camel Trips to Chigaga/Morocco
- Carnet from Sudan to Egypt
- Carnet from Sudan to Egypt
- rally granada-dakar 1999
- New routes in Morocco
- petrol prices
- western sahara and mauritania
- Marocco - suggestion
- Libya-Niger?
- information on mauritania second-hand car trade
- Carnet or laisser passer for west Africa?
- Yemen to morocco
- Ghana-Moroc July2003
- Desert Biking with a PDA and GPS
- GPS Maps Atl Route
- were are my posts?
- European Insurance for a bike on african plates
- atlantic route in august/september2003
- Missing tourists in Algeria - Latest
- Anyone been to the north of Chad recently?
- bike rental in Mali?
- Crossing from Egypt to Greece/Italy ?
- Sahara overland in Paris?
- RR V8 in the Sahara!!!
- Mauritania Visa in Dakar
- Bicycle between Nema/Sokolo/Goundam/Timbuktu
- Availability of paraffin
- Off the beaten track and back in two weeks...
- Wheres Tom Sheppard's book?
- Combined tour Algeria-Niger
- Protests in Africa
- The road to timbuktu?
- The War, Visas for Chad in Niamey, and Stuff
- Salve Trade in West / Northafrica
- Will you be in Egypt March 28th 2003?
- Kevin-Selling Car in Dakar
- Wadi Haifa to Khartoum along the Nile
- GPS accuracy
- travel partners chad sudan ethiopia
- how much fuel to carry?
- Algerian Sahara
- mali-mauritanie
- Guide aside, rough cost daily cost for LIbya
- Mauritania / Mali / Niger / Libya?
- December 2003 Trans Africa,where to go?
- CHRIS,a question..
- Egypt To Sudan
- Anyone else crossing into Libya within the Week?
- Marseille to Tunis Ferry; Passport procedure for non EU
- Selling a motorbike in West-Africa?
- Great Sand Sea Lat & Long
- Thanks
- best route Mauri to Mali
- nouakchot-nouadibou
- Guide in Lybia
- share guide nouhadibou- nouackchott 20th march
- Moving topics
- Travel in Sudan
- Djanet - Amguid
- mansour the libyan guide
- Maroco visa in Bamako
- Rent a Motorbike or 4WD in Marocco?
- GPS information for Sahara wanted
- Mauretania- Marocco land crossing
- Chad Visas in Khartoum
- How to fly (a bike) home from Algeria
- Going UK-Alg next few weeks?
- Niger Visa
- Timbuktu to Gao to Niamey
- Sudan & Ethiopian Visas
- Spain - Algeria ferry
- Tunisia -Algeria -Niger
- Transporting road bike from Djanet to Tam?
- road: Ghardaia - I-n-Salah - Tam.?
- Revised updates to download
- Tam-Agadez road?
- WANTED: visa for Libya!!!!
- Algie update
- Madrid- >CapeTown April 2003 !!!!
- Cheap CARNET in Spanish's RACE!
- Timbucktu by the Atlantic route
- Need clutch disks in Cairo
- Egypt - the Gilf Kebir
- Info about 3xRenault 4 in Niger?Please read!
- Lybia in September???????
- Raid at Arak
- hoggar headaches
- Mauretanie to Algeria?
- Travel insurance for desert
- trip through Mauretanie
- algeria info
- 3 New Michelin Africa Maps
- safety and current political climate
- Vechile Rego
- Ethiopian visa in Sudan?
- where is TIN AKACHAKER?
- Tyre change 275/70/16 LANDCRUISER
- libyan visa
- Could be interesting on UK TV
- Mali- Mauretania
- Kayes- Bamako
- how become an invitation for libia?
- Visa to Mali at the border
- algerian visa and transport
- Tam to Djanet
- 2 Brownchurch 'Overlander' Tents for sale.
- Amazing new Rock Art site found in Egypt.
- Warning - Mauritania/Senegal Border (Rosso)
- Fuel stops in Tunisia
- Flexible Fuel carriers
- Mauritanian visa in Australia
- Ferries to Africa - general info
- Landcruiser for sale - Nairobi
- libia regulations, visa ?
- To Tent or Not to Tent?
- Michelin XZLs
- A5 Route info
- Senegal - Camel Trophy Discovery in need of assistance
- tunisia-algeria border
- Chad visa in Niger, Ethiopian visa in Sudan
- oil additament
- currency in algeria
- Visa for Sudan.
- Bilma to Faya is there a route?
- Fuel stops between Bilma and Nguigmi?
- Fuel stops between Nema and Timbuktu?
- Fuel consumption increase when riding on sand?
- access to Libya from Tin Alkoum
- access to Illizi - BOD piste
- No petrol in the Gambia
- Mauritanian visa at the border?
- Robberies at Ceuta border
- the time has come to announce...
- GPS-coordinates of consulates?
- Plymouth-Dakar rally
- Assekrem to Hirhafok - rough track ?
- carnet needed for Sudan?
- car from Tunis to Djanet
- Which car to buy (going to Morroco) ?
- Nile ferry exists?
- Camel Exped by John Hare - Nigeria - Libya
- Frank Cole/Life Without Death
- Sand!
- Lake CHad
- Warning - Nuadibou to Noukchott guides
- Limited slip differentials in sand?
- US military maps of Egypt
- Algeria massacre
- HbG to Amguid or Gara Khan (A5, A6, A10)
- Impossible Journey 2003
- Visa entente for West Africa
- 3 tourists killed in mine accident in Niger
- Atlantic Route update
- Niger Visas
- bandits attack in Air mountains
- Invitation to visit Libya in Feb 2003
- Dhakla paperwork
- Mauritania - Mali direct?
- Camping at Jabbaren rock art site?
- News from Agadez
- Safety in "Grand Erg Occidental" region.
- road surface from Tambacounda to Bamako
- leaving bike in tunisia/flight to Germany->$??
- Air Compressors
- visa requirements tunisia/lybia?
- Where is the weather OK from Feb to May?
- Olympia Travel Show Talk
- Travel Show Sahara talk
- Algerian road surface conditions
- Visa to Mali at the border
- Routes from Morocco to Mauritania
- ore train,mauretanie
- selling car in Senegal or Mauritania?
- Morocco via Ceuta - green card Question
- : landcruiser h2j80 for sale,1995,rhd,89,000km
- Visa d'Entente in Accra
- return tripp from Djanet to Tunis or Europe
- Wanted: 2 people travelling from Egypt to Libya
- fuel in plasic
- Drivers license
- Maps