View Full Version : Welcome to HU

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  1. Driving the Americas
  2. Hi from G. Manchester
  3. Hello from Holland
  4. Hi From Berlin
  5. Patagonia
  6. Hello from Guatemala
  7. Hello from oregon
  8. Intro message from Stew newbie
  9. G'day and Namaste from India
  10. Hello from Hungary
  11. Hello from the emerald isle.
  12. This is Patra!
  13. Hi From Gold Coast, Australia
  14. Hi from Croatia
  15. hi from London
  16. Greeting from Istanbul
  17. "Stovebolt" checking IN and saying "Hello!"
  18. My first short trip from beirut to Europe
  19. 2infahrt travel the world
  20. Hi from London on the road to Morocco
  21. Lost - ain't that the truth
  22. Hello to everybody
  23. hi mates
  24. Hello Hubbers
  25. once more: Hello from Germany
  26. Serbia, Belgrade
  27. hello form shropshire/uk
  28. Hello from Ireland
  29. Regards from SPAIN!!!
  30. Hello from the uk
  31. New rider from Spain!
  32. Hi from Lisbon and Marocco
  33. A quick check in from California, US
  34. Buying u.s. motorcycle in South America how the title transfer works to ride legal
  35. hi from US
  36. Hi from Bavaria
  37. Hello from London
  38. Hello All.... Newbie from Georgia (USA)
  39. Hola from Spain!
  40. Hey, we are from Germany...2ar.eu
  41. Hi from Switzerland (after 2.5years)
  42. Hi from Gambia
  43. Hi from Route 66 Motorcycle Hotel, France
  44. New guy from USA working in Saudi Arabia
  45. Checking in from Ohio
  46. Hi from Adelaide South Australia
  47. Virginia Adventure Rider Checking In
  48. New guy from Maryland, USA
  49. New from Ireland, offers welcome video :)
  50. New to HU
  51. Twist of the wrist! From Bursa,Turkey
  52. Hi From Belgium
  53. New girl from Germany
  54. A dutch family on tis way to Capetown
  55. Kia Ora everyone
  56. New from NYC
  57. Newbie from Weymouth with a 4x4 (boooo hisssss)
  58. Another Newbee Sussex
  59. Greetings from the Isle of Man
  60. Greetings from one Newbie from Chile!
  61. Hi All
  62. Hi from Surrey, BC
  63. Hello from Nairobi, Kenya
  64. Hello from Swindonia
  65. Hi from snowy Nottingham, UK
  66. Hello from Osh, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia
  67. Hi Guys from France 16
  68. Newbie says hello (UK)
  69. Howdy from Fargo, ND
  70. Long time lurker, now taking the plunge! Leaving for South America
  71. Barrie On Canada
  72. Snowed in, in Canada
  73. Hello from Devon, UK
  74. hi there from Ankara, TURKEY
  75. Hi from Essex
  76. Hello from ireland.......
  77. Hello from corvallis
  78. Regards from Niagara Falls, New York
  79. Greetings from old (and cold) Sweden.....!
  80. Oh dear..now I've gone and done it!
  81. Greetings from Spain
  82. Hello from Patra,Greece!!!
  83. Greetings from Copenhagen, Denmark!
  84. Newbie...madness or good idea?
  85. Once a biker, always a biker!!
  86. Hi everyone
  87. Hello from Sao Paulo Brazil
  88. Aussies on the loose
  89. new member from N. California
  90. Hello from Vienna!
  91. Hello from Someset ,England
  92. Hello,now in KL
  93. -15 C out, feeling warm here
  94. Hello from Greece!!!
  95. Hi. from Argentina. Spanish
  96. Wettest Wales newbie
  97. Hello from France
  98. Hi from Portugal
  99. Hi from İstanbul
  100. Newbie from SoCal
  101. I'm miaomiaowing from Italy
  102. Newbie from Hartlepool, UK
  103. Hello from York, UK.
  104. Can't believe I have not registerd before !
  105. Hello from Yorkshire/Bedford
  106. Hi from greece
  107. Hi from Western Australia
  108. Newbie from Clinton Missouri USA
  109. been here a while, decided to make some posts finaly
  110. Greetings from germany!
  111. Hola soy Marco de santiago de chile
  112. Hi guys
  113. Hi from Sydney, Australia
  114. Hello, from High Wycombe, UK
  115. New member Old follower of the site!
  116. Hello From Utah USA
  117. Greetings from Wimbledon, finally!
  118. Hellooooo from Austin Texas!!!
  119. Hello HUbb, greetings from ireland.
  120. Hello from UK - interested in M.East
  121. Hello from Victoria BC
  122. greetings from cork ireland
  123. Hello from Vermont
  124. Hello from La Rioja in Spain
  125. Hi from Massachusetts
  126. hiii
  127. Hi from South America
  128. Hello From Essex UK
  129. Hello from SoCal!
  130. Hello from Germany
  131. Hello to you all from France!
  132. Hi from Somerset
  133. Ciao. Hello from Italy, I am Marcello "Gold Wing"
  134. Hello from Gloucestershire
  135. Back in the saddle.
  136. Hi everyone from Mexico, I'm MotoquestMX
  137. Hi there!
  138. Hi..Starting RTW journey from Maine.
  139. Hi from Abbotsford, British Columbia
  140. Howdy from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan!
  141. Hi from Poland
  142. Hello From East Sussex in the UK
  143. Hello all!!
  144. Hi, from Serbia
  145. Hello from Wisconsin USA
  146. Hi from the 4rse end of the UK
  147. Hi, from Somerset(UK)
  148. Hooo
  149. Hello from Brazil
  150. Hi from South Wales (UK)
  151. Hello all
  152. glad to be back,
  153. G'day from cold old Victoria, Australia
  154. HI from UK, South west!
  155. hi from wainwright alberta
  156. Back once again
  157. Hello from Milano, Italia
  158. Hi everyone, new here. ktm 990
  159. Hello from Croatia
  160. Hello from Maine, USA
  161. Hello from Idaho
  162. Hello from The Dandenongs, Vic, Australia :)
  163. Central Coast (Terrigal) Close to Sydney
  164. Hi Everybody!
  165. Prevet (Hello) from Kyrgyzstan
  166. New Guy in Middle TN
  167. say hello to the new guy
  168. Failed Cyclist!
  169. Greetings from Melbourne, Australia
  170. Hello everyone.
  171. Hello from Clovis CA
  172. Hello from Las Vegas, NV
  173. Hello out there.
  174. Hi All
  175. G'day from central Queensland Australia
  176. Greetings from the Blue Ridge
  177. Just Planning
  178. Hello from Comox, Vancouver, Islend Canada
  179. Sunshine Coast, Australia, Member
  180. New new newww
  181. Hi, new to all of this
  182. Greetings fom the UK Midlands
  183. From Italy, north-est. Hello!!
  184. Servus from Vienna, Austria
  185. Hello all!!
  186. New member from Tampa, FL. USA
  187. Hello all, from Derbyshire.
  188. Hello from Derbyshire England.
  189. Hello from a Swedish 17 year old!
  190. Greetings from Ireland!
  191. New to ABR
  192. Hi from Dubai
  193. Hi from another Noobie!
  194. Thank you to Liam and all at HU Eniskillen
  195. Howdy Dudes and Dudesses.
  196. Worldtravellers looking for a new way to explore this planet :)
  197. Hello from Brighton, UK!
  198. Hello!
  199. Greetings from Brazil
  200. Hello from South Korea
  201. Hello from the east coast of Canada
  202. Hi from the Netherlands
  203. Greetings From Indonesia
  204. Hello
  205. Hellooooooooo New and hopefully finally going somewhere, oh and a first question
  206. Hi from Argentina
  207. Greetings from Lagos
  208. Hi from Berlin, Germany
  209. Hello from Spain
  210. greetings ;) from montenegro
  211. FNG from Norway!
  212. Newbie from New Zealand
  213. Hola a todos
  214. Newbie from Adelaide, Australia
  215. G'day and getting out of LA
  216. Around the World Tour on The BMW GS 650 DAKAR ?
  217. Around the World in multiple years! From Alaska to South America, Africa, and beyond
  218. Got Me An XT600 At Last!
  219. Hello! Alex from Germany, I started rtw two months ago...
  220. Servus, hej and morrn! : )
  221. Hello.
  222. I'm not so new here but I never introduced myself
  223. Redbird - new to The Hubb
  224. Just on from the US Midwest
  225. Hello Hubb, Single to Sarajevo
  226. Planning RTW trip
  227. Ozi Buying A Bike in Spain
  228. 2 weeks into my RTW. New to the HUBB
  229. New from Bethlehem,PA
  230. Moi Moi from Finland
  231. hi all from ozz
  232. Hi there from Australia
  233. UK newbie
  234. Hello to all. Newbie from Turkey
  235. First Post
  236. New from Holland
  237. New to Site
  238. Finally, registered...Hello community!
  239. Hallo.
  240. Newbie Brit
  241. Polish biker signing in
  242. Getting started, from scratch
  243. How do you do it
  244. newbie
  245. saludos
  246. UK to Thailand
  247. Hitting the EUroad
  248. Hello from a newbie(ish) from Scotland. Norway here we come!!!!
  249. Newbie Alert!
  250. finally after 4 month travelling in SA