View Full Version : TRAVEL Hints and Tips
- 4v4 rental hints
- All things 12 volt
- Luggage Logistics
- Recommendations for packing for two
- Comprehensive Insurance for Central America
- UK - Spain ferry query for Morocco
- Buy I brand new Royald Enfield in 2024 in India, Nepal... and come back to europe
- Debit or payment card for Russia
- Collecting my bike from Toronto Airport
- I'd like to hear the Ladies thoughts on this
- Money East Europe.
- Taking motorcycle gear
- Handling multiple passports (of the same country)
- Southwest Terminal in Honolulu
- 10 things we've learned riding 8,000 miles across Africa
- Switzerland road sticker
- travel fatigue - how to avoid travel-weary at longterm journeys
- How to Purchase a Motorbike in Brazil
- Your favorite Apps for travelling and Overlanding
- Sign for Supply Sharing
- Do you use the actual C19 situation to learn things or skills U needed/missed before?
- This is how much it cost us to travel around South America for 1024 days
- Best travel wallet or solution
- Leaving bike & wet gear parked up
- Solo trip without significant other
- Documents and police corruption
- Best Top Tip!
- How to deal with bribing?
- What kind of lock to take on international trip?
- Argentina to Antarctic on Adventure Bike
- Preparing your mind for a motorcycle ride around the world
- Vendre nos motos en ASIE !
- 69 FAQ Before Going Overland
- Max gear weight for soft pannier
- Ignition key control
- Transporter parking near Rome
- Important Information for France concerning knives.
- Riding slow = traveling fast (turtle vs rabbit)
- Should I go hard or soft (panniers or bags)?
- Helmet as hand luggage?
- Pan American, Argentina to seattle question?
- Satnav, GPS and way points.....
- Siberia.... biolite camp stove... wood
- Budget a big Trip, any thoughts?
- Budgeting Spreadsheet
- From India to Europe overland on a Royal Enfield - The 101 introduction
- How To (self-) publish your first travel book
- Best way to meet fun people - could be ex-pats, locals, or other overlanders?
- The importance of checking your bike before every journey!
- Just bought a Hyundai Galloper, will it get us to South-Africa?
- Taking Dollars on a longish trip
- Which bank as a canadian resident
- Road trip from Baku to Bishkek
- Road trip from Baku to Bishkek
- Any ideas for this summer (central europe)?
- India 60days 11750kms completed
- Expenditure & preparation costs 2012-today (Africa, Europe, America)
- Protecting Your Motorcycle On The Road
- traveliving | a romantic & practical guide
- family travel through central and south america
- Around the world by YBR. Video South, Central, North America
- The Ultimate Source of Travel Tips!
- ATM's in sibiria ?
- Having a wash in the morning after camping
- Tips for riding Motorcycle on long distance
- Mexico border crossing
- The Benefits Of Using A Crampbuster
- Mondo - No fees to pay / withdraw money worldwide (mastercard)
- On a budget through europe
- rent motorbike
- Tips on riding down from Mexico to Panama
- Welding of aluminium and alloys in Mariinsk / Russia
- Top 3 cultural venues to visit in Kuala Lumpur
- Trying to rent something in Croatia
- Atlanta to Belize City, January, 2017
- Phone SIM cards Europe
- spare tires
- Money - how can you possibly afford an international overland motorcycle adventure?
- Guide to Buying & Driving a Minsk in Vietnam
- Robbbb's Guide to
- On the road 'Tube Feeder'??
- Preventing airbed punctures.
- Save MC - mobile application to find help on the road
- How to plan and visualize your RTW Route
- Adventure riding - Planning & Safety tips!
- Cheap camping for trucks in Ulaanbaatar
- Priority to the Right law in France
- Great service for help on the road
- world wide travel clubs/ nightly stays in clubs members homes for less than $25
- The top 10 Apps for travelling overland and abroad
- Tip to possibly get your stolen bike back
- Flying the Moto
- lost in a big city........
- Biking to Machu Picchu
- Ten Do´s and Don´t of the Dalton Highway, Alaska
- 112 is THE Emergency phone Number for all Europe
- Best tips: Fast travel, many km, little time...
- 999 emergency TEXT tip in UK only
- Magnetic tankbag safety
- Posting clothes
- Looking after your cash at an ATM
- Bike Storage place in Uruguay
- Rooftent and 'On the Trail' ladies toilet
- washing your clothes
- 1 year on the road - FAQS, hints & Tips
- Fundraising for UK travellers: Grants from Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
- Home Made Evaporative Cooling Shirt
- Excellent tips on traveling light
- Vogograd motorcycle repair
- Tyres in uzb
- Tips for Getting Sponsorship for your Expedition or Trip
- Mexico & Central America
- Tube repair failures !! I just don't get it !!
- Handy Tip
- Home-made alternative to bungees
- Washing and drying tip
- Brilliant local tour guide in Uganda
- Using hidden spaces on your bike
- Russia: Siberia Tips
- SET UP YOUR BIKE FOR YOU !!!!! A newbie guide.
- Simple tip for long trip...
- Safety on the road
- Countries that allow free camping. Add those you know or search to find out!
- Ferry Crossings
- Camping on a sport tourer
- Comprehensive On the Road Expenses UK - Oz (via 'Stans) 2009
- Fun in the mud - Scotland
- Money saving hints & tips for those saving for travelling.
- Stay in touch
- Space saving tips and camping essentials
- Translation Table and Glossary for Motorcycle Terms
- 1st trip?
- Border crossings
- Costs spreadsheet
- Western-style supermarkets in Africa (GPS coords)
- Data Base
- Surviving the depression in the US
- Metzler tyres on offer !!!!
- How to get parts when it breaks
- Nationwide no longer fee free outside of UK :(
- Cheap channel crossings
- Hire a motorcycle in cambodia
- Bike Security in Cambodia
- Useful general touring info.
- cheap extra cases for pannier lids??
- India on an Enfield
- Can I Ride A Suzuki Sv 650 ,from Texas To Southamerica..
- Selling a bike in mexico
- Crossing the Channel? How to get a cheap cabin.
- Waterproof 12 volt cigarette lighter sockets
- Trip financial planning spreadsheet
- To read, or not to read? that is the question!
- What spares to take?
- User manuals free to download
- Dirty Pot Cleaner
- Ok, the serious question - where can we get a beer in Erzurum?
- Air Filter when dusty
- Where do you do your service?
- Maps for Garmin Zumo 550
- ATM's in South America
- Scuba Gear
- Packing - Do you really need all that stuff??
- Buying motorcycle clothing in Delhi
- Roof tent versus normal one?
- Packing a Landcruiser??
- Storing valuables on a long trip??
- Sunshade for Landcruiser??
- Air Hawk Pads
- The Countdown Schedule - what to have done by when
- Lighting for our trip?
- Trying to plan a trip to Cairo.....Help needed
- International Overland Trip Preparation Guide
- A Guide to Winter Motorcycle Riding
- Q for US members
- very very handy website!
- Questions to ludnadrodze about America trip
- Why bother travelling on a fancy motorcycle
- MedjetAssist insurance heads up
- Welders and welding goggles...
- Best maps for around the world
- cheap ass solution!
- roof tents
- How to clean your sheepskin without spending a fortune!
- The co-rider, Passenger; we are 2-up, co-pilot
- Lanesplitting/lanesharing
- Making Money On The Road?
- Mechanic in Niamey
- Getting knotted
- Do not carry cash with you in South America!
- Packing before travelling
- how to survive a paper lost ?
- How to buy a bike in Nepal and drive it home!
- Need replacement tyre in Ukraine/Volgograd
- Beginners trip from UK?
- fake CDI as hiding device for money, any idea ?
- Morocco this April - To take the tent etc. etc. or not ?
- ACSI camping card in Europe?
- To those that say leave your guitar at home....
- - online report from trip
- Keeping your money in good condition
- Do not hesitate to sell your bike if you get a decent offer in Argentina or Chile.
- Video of all my gear for South-, Central and North America tour
- Protecting your paint with Sheet Tack Paper
- water conservation
- Learning the language before you go
- Strapping Gear Down and General Tips..
- Never let anyone trick you into looking inside your wallet.
- Morocco
- Do not ship anything to South America!
- Topbox or not?
- Leaving your guidebook at home
- Money....
- Websites...on the road...
- Forget that laptop !!
- Dont Forget to Bring:
- meeting people on the road
- money belt when swimming
- africa on the cheap
- numbers of partners
- Mooncup vs Tampons
- Getting robbed in Central America.
- Hitting a dog in Central America.
- Having mechanical problems in very poor countries.
- Free hospitality by using
- Book with Tips and Stuff
- food for vegetarians in Africa
- jumper cables
- 40 Reasons NOT to Leave Home Without...
- Handy waterproof storage "safe"
- "Ray Mears" style Hammocks Anyone?
- a Newbie seazons question
- Boots & Helmet - In the crate or hand luggage ?
- Documents - Handy Hints
- ATM machine abuse - be careful
- The weather - what's it going to do?
- currency converter
- American Army camp sites
- Interesting Use For Superglue
- Bike component names in foreign languages
- Asia trip, extra set of tyres?
- Anyone ever done this
- Paniers
- Am I getting myself in to trouble?
- homepage of your trip...
- Driving in sand
- Availability of gas
- How Long You Should Go in a Day ?
- Back Ache / Back Pain
- Just Getting into things.