Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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rbaetens 25 Sep 2005 00:17

Buying a bike in Chile
I'am now travelling 8 months in South - America and I still have like 4 months left. I would like to buy a bike in Chile to drive to the south and cross the border to Argentina. Do you think it's possible? I heard from some people it's dificult to cross the border, but if I come back to Chile to sell the bike, I dont think it will be a problem. I was thinking for a Honda CG 125 or 150 if I can find. Cheap bikes and they drive it everywhere here, very trustfull bike and they can repair it in every corner. So if someone can help me,... Thanks a lot



Pilot2005 26 Sep 2005 03:40

Dear Robrets :

I´m living in Chile and i thing is posible to buy a motorcycle here, in fact they are cheap, you have to visit; www.elmercurio.cl,there you can find many advertisings about motorcycles. With respect to the customs papers would be very helpful to contact tha Chilean embassy in your country. good luck. Alfred

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