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-   -   Cheaper way from Colombia to Panama. (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/cheaper-way-from-colombia-panama-72922)

rombo 29 Oct 2013 23:26

Cheaper way from Colombia to Panama.
Hello all.

Im in Cartagena, looking for a cheaper way (than 900 usd)
To get to panama.

If i will not find a way i will have to sell the bike here

Any good advise??

There is a way to go with the coconat boats throgh the san blas islends
But its too long and risky.


lynch180 30 Oct 2013 00:39

You could try riding down to a container yard and see if there was any room left in the back of a container going to panama, never heard of it being done but worth a shot..........

markharf 30 Oct 2013 00:46

Searching is a lost art: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...colombia-72739. Cheap you won't find, and everything costs in one way or another--time, safety, discomfort, money, or aggravation. The key is to chose transit which doesn't cost dearly in all of the above.

Hope that's helpful.


rombo 30 Oct 2013 17:52

Thank you for the help.
I have already managed to fly my bike on a Hercules of the colombian army
During the strike so i hope to find a way to get it on a boat aswell.


2fortheroad.co.uk 2 Nov 2013 01:53

HI, we met a few folks who came across with the STAHLRATTE, but don't know the price. I don't think it was that high but you need to look em up. They had great things to say about em. Check Swerving Donkeys Daily and contact them they should be able to help.

Oh another alternative: whilst in Panama they met an Indian (from India) on a BMW GS 850 or something like that. He built himself a raft, using his shaft drive to power the propeller... it may be for sale in Cartagena now if it's not in a museum :)

El Forko 4 Nov 2013 13:28


Keep Googling - there is a great post out there I found a few weeks ago, which describes in a lot of detail the 'cheap boat option'. It involved 3 separate boats, about 3 days, but cost only $300 or so. The post included names of people you need to contact at ports etc.

Can't remember if I found it on ADV, Horizons or someone's blog, but if showed up when I was browsing 'crossing the Darien Gap' one day so I'm sure you'll find it eventually.


2fortheroad.co.uk 4 Nov 2013 17:19

Just met and spoke to a friend who was on that Stahlratte trip. It was around 900usd but he mentioned there was a couple who sent their bikes only and flew to meet them in Colombia and saved about 300usd or so.

Peter Bodtke 5 Nov 2013 01:09

Sending the bike by sail boat...

Originally Posted by 2fortheroad.co.uk (Post 442549)
Just met and spoke to a friend who was on that Stahlratte trip. It was around 900usd but he mentioned there was a couple who sent their bikes only and flew to meet them in Colombia and saved about 300usd or so.

A friend wanted to take the Stahlratte, but there wasn't enough room for him. Ludwig could take his bike...but there weren't any bunks left. The down side to shipping your bike on a boat and flying separately is getting the motorcycle to the boat, then getting the airport. On the Cartagena side that isn't too bad, but on the Panama side the dock might or might not be dirt cheap to transfer to or from...just saying. If your trying to reduce the cost, then consider all of them.

In the ended my friend paid more and sailed with Fitz.

Mariposa 6 Nov 2013 23:36

Try sending an email to Marc svcashhole@gmail.com. We sailed with him to Cartagena and he only charges $600 for bike and rider. Only thing is he doesn't do the trip that often, worth a try though.

The Ultimate Ride | Canadian Brother and Sister Motorcycling Duo

rombo 12 Nov 2013 21:01

thanks to all the replays
luckly, i managed to cross it with a nice german couple that were traveling and took me and the bike with them..

lynch180 12 Nov 2013 21:19

"Oh another alternative: whilst in Panama they met an Indian (from India) on a BMW GS 850 or something like that. He built himself a raft, using his shaft drive to power the propeller... it may be for sale in Cartagena now if it's not in a museum "

That is the stuff of legend.............Respect :clap:

Peter Bodtke 23 Nov 2013 01:18

Sounds like a sea yarn
BMW makes a 650 and an 800. More recently they added a 700. I believe all of the above are chain or belt drives. None have a shaft drive. There isn't an 850 what so ever. The fuzzy details makes me thinks the story is more of a sea yarn than true fact. Just sayin'. How I wish it was...

Hektoglider 28 Nov 2013 15:59

Cheaper way from Colombia to Panama.

The story is in the link above. I met him in British Columbia Canada before he headed south & gave him a couple bucks for gas. Never imagined he would go on to have such an adventure. It's an amazing story.

lynch180 29 Nov 2013 19:49


Originally Posted by Hektoglider (Post 445157)
From Madol-Duuwa to around the world - Page 11 - ADVrider

The story is in the link above. I met him in British Columbia Canada before he headed south & gave him a couple bucks for gas. Never imagined he would go on to have such an adventure. It's an amazing story.

I am in for an intriguing read...........Thanks:thumbup1:

Peter Bodtke 1 Dec 2013 03:32

good, fast or cheap...
There is a saying, "good, fast or cheap...pick any two." I think the guy paid more than full price in time; the crossing took over a month. Building the raft had to cost something, plus the outboard motor, the damage to his motorcycle and trips back to Panama City for parts and other back tracking. His trip makes the recent 5-6 crossing on the San Blas Ferry seem like a piece of cake.

I wouldn't have believed the story if there weren't pictures. I'm still scratching my head wondering why someone would subject themselves to such a difficult crossing. Different strokes for different folks, and decidedly not for me.

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