- Power source for laptop?
- Best cell phone coverage?
- transferring photos to e mail in africa
- Ruggedize your laptop
- Is a satellite phone essential-how many have carried one?
- smallest laptop I've ever seen
- The joys of Remote Desktop Client
- Bypassing CyberPro restrictions
- e-mailing from latin america
- RSS Feeds in MS Outlook
- ultimate travellers computer has arrived?
- Anyone have experience with StarCom?
- Bike to bike comms - AR verus FRS
- Connecting a Laptop to a Cybercafe
- iPod, any problems?
- Technology on the Road - laptops etc
- cost for sms to a Thuraya
- Cell phone with standard batteries?
- Iridium Sim & Airtime
- Driver to passenger comm.
- PMR Radios
- Which laptop should we take
- way points routes needed!!
- From 12V car power adapter to Battery socket
- Keeping a diary - Small electric WP
- nokia 5140
- Worldwide GSM Coverage / TTQV map
- French Keyboards .. anyone ?
- Who is in Argentina/Chile at 15.10.2005?
- Bike to Bike Intercom?
- Palm's on the road
- GPS in Africa, tips are welcome
- Mobile Phones
- Intercom or not?
- Ultimate on-off road comms....
- iblog software
- Sending email on the road
- Solar panels and laptops
- Leave lap home?
- communications - VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
- gsm in northern africa?
- thuraya - vodafone sat rates
- AA operated laptop (almost) Long geeky post
- Using a Laptop over 3,500 m
- Looking for an Internet Cafe ?
- SW radios
- Can I borrow your sat phone, please?
- FRS Radios - Simple Methods
- Satphone on move
- How do you all do it?
- Sony "GumStick" batteries
- Internet Cafe Experiences
- Is a Dell up to the job?
- Apple 12" PowerBook or 12" iBook for the long mc trip?
- HP iPAQ pocket pc
- Free Palm software for M/C's
- How to mount a CB
- 70% off an Iridium phone - better than a mobile?
- PMR/FRS Radios - Better Alternatives?
- Buying a laptop in New York City?
- Email from a Flash Disk - no computer! well...
- website - non laptop
- Global ISP Roaming
- Cheap(ish) satellite broadband
- packing the laptop....
- Internet Cafe Bandwidth
- What about cell phone in Mauritania ?
- Which PDA/Palm Top/Pocket PC?
- Maintaining a web site on the road,how?
- Which laptop for ME?
- A mobile computing and GPS setup using Palm
- Pocketmail gadget...
- Help with Psion
- 2-way radio shops in southern UK?
- Pelican boxes
- Internetaccess in USA
- Laptop power
- Internet Access at major Truckstops/US
- Sat Phone -- How important?
- Kyocera ss-66K satellite phone
- How to hold on to all the info.
- Web host......ISP?
- Hotmail Problems In Morocco
- Psion 5 connectivity
- Recommendations for ISPs in Western Europe?
- Accoustic Couplers
- telephone jack adaptors
- Mobile Phones
- Carrying a satellite phone across borders?
- Sat phone rental @
- gotomypc.com
- 2- Way Radio's (good idea or not??)
- Setting up a travel website
- portable word processor
- Irridium satellite phone experience ???
- Short wave radio