Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Entering Peru with PoA / Poder, bike in not in my name, possible? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/entering-peru-poa-poder-bike-84342)

DavidZweig 20 Nov 2015 08:17

Entering Peru with PoA / Poder, bike in not in my name, possible?
I would like to buy a Chile-registered bike from another traveller (bike is in his name) who is here (with the bike) in Colombia. He will write a 'power of attorney' document for me, but the bike will still be registered in his name on the Chilean documents.

I've heard there have been difficulties recently entering Peru with only a PoA. Does anyone have any information?

EDIT: Doing some research..

Page from the Chilean Goverment says to enter Peru with a vehicle..

Para ingresar al Perú le solicitarán que dicha autorización notarial esté debidamente legalizada con los timbres y estampillas del Consulado peruano en Chile.

= To enter Peru they will request that the notarization is duly authenticated with the stamp of the Peruvian Consulate in Chile.

Maybe the Peruvian embassy here in Colombia is good enough? :-/ Otherwise if someone has a scan of said stamp..


To take a vehicle into the country, the presence of it's owner is mandatory.
This information could be abridged though.

This seems to be the procedure the Peruvian border guards should follow. No mention about 'poder's that I can see, just that you should be the owner. This doesn't seem to have changed since 2000 though.
More useful than any of this, has anyone tried it recently?

DavidZweig 20 Nov 2015 20:57

I called the embassy of Peru in Bolivia today (the one in Bogata was closed).

I asked about if it's possible to take my friends bike in with a 'poder.'

>>> No, the owner of the vehicle must be present.

Then I mentioned the information I found on the Chilean website, that it's possible if the poder is notarized in the embassy.

>>> Ah, the vehicle is registered in Chile? Then there may be a special agreement. Hold on, I'l check..

>>> Yes, it's possible.

I asked if I could have the poder notarized in Bogota, but the line started getting bad. She said to contact the embassy in Bogota.

ridetheworld 21 Nov 2015 00:41

Thanks for posting David, please keep us updated :)

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