Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Looking for a Bike in Bolivia or somewhere else in SA (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/looking-bike-bolivia-somewhere-else-65258)

Danna el nomada 14 Jul 2012 23:17

Looking for a Bike in Bolivia or somewhere else in SA
Hi there,

I am currently in Bolivia and planning a 12month trip on a Bike to Argentina, Chile, Paraguay starting as soon as possible.

Is there anyone selling a bike in Bolivia or SA somewhere?

Im looking for a 250-700cc Bike with Papers and a numberplate from Europe or USA or so and swap the papers with photoshop. Dont' want to spend more than 3000 USD

If I canĀ“t find a good bike very soon, I'll buy one of these chinese 250cc ones for 1500USD here in Bolivia and try to enter Paraguay and then Argentina. I heard its not possible to enter Argentina coming from Bolivia even if you have a new bike on your name but with a Bolivian Plate. does anyone have some experience with buying a bolivian bike and enter paraguay and than argentina...is that possible or will I get stuck on the Border?

Thanks for your help.... any Info and offers for a Bike at daniwaespi(at)gmail.com please

charapashanperu 18 Jul 2012 02:38

Instead of a new Chinese bike, get a used Honda XR250 Tornado. You will pay about $2,500 and it will never break down and there will be cheap parts everywhere for it!


Danna el nomada 19 Jul 2012 19:49

YEah but doing the paper work will cost me about 3 weeks...and in bolivia you'll not find a Honda 250cc for 2500USD never! thats why I'm looking for a chinese one!
takes me 3 days to to the paper work.

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