Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   South America (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/)
-   -   Help for newbie pls :) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/help-for-newbie-pls-88273)

spikeslaw 11 Jul 2016 08:37

Help for newbie pls :)
Hi there :)
Im new to this forum and to motorcycle travel. Glad to have found this forum as there is invaluable information here. I hope you can help me with some questions that I have. I am pretty sure that this topic has been covered in other threads, and i have spent many hours reading threads and posts. However it is all a bit overwhelming and confusing, and im not sure if there is updated information. So excuse my probably repeated question - but it would be great if someone could guide me to an already existing thread, if that exists.

So I plan to do some motorcycle travel in south america early next year - i plan to stay there for about three months. I have read that Chile would probably be the easier way to get a motorcycle and papers from - as it would be easier to get through borders etc. Is that still true? And if yes, what exactly are the procedures to go through? any tips, pervious experiences etc would be greatly appreciated. I am not sure of my itineray plan yet, but i guess that i would love to travel through argentina bolivia to uruguay.

Many thanks for in advance for your help.! have a great day :bier

Peter Bodtke 16 Jul 2016 18:17

Go to the top level of the South America forum and read the posts labeled:
"Sticky: Steps to Buying a Used Bike in Santiago Chile"
I recommend attending a Horizons Unlimited Travelers meeting. They are held all over the US, Canada and beyond. They are a great place to meet experienced travelers and hear presentation. The best part is hanging out in between talks and chatting up someone that has done a trip similar to what you want to do. The cost is minimal to attend these meetings and worth whatever you pay.

Keep read the posts and follow links when provided to rider's blogs. I spent several years nibbling on ride reports and blogs, sort of as a hobby. For me, the investment in time paid off in the lessons I learned from other traveler's experience. ADVRider.com has a lot of ride reports, but the site is not as well organized as HU. On the Horizons Unlimited site, start at the home page, slow down and get familiar with the site layout. The sections are designed and organized with a lot of thought by Grant & Susan Johnson. Spend time reading about trip planning, selecting a bike, paperwork...its all there.

My general advice, as you read about an interesting place, create a personal Google Map (or use paper!) and drop a location pin on each place that you want to visit. It help when you are trying to figure out an over all itinerary. Do whatever you can to travel for as long as you can and travel few miles each day. Meaning, travel slow, experience deeper.

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