- Crossing into Kazahkstan from China
- Kyrgyzstan: Buying a motorbike?
- Travel in to Afganistan?
- Made a big mistake in Kaz need help
- Carrying new Tires into Kazahkstan
- Chain and Spockets for a KTM 950 Samara/Kaz
- Russia, registration after entering the country
- Pillion in Russia
- Russian linguists: what does this GBAO permit say?
- Application form for Russian Business Visa
- Medical insurance?
- Money on the Road Russia Mongolia Siberia
- Mongolia in September
- "Green Card" Insurance for Russia
- The age old china problem
- Uzbekistan-Kazakistan
- Volgograd to Kiev via Crimea - Waiting times Kavkaz - Kerch crossing on mid-June
- UB to Magadan and back
- Secure Parking in St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Volgograd
- Russia: visa question...
- Straight from Kazakhstan to Mongolia
- Import duty at Turkish border for carried tyres?
- Azerbaijan - any experience with paying the bond vs 72hr rule?
- Siberia/Mongolia Road conditions July/August, lighter v. heavy bike, Transalp v. DRZ?
- Istanbul to Ulan-Bator with Support Vehicle
- Accommodation in Moscow with secure parking
- kazakhstan Embassy IN Turkmenistan
- Learn Cyrillic + simple Russian, free.
- russian transit visas in ulaanbaatar
- Leaving a Vehicle behind in Kazakhstan?
- Turkmenistan visa
- Entering China and Tibet
- Kazkhstan-Uzbekistan
- Russian Business Visa
- Riding in Japan
- Feasible plan?
- Russia - Traffic Fines and Penalties
- St Petersburg Accommodation
- Satellite Communication Permits in Russia??
- travelling from vancouver to japan then onto russia
- Planning for tires in the 'Stans - Almaty?
- Vilyuiski Trakt by Landrover
- DungChun ferry Zarubino Eastern Russia to Sokcho South Korea
- from Europe to Siberia by truck
- Travel report, Kola Peninsula summer 2011
- What is the best Currency to Take To-----
- Mongolia Visa
- Fuel Stoves in Russia Mongolia
- Mongolia Road Atlas
- Tell me an easy route UK --> Ulaanbaatar
- leave car in mongolia or russia
- Visas for the stans
- Train Transport from Irkutz to Moscow
- Kyrgystan, China, KKH weather
- 2012- Canada > Korea > Vladisvostok > Start in Magadan, and beyond....
- Gas bottles in Russia Mongolia
- Shipping from Vlad/Magadan to South Korea and onwards to Australia
- Ulan Bator to Europe
- Iran/Turkmenistan Border Crossing
- russian visa in japan
- Vitim Bridge - western BAM road
- Tajikistan Road Question
- Mongolia - now!
- Athens to Baeijing. budjet?
- Ferry Azerbaidijan to Turkménistan
- Average travel speeds in Mongolia
- bike rentals in Kazakstan? SilkOffRoad.KZ??
- Route counter-clockwise round the Caspian Sea
- How much would you budget?
- Georgia Military Road and eastern Turkey in early Nov.
- The stans in a rush How long from uk?
- Fuel prices
- Electrical plug sockets
- Route planning Mongolia/ Siberia 2012
- China UK on a JH600
- Has anyone crossed Russia at Harley powered Chopper Trikes before?
- North Korea
- Motorcycle battery source in Tashkent
- Extend temporary import-Russia
- Shipping from Vladivostock
- Any info or thread about crossing into china with a motorcycle
- Road Mapski.
- Almaty Accommodation
- 2 sets of Conti TKC80 GS800 in Irkutsk - free
- Russia accommodation
- Russia -> Alaska proposed tunnel?
- Info needed on leaving my motorcycle in japan whilst i quickly return to the Uk
- F800GS (2011) Fuelpump in Russia / Barnaul
- Pakistan-India-Nepal
- Water and fuel
- Torug Art pass - KG transport between posts?
- Good mechanic in Atyrau Kazakhstan?
- HELP! Accommodation in Siberia Russia!
- shipping into Japan
- Going from 'Stans to Russia? Please Read!
- Blown motor in tynda,siberia. need advice on getting into japan.
- Damaged Brake Rotor, Mechanic in Ufa?
- Pamir-Highway, Tajikistan in December?
- Help! Rear shock broken in northern Kazakhstan
- 520 chain wanted en route to Magadan
- Good mechanic in Almaty?
- How to get oil in Samarkand?
- Sell motorcycle in Almaty
- Bike storage in South Korea
- SOS shock broken in UB!!!
- 17 inch 130/80 tire in tadjikistan urgent!!
- Leaving a motorcycle in Ulaanbaatar?
- How many times to cross kazakhstan ?
- Tires and Tubes in Krasnojarsk
- Storing a bike in Almaty?
- 130-80.17 in Mongolia?
- Mongolia: Air shipment embargo
- Ferry from Baku to Aktau (update on date and price)
- Hostel and Parking St. Petersburg
- Chain Lube in Russia?
- Altai road option
- I need 21" tube and oil? where?
- Air shipment pallet/crate for bike available ferry terminal Dong Hae 24 July
- Anyone in japan?
- Transportation of the motorbike from Mongolia to Europe TRIP START THE 09 JULY !!!
- Riding Pointers in Korea
- Uzbekistan: medical kits - WARNING
- Bikes back from Magadan in early September
- Tank Card for Iran realy needed?
- Mongolia LWR Route
- Russian boarder insurance
- Donghae Ferry - South Korea to Vladivostok
- Kyrgyz to China Border Road Closed
- around the black sea: advice needed on border georgia - russia // ferries
- VR in Russia?
- Visa Registration Help Needed - Russia
- Tips for Turkmenistan (or other stans also)
- Video camera on the bike in Russia?
- Kyrgyz and Kazahk visa DUNSHANBE, TAJIK
- Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan Border at Karkara still CLOSED
- UZ-TJ borders (i + Pakistan
- Campsites in Moscow
- Where to buy a rear shock in Russia?????
- The Dorah and Broghol Passes - Afghanistan
- Mongolia Fuel Shortage!
- Border is closed from Dagestan (Russia) to Aserbeidschan
- to see in stans
- Tajikistan... is more than 15 days possible?
- GPS maps of Russia: OSM vs. Garmin City Navigator
- Kazakhstan roads, which one?
- Magadan-Bam Tyre choice?
- Beyneu to Aqshalaq
- Insurance policies at borders of Central Asian Countries.
- Ferry to Baku from Aktau or Turkmenbashi?
- Road Tashkent-Samarkand-Bukhara-Khiva-Urgench closed???
- Tuva track, and Altay
- need help for route planning from moscow to ulaan ude
- Portsmouth to Ulaanbataar via the 'Stans' 2012 on a C90 (or similar)
- Kirgistan question
- Rent in South Korea
- US West Coast to Vladivostok
- Temporary Bike Insurance at Russian Border
- Russia custom declaration form
- Chain & sprocket
- Share Container Seattle to Vladivostock leaving 29th May
- Registration paper entering Russia
- Kyrgystan
- Causasus
- stans visas in delhi/kathmandhu??
- Russian sim card
- How to get 2 sets of off-road tyres to Uzbekistan or Tajikistan?
- Tires in Siberia
- This is the tire I am getting when I hit NY
- Wendy Choi in Seoul
- Brand new tyres in Central Asia
- Unleaded fuel in Central Asia in 2011
- My bike is in the port as we speak!
- Japan earthquake
- Riding with Galaxy S Smart Phone
- The Road of Bones 2011 - Sibiria - Russia
- russian police
- Windscreen repair in St Petersburg or close...
- Info about Samarkand, please!
- Awesome biker contacts, shops and mechanics in Surgut, Khanty Mansisk, Nayan, Priobe
- bike rental in Tiflis, Georgia
- Hmmmmm,,,
- Australian overlanders planning to visit Russia
- Mongolia, is it possible?
- Want to share a container from Everett (Seattle) to Vladivostok, Russia with us?
- New Ferry Service from Korea to Vladivostok
- I have limited time: is Ashgabat worth a visit or...
- Maps and mapping software for Silk Route?
- Leaving a car in the Stans
- A fantastic book about Kazakhstan..
- Where Russian Toursit - Business Visas are availlable to Non-Residents.
- Roadtrip through Russia
- First to attempt the entire BAM?
- Lodging Suggestion in Perm, Russia
- Accomodation in Moscow
- Earlist start for 2011 in Magadan?
- Obtaining my visas for iran and central asia
- Old style Urals and sidecars - 12v or 6v?
- Which oil to use at -20?
- Looking To Share Shipping From Russia To Chile
- Khabarovsk-Chita - Vladimir Putin in a Lada
- Loading vehicle onto trans-siberian railway
- Russian Travel Help
- Central Asia/Mongolia/Siberia Timeline
- Contacts needed for shipping from USA or Canada to Russia.
- Any bikers out there based in the Salekhard / Surgut region of Western Siberia?
- How many kilometers from Vlad to Europe? And others!
- Tajikistan with a car
- leaving a bike in mongolia
- Azerbaijan Embassy, Aktau, Kazakstan
- Mongolia and the stans in April
- How to pass from North Asia to Alaska???
- Cost of Baku > Turkmenistan Boat for car?
- The south Aral Sea- does it still exist?!
- container space wanted, Japan to SE Asia.
- st petersburg - recommended hostels
- Motorbike shop in Dushanbe
- BAM Road doubts
- Road Aktau (KAZ.) to Turkmenbashi (TM)
- KYRG to UZB latest border info...
- Russia into Azerbaijan
- Mongolian Border Crossings
- Shipping From Vladivostok
- Visa Questions...please clarify!!!
- Trans-Siberian Hi way
- Urgent KTM parts in Almaty
- Selling a bike in Ulan Bataar
- russia
- Mogol Rally - Nice to meet ya
- Info on South Korea and Selling
- My budget suggestion, reasonable?
- Urgent info bordercrossing Russia-Kazachstan
- Into the Stans
- Tyre availability in Almaty
- Cheap accomodation in Almaty
- Chita-Khabarovsk Road Conditions?
- Border open? Karakol - Almaty and insurance question
- I am looking for a TIG Welder in Ulan Bator
- Kazachstan to Mongolia via Altai Mountains, permits?
- Travel in Tajikistan/Pamirs
- mongolian customs charges.
- Quickest way back from ulan bator?
- japan suspension ?
- Latest info on Uzbek-Kyrg border
- Urgent mail delivery question into Russia
- Russia-Japan ferry?
- stans visas and travel - our experience
- Buying bikes / vehicles Russia..
- Has anyone seen or heard Ian Coates?
- Searching Yamaha service station in Vladivostok